Show A condensation of interesting nevada news the florence goldfield at goldfield last yeek week sent out dividend checks to the amount of 0 f the gold circle news published by frank I 1 L reber is doing excellent work in advancing the material interests of gold circle one of nevadas coming gold camps E K olson and associates of seven troughs are getting out oui a booklet on the district this contains a large Z map of the district and many illustrations of the various properties in the camp the nevada empress at gold mountain ain has struck a body abdy of high grade quartz that promises to make that property one of the leading producers of the state the shoot has been drifted upon for forty feet and still maintains its size and richness the george and english lease on the fine gold property on badger hill at seven troughs has fias been extended for two years it is reported that george lowden of tho lease has purchased an interest from george and english in this bonanza it is learned from interested interest ad parties that the inyo company operating in the lee district intends to put a mill on its property this fall considerable exploration work on this his ground has developed a fine showing and a large amount of mill rock is ready for extraction the lake district about twenty miles southwest of ely is bidding for honors among the newer sections J W merrill has opened up some silver ore ora going as high ounces and the vein is rapidly widening it is the intention to begin shipments as soon as possible the security reduction company owning nine patented claims near manhattan is installing a ten horse power gasoline engine and in addition to the twenty stamps now in place is putting in a grinding mill and concentrating tables and will ultimately ate reach the capacity of fifty tons per day the mill will be in operation some time tim during the month of august martin hamilton P J sullivan and J M keith are very much elated over the report from their turquoise mines located about twenty five miles east of las vegas some samples were recently sent to boston and d philadelphia for analysis and found to be e of the purest variety the owners are ow low at t work developing the mine and soon expect t to be sending the gems to the market the granite granit e mountain company has announced ed that work will be resumed imme abely on the osceola t group south of dolly olly varden springs where considerable was done last y year ear on the gr group au p purchased hasea from hillicks Mil licks and matson fred schrott the lucky dutchman is a large stockholder in the company and will wiil probably have the management of the work late developments in the property of the kinsley development company at kinsley are more satisfactory than ever for about feet the management has been following a stringer of high grade ore with the belief that it was leading to the main ore body bod y from the looks of things it is likely that this is the case and it is expected that the big vein will be broken into most any lay day now several special government agents are now in the duck creek region investigating 0 the alleged illegal entries of four smelter sites by the steptoe valley smelting smelling Sm elting company it is claimed that the land was represented as being non mineral after considerable ore had been shipped from the same the smelter sites conflict with several mining ng claims and a lively fight for the possession of the ground is promised A new discovery of ore was made this week on the macon city no 1 of the group belonging bel longing to the french american mining company near the town of lans lane city that is of shipping grade samples assayed gave the contents as 06 ounces gold ounces silver and 1290 per cent lead to the ton the ore also shows some copper but was not tested testa for that metal the new find is between five and six feet wide where struck it is reported that work has been commenced on the railroad between moapa and rioville Ri oville at the mouth of the virgin river this road roa d will probably connect with the western railway of arizona A branch will be built from st thomas and run up the virgin to the oil fields crossing crossin the colorado near lees ferry and on to jerome arizona the importance of this road cannot no t be overestimated over estimated as it will open up a vast territory of splendid country the updike lease on the ground of the seven troughs consolidated property at seven troughs controlled by L holbrook of provo utah is attracting considerable attention A strike of very rich ore has been made on the foot level and the lessees lessels have ordered a gasoline hoist to facilitate the work of extraction it is reported that A J davis president of the salt lake city council has purchased a one fourth interest in the lease since the strike was made tha pioche demijohn mine at pioche i is breaking into the producing class at a very very early stage with less thal than n fifty feet of perpendicular depth enough ore has been developed to warrant the belief that the mine will prove a bonanza the fissure in which the ore makes is a large one and carries excellent values in silver lead and gold superintendent IV E bailey who was in salt lake recently is very optimistic over the property and hopes soon to see it one of the really big mines of pioche the estate of the seven troughs gold mines company in seven troughs canyon is rapi rapidly adly climbing into a class with the mazuma hills kindergarten and seven troughs mines as the result of developments on two of its leases with the announcement no that the lease management will start to ship ore august 1 following the development of a wonderful ore body on the level comes the news of one of the greatest surface discoveries of high grade ore in the history of the district on the merger lease the nevada united mines of ward will commence shipping ore to the smelters shelters sm elters on or about the of next month this property is the old martin while mines that were first worked about thirty years ago and were purchased by the united company about has been spent in development work with such t good cod success that the mines are to be entered among the regular shippers after august 1st ast the ores opened in the various workings are of many kinds and carry gold silver silvar copper and lead in paying quantities the amount to be shipped will be from sixteen to twenty tons a day at present and there are lar large lare 0 e bodies boade of ore opened in the mines G W gafford of los angeles who is associated with a group of boston investors has secured an option on what is known as the sulphur group of nineteen claims at cuprite in securing the option a good cod sized payment was made and then the work of exploiting the ground was started A trial shipment of pounds was made mada to los angeles bior for laboratory tests some weeks ago and it was proven that the stuff was 93 per cent pure as dug out of the ground this is said to be the purest sulphur that has been found in the country another shipment of half a ton was made on saturday to be tested on a more extensive s scale cale it took only an hour and twenty minutes for two men to mine and sack it |