Show THE NEW TINTIC I 1 out in the tintic gintic district of utah a great change is being wrought a change that marks the turning point in its history and that promises pro to make for its future a most enviable record the present activity may be regarded as the third stage in tin ties development in the old lays days of the centennial eureka eureka hill bullion beek beck the gemini keystone mammoth grand central the Swan seas and several others the district enjoyed unbounded prosperity these mines produced heavily and contributed millions of dollars to the nations wealth but the producing area was comparatively small and the later brilliant lights in the minin mining horizon were e then unknown then came the period of depression when most of the big mines were closed down or their production greatly curtailed the district wore the air of a deserted village and the name of tintic gintic did not arouse the enthusiasm that it does today and now we find there one of the most active districts in the state or in the mining west it is truly a great bransfor anition when we look closely closely into the conditions of tintic gintic the future possibilities seem almost unlimited the older mines have attained a good death some over 2000 feet and the ores are becoming richer and richer they hey are just now getting down to the primary ores and instead of being worked out as many people slip supposed posed the old mines are only entering upon their careers as producers compare these with the newer mines of the district which have only been explored above the 1000 foot level some of these have already paid substantial dividends and if precedent counts for anything they are yet in their babyhood with years of usefulness before them the celebration on the of this month when the new knight smelter was blown in was a splendid exhibit of the in terest that mining fraternity is showing for a newer and greater tintic gintic the advent of the smelter will be as the throwing of a rope to a drowning man not only will it permit the smaller interests to keep up the st struggle of development but it will pave the way for larger and better things |