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Show LEAD. j 60 bid. Fireworks at Cutler Broa. jel5 WANTED. A girl to do general housework.. Inquire of Mra. S. Kahn, corner of 1'ourth South ant? Weat Temple streets, or at Kahi. Broa. store. js!2 House asd hoc for Sale, cheap,; situated in the 10th ward, on Btrevij car track. Nearly new houae, three good rooms, well and plenty of shade trees. Lot, 5x8$ rods. j jyll 8. J. Davidson. THE TAYLOR'S HOTEL TO EKNT. The moat central location for Hotel in the city. Apply to O. H. Hardy, on the premises. je30 The Best Ice- j Purt1 Mountain Ice finest quality and mil weight. For Bale by John 'toil, opposite Commercial, Second South $u-?'. my21 Found. A auntmade, a few days a.40, on Booth Temple street. The owner can have the aame by applying at this office and paying for tbii advertisement. ad-vertisement. jylO In order to make room for our fall stock we will sell the balance of summer sum-mer clothing on hand below cost. jylO L. Goldberg & Co. Just received A fine stock ol GUNS, PISTOLS and Ammunition. All kinds of Gunsmith work done. Heuaaer Broa., Main street. P.O. box 625. al5 That Mortgage. $5,914 34. This will last a long mile if the Tribune managers pay no if for the Bervicea of their astuat uuia than they are worth; for Gabriel win find the amount untouched, and c t) hand it back to the mortagees. 'I he Only Way to Daiva Out of u.-t- uie ewtet scented, but irritating aiid dangerous, soaps made from impure im-pure material, and lately introduced into the market by the customers of the fat rendering companies to whom we are indebted for thoia vile com-posh com-posh i' ,na, ia to encourage the adoption of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which is an unimpeachable combination of pure lDgrKiienU, aod posteoses the rare puwer of affording protection protec-tion againat contagious diseases. Sold by all druggists. Depot, C. N. Cbjttenton ' tj, Na. 7 Sixth aveuue, N. Y. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, 60 eta. jy8 Twenty -Fourth at Logan. Logan will celebrate "Pioneer Day." There will be a cheap excursion excur-sion from here to that beautiful city, the train leaving Salt Lake at 7 a.m. on the 23d. Tne excursionists will nave the opliou of getting ofl at Logan, or passing on to Franklin and coming down to the first named of the two placea the following morning. The sports of the dny at Logan will be varied, according to taste, including includ-ing trout fishing, horse racing, and, t the grove, there will be the usual gainea generally indulged in at resorts of that kind. Ibe ticketa will be $2.50 for the round trip, returning on July 2Glh. Those desiring to remain over uutil August 6th will have the privih-go, on payment of hail the regular fare. jyl2 FOR If you travel by the shortest, CHICAGO quickest, oldest, best, and AND safest routa between Omaha THE EAST, and (Jbicapo, you must buy your tickets via the Chicago and Northwestern Hail way. i I la furoB are as low as the lowest. Pullman Palace Drawing - room Sleeping Cars are run on its through ' express trains. Early in the coming Spring tbo ecle- j brated Pullman Hotel Cars 'will be run by this line and . this Iido alone, between j Omaha and Chicago. All ! coupon ticket agents fell ticketB via ttm route, Buy jeS by no otbep route. Now on Exhibition, the Mammoth j Tape Worm, ' (Over 180 feet long.) Also, the twiu I Tape Worms and Giant Worm, at Dr. C. W. Higgins' office. The Giant Worm ia the first of the kiud ever captured from any human beiug. Call and see lor yourselves. Office, No. 7, Little's Row. Dr. C. W. Higgins, Microscopic and Analytic Physician, makes a specialty of Chronic DiseaBea, and by a microscopical micro-scopical examination of the blood and urine, he will tell yeu at once the nature of your disease. By the aid of the microscope he can delect calcutt, cancerous matter, carbonate of lime, atud all extraneous substances mixed with the urine or blood. Thia is the scientific principle of treating chronio diseases. N. B. Dr. H. prepares ail prescriptions pre-scriptions at his office. Office hours from 10 a.m. to 2 p. m., and from 3 to G and 7 to 9 p.m., (Sunday's excepted.) Consultation free. je23 BELTING, BELTING, BELTING. RUBBER BELTING, RUBBER HOSE, RUBBER PACKING and COTTON WASTE at lowest prices at the Elephant Store. je9 TO BUILDERS AND LUMBER DEALERS. I will furnish RED PINE and BLACK BALSAM lumber on the cars at Ogdeu for $21 per 1,000 FEET. Orders filled ou short notice. jyl W. G. Ciiilds. To all who are su (Turing trijin the errors er-rors aud indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FliEEOF CHAltUK This great remody wftB discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a Bolf-aridreasod envelope to tbo Uky. Josepu T. Inmam, Station D, Bible k!oUiC New York Oily, fl The Dividing Line. In the Rocky MomUiiim there is said to be a house no situ:sU:d, that the rain falling on c-iic side in curried in the l'.tcilic, while lha lulling on the other itt carried to the Atlantic. Po tlieru are places i.. life where one overt act- changes pro.spi'rily, health, aud hanpincHH, into disaster, sickness and early death. In Anieiica mauy thousands die annually of consumption, consump-tion, and yet Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will, in Us early states, eflect a perfect and permanent cureol this fatal disease. It corrects and purines the blood, thus striking at the root ot the evil. When complicated com-plicated with catarrh, nnro throat aud hoarseness, u- Dr. 8;ige's Catarrh Remedy in connectiou with the Discovery. It the liver b torpid and bowels irregular, use Dr Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Fur particulars par-ticulars of treatment see " The People's Common Sense Medical Ad-vLer," Ad-vLer," over 900 pages. SI. 50. Address Ad-dress the Author, R, V. Pierce, M. D., Buflalo, N. Y. jy!2 SPECIAL NOTICE to Farmers, Far-mers, Sheep Raisew, Butchers, and others: Z. 0. M. L, of this city, is paying tbe high- est market price in cash for I Wool and Hides of all kinds. Wool contracts closed and the usual advances made ou the ' same. We have every facility for handling these products in any quantity, and parties will find it to their interest to consult con-sult us before making other arrangements. Pa.rtiea shipping ship-ping their Hides or Wool to us will please mark them Z. C. M. I., care H. B. ClawBon. Depot at the Wagon and Machine Ma-chine Yards opp. the Institution. Institu-tion. H. 8. Bldredge, j, fe!4 Supt. i . I Fresh Trout at W. L. Price's. ie21 : let: a', the old Clawson Depot, jo. j in quantities above 50 pounds. m5 j Burnett's 1-lavorino Extracts. ; The superiority of these extracts con- si.sts in their perfect purity and great , strength. They are warranted free from the poisonous oils and acids i which enter into the composition of I many of the factitious truit flavors now in the market. They are Dot 1 only true to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the best quality, qual-ity, aud are bo highly concentrated that a comparatively small quantity only neoU be used. ia30 PARTICULAR NOTICE TO WOOL GROWERS. If you want the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR YOUR WOOL, briwg or send it to Frovo Manufacturing Co., Provo City. Sacks furnished. Addresa je!4 James Dunn, Supt. Ma. can you tell me where lo find Dr. Higgins' office ? Yes, air; at No. 7 Little Row. jel7 Burnett's Cogoaine kills dandruff, allays irritation and promotes the growth of hair. jn30 Next Door to Wells, Fargo & Co-We Co-We have opened our new Furniture Furni-ture iu the atone store next to Welts, Fargo & Co. Our stock ia large, and the public are invited to examine the prices. Barratt Bros. my 24 ORDERS for the SALT LAKE CITY BREWERY BEER will bt promptly attended to if addressed tc Salt Lake City Brewery, or left at tbt Brewery, or with Hill & Graves, Wasatch Saloon; or with Youngber & Schade, Scandinavian Saloon, Sail Lake City. Csh Paid at all times for Good Barley delivered at the Brewery. a3 Is Your Life Worth 10 Cents? Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody complains of some disease during their life- When sick, the ob ject is to get well; now to Bay plainly that no person in this world tbat it suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint Com-plaint and ite eflects, such a3 indiges tion, Costiveneps, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, palpitation palpita-tion of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, I Uilliousness, et., can take Green's Auguct Flower without getting re I lief and euro. If you doubt this, go to your Druggist Z. O. M. I. or Wa aatch Drug Stores and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular Reg-ular size 75 c;:nt3. Two doaes will relieve you. - m29. TWO CAROM BILLIARD TABLES TA-BLES for sale H. DINWOODEY'S Furniture Store, First South Street. m27 BiiTTER YET 1 1 A TEA tbat is guaranteed BETTER THAN ANY package tea, only 50c, per pound, at TEAPOT STORE. a27 PALACE BATHS PRICE REDUCED. RE-DUCED. THREE TICKETS FOR ONE DOLLAR. je2 LUCERNE ALFALFA Also a variety of GRASS SEEDS, at T. 0. ARMSTRONG'S, First South street. m2G I SUMMER CLOTHING below manufacturing man-ufacturing cost at jy 10 L. Goldberg & Co. WHEELER &, WILSON Sewing Machines at half price. Daynes & Son. m8 A NEW ORGAN, with 6 stops, $110,Daynes& Son's Mimic Store. m8 $10,000 Worth ot Furniture Wanted. Crano will pay the highest price for Ini tio and small otmntitics of Household House-hold Furniture to fill country orders. Wh'?u you want to sell go to Crane's, First South street. He trades in evury thinu. o23 SAVE YOUR BOOKS ny getting them hound. Try the Herald Bindery. m3 BOOKBINDING done at the Herald Her-ald office in beat styles and cheapest rates. SCflOOXEKS 1 NJ1100iEKS I Having a large fleet of the above "vob--el" we are daily loading them up foi ur numerous customers with Ice-cole door at the Occidental, JXo. 35 Firai douth street. Ojr stock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, ate., is selected with great care Irom eastern and western markets. N. B. Genuine Imported Belfast Gid-irer Gid-irer Ale, Dublin Porter and Joule's Staffordshire Staf-fordshire Stone Ale always in stock. olO Atjer & Mdrpiit, Prop's. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LVCERSOLL'S LECTURE! Tbe Incomparable Orator, COL. ROBT. G. IXGERSOLL, Who has achieved greater triumph upon the loeture platform than on the political stump, will deliver his celebrated lecture entitled, THE liberty of Man, Woman anA Chile AT THE FEDERAL COURT ROOM. "Wasatch Building, ON FRIDAY EV'G,JULY 13th, ADMISSION, - $1.00. No Seats Reserved. Lecture to commence com-mence at 8 o'clock. jylO LIBERAL INSTITUTE. DON'T FAIL TO SEE Tho only Celobrttt.d and WoDtorfnJ STEEN BROTHERS, Who will appear at tho above-named Hall on Friday aud Satarday Evenings, July 13th and 14th, '77. Iho Prlooa of Admission hav been ro-duae ro-duae to suit tho hard tluea: ADULTS si) CENTS GALL.UHY a (JKN1S Doora opon 7. "30; Performance at 6. They are the onh real YENTR1LO. QUI8TS. iy8 ESTRAY NOTICE. f IIAVE IN Ml POSSESSION THE FOL-L FOL-L Ioitidk described Animals; Oa ba? Horse aboot 8 roars old, black !S8, mane Rod tail, brandod HY on lef shoatdor and T (with a wayy mark over it), rented, on loft tnigb. Theabove.il not claimed, will bo sold a th District Poind ia Bountiful, Davi County, on WodBOiday. July iMh, 1677, at JOHN TELFORD, n . - Diattiot t'ound keeper. I Bountiful, Davia County. July 8, 1S77. jo'2 NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE Taxpayers of tho Koity-fim Sohool Ltistrict, that a meeting will bo hold in said distriot on July it, for tho purpose oi ho uriot any complaints. By order of i'RUSTEES. jyia NOTICE. j THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HEKE-' toforc existing bctwoan B. W. E. Jen-nens Jen-nens and H. J. Grant, tirm of Jonnens & Grant, ia hereby dissolved by mutual consent, and all moneys duo tbo said llrm aro to be paid to H. J Grant H. W. .K. JEN N ENS, H. J. GK ANT. Salt Lake Citv, Utah, July 10th, 1877. jyll FIRE INSURANCE? lilt. E. J. GRANT HAVING PUR-1U PUR-1U chased my interest in the Insurance 1' irra of Jennens &, Grant, will continue the business at the old ttand, representing represent-ing all the conipanios heretofore held by the lirm. B. W. E. JENNENS. HAVING PURCHASED TBB IN-tcrcst IN-tcrcst of Air. B. W. E. Jonnens in the Insurance firm of Jonnens & Grant, I am prepared to place risks in tho sanio old and reliable American and Foreign companies horot Tore represented by tho apoucy, at tho beit rites. jyll 11. J. GRANT. T IIAVE THIS DAY DISPOSED OP MY J DoqUI offioo and practice to Dr S.U.Claw-, S.U.Claw-, son, who will oirrj on tuo business ba the old offioo. I DR. OLAWSON has boon associated with mo io tho practice for nearly two year, arid I ohaorfully rooommond him to all my Dfllients and th public as a fully oonipo-tont oonipo-tont Uontiat. A. W.U&LDER, , Follow ot the Amorican Aoadomy Dental yurcery. Salt bako, Juno '.!3, 1S77. jo29 LEGAL NOTICES. TRUSTEE'S SALE. WHF.RRAS, FRANCES M. WATSON and Jo'oph . Wotaon, her husband, by their certain JJood of Trust, beaiioB date of Jnnuarv lUth. U7,i, which is duly rcrrdod in Mortgago Record liook K, panes Sli-l-5-ii and 7, of tho 'ountv Records of bait Lake County. Territory of Utah, did convoy 'O th undersigned anil Charles A. Uould the tolloning doiorlbod root estate, situate, lying and being in Wo-t Mountain Min ins District, on the dWido bulwoon Black .lack g'1) and Boar gulch, County ot Salt LnnT Torrltory of I tnh, and locatod. recorded spd known as. The Eagle bird ledo ir mining cUim, measuring fourteen four-teen hundred il-inOj linoar fot, with surfaoi rto una on encb side of tho centre of tho same and oxtonding tho whole I'-nitth thereof, a will mor" ful'y apnoar in tho Won Mountain Mining Records; together with all tho right and priTilotivB and property granted in certain cer-tain letters paieni frum tho government o tho United States to ono Joseph W. Watson, boariag date ttoptember 16. Ib73 In truit, horrsvor, to secure tho pay moot of a oortairj . cgoliibio promissory note fn Raid Dooo ol I Trust dusoribod. And whoroas. it was conditioned con-ditioned in said Deed of Trust, among other things, tbat should default be m ado in the payment of said note or the interest that ma; accruo thoroon, or of any part thereof, as tbe same becamo duo and payable, then tho said Trustees, or oltbor of them, at tbo ro ciuest of tha bolder of said note, might proceed to loll said dosoribod property, or any part thoroof, at public vendue, to tho highest bidder for cash, (either of tbe parties hereto being at liberty to become the purchaser at such sale.) at tno east dtor oi the Fodoral Court House in thoUtyof Salt i-ake. Territory of Utah- And, wberoas default haa boon made ib the payment of aid noto and th" iniorost thereon as the tho same noon mo dao and payable Now thoroforo. 1, tho undermgnod, one of be iruGtooa as afnrosaid. at tbo request oh 'ho IomuI owner and holder of said n e, and in pursuance of the tortus and conditions ol id Deed of Trust, will on TUESDAY tha lOCli DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1877. ootweon tho hours of 1 o'olock p. m.and2 o'clock p. m. of that day, at the east doo' f tne C'ift House, on the north-west corner f J-aJt Temple and 3d t-outh sttgets In too : 'ity of Halt Lake. Utah Terri ory, (tha' I being the building used and known as the I "'edoral Cuurt House at tho time of the iioaution of said deed) soil at pub lie vendue, a tho highest bidder for cbq, the above do-orib, do-orib, id promises, to swtisfy tho a ount du n aaid note, both principal and intorut. and be coats.hereof. BEN iSHEEKS. jolU Truateo. POSTPONED NOrrOE IS HFREBT liven, thftt, at tho request of tbe parties, tbe ibove sale is postponed until Wednorday. tho 35 th dav of .'ul7. A. D. 1877, when 'he 'ale will bo made, at the plaoe and hoar bove specified. , jHQ BEN BHEFKS.TruBtco. FIKEl n sur ance"a Tg bit. I WANTED BY A FIRST-CLASS FOREIGN FOR-EIGN FIltE Insurance Company an ' ictivo, reliable man of influence and laree .orxonal acquaintance, as Agent for fall .ako. Com mission and other terms very iboral. Roferonces rociuired. Addroas, 'Fire Insurance" Box IS) IB, ban Franoiaeo, : :Io. al7 j METROPOLITAN WEAT MARKET. -537 89 KIMBALL T-W5k t afi BLOCK. J. S. ttU C, x2 J jfcff EuWHDB, Car- JrfT 'iiH. Will jfTvyvrT treat Lis ous-oinors ous-oinors well, and DELIVER !?tiEr!i in any tC- quantity to any . DEtt of te rtfmrnTi-WBcity. jo0 STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. PSE ANNUAL MEETING OF TtlTE L stockholders of thaL'tah Western Railway Company will bo liold at the office ! Wiiliami Jc Young, in Salt Lake City, on mturday. July 2ist, 1S77, at II a ra., lor tho i ur iieso of eleoting Direotora to sorve for the ensuing year. JOHN . N. PIKE, Salt Lake t'ity. feoroiory. Juno 27th, 1877, Vi7 WM, ROGERS, StMt., Manufacturer of Silver, German Silver and White Metal WAITERS, ELECTRO PLATERS AND GILDERS On Steol, Iron and ilher kinds of Metal. Table Cutlery and Surgical Instruments (lit and plated warranted. All kinds of Metal repaired at tho lowest market prices. Opposite WALKER HOUSE. jel.j LEGAL BLANKS. L egal BLANKS. pHE FOLLOWING LINE OF L BLANKS haa been compiled with he greatest care and with the advice ol ha leading members of the lejral frater-uty frater-uty of Salt Lake City. Tbey are made o conform strictly to the law in every mrticular, and parties using these 31anks will rind them to be tho beet ever ised in this Territory: IMPLICATIONS FOR PATENTS OF MINES 1 Notice of Location, 2 Application lor Patent, 3 Proof of Posting Notice, and Diagram of Claim, 4 Proof that Plat and Notice Re mained Posted, 5 Register's Certificate of Pouting Notice, 6 Proof ot Publication, ' 7 Affidavit of $500 Improvement, I 8 Affidavit of Citizenship, 9 Certificate that no Suit is Pending, L0 Power of Attorney, Ll Notice of Application, L2 Certificate ot Identity of Claim. 1.3 Statement and Charge of Fees. HOT ART PUBLIC: Protests, Notices of Protest, icknowledgmenta, Witness, " Party known, " Subscribing Wit ness, deeds: Warranty, Quit Claim, Mining Claim, Townsite, Lease, Bargain and Sale. MOBTGAQEa: Mortgage, general form, Jhattel Mortgage. justices' : Subpoena, civil, " criminal, Warrant of Arreat, Writ of Attachment, Undertaking on Attachment, affidavit for " Commitments, Summonses, Executions, Mittimus, Affidavits, Complaints, Complaint in Replevin. district coubt : Notice of Motion, Undertaking on Attachment, Writ of " Affidavit for " Undertaking on Claim, and Delivery ol Personal property, Affidavit on Claim and Delivery ol Personal Property, Subpoenas. MISCELLANEOUS '. Bond (General Form). Official Bonds, Constable's Sale, Bills of Sale, Power of Attorney (general), " " (special), Promissory Notes. THE ABOVE BLANKS Will be kept constantly on hand and Bold in lota to suit purchasers, at low rates, at the office of The Salt Lake Herald, A few doors north of Doserot Bank. SALT LAKE CITY. Literal Ptaat io tlie Trade NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F, ALtRBACH & DUO Mo. 55 EAST TEMPLE ST., In preference to CARRYING OVER INTO NEXT SEASON Iheir OVEESTOCK OF SUMMER GOODS, WILL OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS In all kinds of LADIES' SlMEtt 0KESS GOODS, PERCALES, Plaid antl Strijci LIMNS, Grenadines, LAWNS, JACONETS, Swisses, Curtain Laces. Children's -Aprons, LADIES' CHEMISES And other Underwear. 6 It spleiffl PIQUE for $1. BATISTE GRENADINES worth 40c. for 15c. BLACK GRE.ADLES 10 Cents per yard. PAUAS0LS SIIIiKED From $7 00 to J5.00; From $o 00 to S3.75; From $5.00 to $2.25. Embroideries, Ladies' Ties, Ribbons, Rib-bons, Laces, Fans, Flowers, Feathers, Trimming silks, Ornaments, Kid Gloves, elc., etc.. etc., etc., GREATLY REDUCED Elegant 2-Bntton KIDS At 50 Cents a pair. CHILDREN'S WREATHS With Silver or Gild Leaves, At 2oc. each. MILLINERS, Attention ! One hundred Cartons of Eleeant Flowers, Fifty CArtons of desirable Oatrich Tips, VERY LOW! LIMES' DRESSES, Good Styles and Fefect FiUj at Closing Prices, from $2.00 upwards ELEGANT DOLMANS From $4.00 to $15.00. Lafe'&Ciiliren'sSte&Sliiers Reduced Ten per cent. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery In Great Variety, Very Cheap! 300 Pieqcs MOSQUITO BARS, All Colors. OEXTS' AX BOYS' Summer Suits, Hate. Serso and Tweed Balmorals aad Low Shoes, White Shirts & Calico Shirts, AT CLOSINC PRICES!!! BOYS' LIXE2T PANTS, 50o. a pair. BOY8' ELEGANT STRAW SAILOR HATS at 50 Cents. HARVEST HATS at 25c. and 35c. each. LIGHT CASSIMEEE SUITS from $7.00 upwards. MEN'S SOCKS from 10 cents a pair upwards. In a word, ALL onr Snmtuer Goods must be sold before the Season closes!!! TO THE TRADE: Our Stock is Btill well assorted aud w recugnize the fact tbat times have changed, values have decreased and the eucceBsful merchant must buy close and aell on small margins. Orders promptly filled and honor-able honor-able treatment guaranteed. ESTABLISHED 1804. |