Show published semimonthly semi monthly by will C higgins and W H korns proprietors WILL C HIGGINS editor W H KORNS business manager special contributors marcus E jones E M J M callow M E floyd weed E M don maguire M E SALT LAKE CITY UTAH OCTOBER 30 P 0 box telephone 1223 k office rooms 10 D F walker building west second south street subscription rates one year yea r six months 1 50 single copies 15 cents ce ts subscriptions payable in advance entered november 29 1902 at salt lake city utah as second class matter under act of congress of march 3 1879 advertising rates advertising rates furnished on application our denver agency the national advertising company quincy building D A ls Is kept pa on file at E ec C dakes THIS PAPER advertising agency 54 and 56 merchants exchange san francisco california where contracts for advertising can be made tor for it chicago advertising agent A R boynton market st los angeles agent E david williams 2662 workman st geo 31 savage newberry building detroit michigan is authorized representative of the mining review |