Show THE continental ALTA in answer to an inquiry regarding the continental mines smelting smelling Sm elting corporation the united states investor says the continental mines smelting smelling Sm elting corporation po ration is inco incorporated rp orated under the laws of the state of new york with a capital stock of divided into shares having a par value of 10 each the president and general manager is henry M crowther a mining engineer of salt lake city utah and the secretary and treasurer is G C van alstyne of new york city the corporations plan of operation is to take over and operate mining ventures handling only properties which are at the time in full operation and on an earning paying basis with this end in view the management claims to have acquired full and complete title to what is known as the continental alta group and mill sites and water rights located at alta utah thirty miles by rail from salt lake city the properties were vere formerly under three distinct managements and until recently it is said had no machinery or m mill and did not handle the copper ores at all the ores then treated being gold silver and load lead values in this way it is claimed about has been taken out by previous owners development work consists of several thousand feet of tunnels and dinzes the veins it is said being twelve in number R G gemmell ex state mining engineer for utah recently examined the property and expresses the opinion that with proper work it may be the making of a big mine the company states that it has entered into a contract with the american smelting smelling Sm elting refining company to deliver to the batters lat smelters shelters sm elters tons of ore from the alta mines and that the company has begun the regular shipment of ores at the rate of twenty five tons per day the net profit beig from 3 to 5 per ton it is offering for sale of its treasury stock to build a concentrating plant and is at the sime same time pre preparing paring to pay 8 per cent in dividends on its shares |