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Show TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, South -rast icvala & Montana. Mon-tana. Ltavlng Slt LaUc City Dally, mailing ma-iling uoulli to Tintio, Amencan Fork, Mouot Ncbo, Scvior, St. George, Utah ; and Piocho, Novada ; passing through Provo, Sprimrvillo, Spanish Fork, Pay-eon, Pay-eon, Salt Crock, Chicken Crook, Round Valley, Fillmorc.Corn Crock, Bcavor, Miners- v villo, and All the principal town and mining camps in southern Utah and south-cast Ntxada. Alio leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Ilolcnn, Fort Benton, Door Lodtfo, Cedar Creok mines, and pasain through all the principal towns and mining min-ing cam pa in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFTCK, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building inn Salt Lake City Lea Wines. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, Jtod Tintic Stage and Express LI3STE, UUNKIHQ DAILY FllOfJl BALT p LAKE CITY, via LAKK TOWS, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHIK TO TINTYC. Tho route has boon ro-stookod with splendid splen-did Concord Coaohoa, fine Slock, eaieful and Utentive Drivers, and ovcry attention ia paid 10 tho oomfort an1 convenience of passea-erd. passea-erd. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Offlm at Wells, Fargo . Co.'i, Salt Lnkl City, WINES & KIMBALL, Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. mi -m, at'M mrjj jj-u w1 Id On and after January Hint, 7a MIXED TRAINS WILL .R-TJISr DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central R.R, Depot, Salt Lako City at 7.10 a.m.; Draper 5.45 p.m., and bandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 6.20 p.m. An extra train will Kun on Sundays Leaving Draper at S.40 a.m., Sandy at 9.10 a.m., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. FARES : Salt Like to Bis Cottonwood Station. 50cta " " Little " " JOuu " 14 Sandy " H.00 " ' JJ riper " 1.25 Twenty-five cents additional will be charged whoa the faro is collected on tie train. P. O. CALDKK, Oca. Freight and Ticket A Kent. KICHAaOIlZ LITTLE PUPHEINT SNDS.VT. UTAH CENTRAL UAlLSiOAIi. P10SEEH LIKE CF UTAH. On and atler Montis y, J uJy 17, 1871 Dally Traiws Leavo ali L.io City at? a-m and 15 pja. Ainve xi Osdoa 7 a. tn. and p. ni. Lesve Us :, n at S a. m. aid f:A i. m. Ar.-iTe at call Lake City 1C a-m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above Will ran DALLY, SUNDAYS 13CKPTED L caviar Salt Like City at 5.X p.m4 and On J en at 5 a.m. Passenger! will plcaaa Purcbtit their Tickets at tha Offlci. Fifty Cen!s additional will be charred wher the fre U eoliocUd on the Una. "ot all iaiorraafin concerning freight ei pauace, apply to D. O. CALDER, General Freight and lioket Ai't JOHN SHAEP, SUPWilMTlNDaOT SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. CEO. W. CLARK, IMPORTERS OP PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC., 333 Pine Street, SAX FRANCISCO. aiJ fcSXISIJN, SIMON &. CO., Importers and Dealer In TAILiORS' Q-OOIOJS ClolhH, CnsHimorPH & Trim-iiiin. Trim-iiiin. Juli.-' ClouliintsH, .JSiilmrd C'lollif, Ktc, fWJ 4 621 Hneraiiiuato 8tre..', SAX FRANCISCO. 126 Duaiie ir.ot, ilS Kuedu I'JicLiijiilt r, 1U MEW YORK. AKI?. A. B. ELFELT, & CO., UirOBTERS AND JOB11KK3 OP Clothing and Furnishing Goods, 108 &HOSanome Street, SAW FRANCISCO. ELFELT, LEVI & CO. 132 Cliurch St., N. Y. all LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St., SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. Curod) I and prompt at toot ion paid t 1 ororrj snlruslod to our caro. alii HBCHT DKO'fil tfe CO. BOOTS, SIIOES & LEATHEll 10-i Jt 106 SansomeSt., San J'ran cisco. And 0 A 12 Pearl Street, Boston. BUCKINGHAM ,C 2IECZIT, Manufacturer of the "lITRA QUA Lin" CALIFORNIA BOOTS AND SHOES. all JACOB UNDEKU1LL & CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, Sole Agents for Eanderson Bro'a & Co' a OA ST STBHIj File, Mouse Hole Anvlla, Collins Jt Co's C. S. Sledges, Picks, Axes, fcc. 118 Jt 120 Battery Street, San Frnncisro. all JAMES A. FOLQER- 0. SCHOEMANH. J. A. FOLCER&CO'S PIONEEK STEAAI COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, No. 20 Front Street, Between California nnd Sneramon to, a!3 SAN FRANCISCO. SAMUEL W. ROSENSTOCK. MARION LEVENTRITT. S. W.R0SENST0GK&C0. Wanufacturors and Importers cf BOOTS AND SHOES, S. K. Corner of Pnilsomc &, Uusl. Streetu, San Frunclsco. Polo Agents for tho Nnlionttl (innranteod Rubber Boots; fur Howard, French & Go'n Celebrated lltn-ceraanil lltn-ceraanil FaruiLTB' Boo Us; for SlL-ekorA I'ondloton'a Ilacd Sowed Boots. aid J. BAUM & CO., Tmportora and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 323 Pausomc St., San Francisco. No 18 Warrcp St., Sew York. IS Iiavness, Saddlery, Leather. J. C.JOHNSON CO., 104 & 103 Front Street, SAN FRAXCMCO. Refer by pcrmisiion tn Mr. II. Jt Claw-son, Claw-son, HiipcrmUnileia of the Z. C-2I. I. al3 JOHN G. HODGE & Co., Importers, Manufacturers AND WHOLESALE STATIONERS, 327, 328 and 331, Sanaome Stroot, SAN FRANCISCO. 48 John St, NEW YUKK. With tho facilities wo pOEsesa wo can confidently con-fidently say that wo can supply everything in tho Paper and Stationery line, of superior supe-rior Qualities, at lower prices than can be i obtained elsewhere. bEND rUJA SAMPLES. al2 A. L. BANCROFT & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. BOOKS, STATIONESY, PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING, And everything in this connection WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Letters of Inquiry receive prompt attention. alO THIS IMPROVED FRENCH RANGE. Tho mostcompleto Cooking Apparatus in use The LEurcka Eange, Stands unriTallod by any other Portable l Kongo. Guaranteed to frlve entire satisfoc- , lion. I Locke & Montague, j 112 Si 111 Battery St.. alO SiS 1'B-iSClfiCO. IMttier, Fuller & Co, Importers and Dealers in PAIF4TS, OILS WINDOW GLASS, Sole Asonta fur French & Belgian Plate Glass Co's, ,21 and 23 FRONT STREET, San Frnnclsco. j RICHARDS & HARRISON, j Importers of MALT LIQUOUSi A.SD OILMAN STORES,! 31 A. 316 Battery St., San Frauclico Agents ,for Crvsse .J- BlackwcLCs English Groceries, J. J. COLMAN'S MUSTARD, Huntley & Palmer's Reading Biscuits J. S. FRY & SON'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA. ARDBEG IS LAY .SCOTCH WHISKEY, ' JOULE'S TRADE 3 MARK. MALT LIQUORS. JOULE'S STONE ALE. Tenneat's Scotch Ale, Blood's India Pale Ale. Bits Co'i Burton Ale Byajs' Chamiacn Ale. Blood" XXX Dublin Dub-lin biouf, Gainne5 Bublia iitont, Byajs' London Tortpr. Ten-nent'iXXX Ten-nent'iXXX Stout. Bridge'i London l'orter. Foreign Liquor In Caaes 15 HARDWARE. c. FL BASSETT, ; HARDWARE STORE 1 All kind, of 1 HEAVY HARDWARE, 1 Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware : BLACKSMITH TOOLS. Agricultural ImpUmtnti And mining Toole, At Lownt Rates. OPPOSITE SALT LAKK HO USB Did HENDRIEBRO'S 33 B1AIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, Manufacture California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for tho erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COMPLETE COM-PLETE in any of the Mining Districts. Wc manufacturo the Varney & Wheeler Fans, Patent Pressed Slioes and Dies, Patent Stem tin Idea, mid Hie fllflclilnery complete for REDUCTIOND WORKS. of which wo mnko a pooia'.ty and guartintee satisfaction in alleges, nlanufaature Boltlioff's llall Pulverizer, FOR DRY CRUSUJNG, Will do tho work ofl5 Stamp!. Price, 81500. Manufacturers Agents for tho Sale of Sturtcvnnt fc Root Blowers, Karlc &. Cameron Steam Pumps, UoUtliiff Portable and Stationary Knslncs, Wire lIoUtlncrRope,(Flat and KoundJ Tunnel Rail Iron, JO, 12 and 16 lbs. to tho yard, Iron Pipe for Gni anil AVater, Dodic & BlakeUre Crushers, M tiling Cam nnd Iron Buckets, Artrlllc Fire Brick, and JJIlnlug Supplies. ESTIMATES and DRAWINGS furnished FOR ALL OUR WORK. alO SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WEIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fitting b for Furnaces and Milla. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING AGENTS TOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. 2 ZU.UuUSROaAKDSTEEl At C. II. Bassett's, Oppo.lt. SaJt L.ki Hon... 3 . 1 I S I 8 3,1 g - is ii 5 fc O ! 5.- las; O S'p I SB c K3 3 2 S3 13 g . i f1 s :i s es : s lit f -J I" ! s It I I O S3 I - a "23 9 as I- j i Furnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. iSI AGISTS TOR TBI ' UULUtN CITY HKE BRICK, Which are e-iual if not superior to the beet Enttliih. ... , , gpecial ratM civen by the oar load. ootlS J1S. J, STROMBERC, .Merchant Tailor, East Side Commercial St., Next door aoutn of J. -I- F7 Co I'lotliSi taimcrcs, &c.t on liaud, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Ilepnlred equal to new at low rates. Patronage ReapecLfuUy Solicited. m a LUMBER YARDS. V. LATIMER, W. H. FOLSOJI. i G. TAYLOR. O. IlOiJNliV. LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. AX0T1LER EXTENSION. We havo added to our other business a LUMBERYARD, Where wc intend keeping a complete stock of TRUCKEE LUMBER, clear and common, SUGAR PINE, REDWOOD, RUSTIC, SIDING, 1 CEILING, FLOORING, rough & dressed, SHINGLES, LATH. i FIVE CAR LOADS just arrived of WISCONSIN DOORS, SASH & j BLINDS. MOULDINGS in great variety. . Ripping, Planing and Job Work at . LATIMER, TAYLOK&XO'S YARD AND FACTORY, One block west of Tabernacle. A large assortment can be found at MIDGLEY'S PAINT STORE, Three doors west f Main Street, opjioBlte Walker liro's. LUMBERYARD. ; All Kinds of Lumber j DOORS, WLNDOWS, I BLINDS, MOULDINGS, ; SHINGLES, LATHS, ' T. R. JOTJES, i7 Half-block south of U. C. Depot. HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. ' Will advance liberally on consignments consign-ments or Ore and Bullion. Bullion imrchastd At highest market rules. aI7 G1TY L1000H STORE, Keep coasLutlj on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WLNES, At Lowest Kates. QROESBKCK'S U11LD1IOI, nlT Kut Temple Street SEWING MACHINES. THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE -FOR THE WILSOfi ' SEWING ! MACHINE . WILL SEW THE FINEST ; TEXTURES. JHE WILSON 1 SEWING l MACHINE WILL SEW THE STOUTEST LEATHER. y iTHE WILSON : SEWING I MACHINE i WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. ; FOR SALE BY i CALDER & SEARS, ' 37 East Temple Street. THEwSiD SEWING MACHINES f For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is new and novel in Sowing Machines. They are tho latest improved anl lightostrunnine a hut, tic machines in the world. Beautiful ana compact in model and unoxcollod in material and Qaish. They flow it everything from laoo to be&ver oloth in tho most porfoat manner. I Kvery variety of Hemming, Felling, Unlltlng, Cording, Unfiling, Piping, Tnblng, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., easily pei formed. ; Straight Aecdle. No Cog-wheels. 1 NO VIBKATINO SPI11KGS. t, Kvory Machine Warranted as RopreGontod. Salesroom on First South Street I Suit Lnkc City, opposite the New I Rlcat JUarkct. IRA PFOUTZ, juil8 ASCII. 3, TEE CELEBRATED Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. CO v i00 NEW STOCK ;of Genuine Jewelry, i The Publio are cordially LnTiied to call and ei amine, ; C MI- I. EAST TESPLE STREET, I) 1 Haifa block north of the Eagle Emroiinm i MISCELLANEOUS. MI DAY, 1872. Fancy Straw Hats and Wreaths, at astonishingly Ioav prices, just the thing for pie-nscs AND EXCURSION PARTIES, Z. G. IsE. I. Retail Dry G-oOuS Departiuent. II. B. CLAWSON, Surt. A " ? J m 2 ll 6 S 31 r o w cs o n y . -s w 0 torn p a k; SO; . HI 2 S S j z S 5 S i a s S3 - 8 o a S f i So lis "3 - si I a 1 5 & X 5C l Q ji 33 p4 "2 s y pS" : sill "Jt Q i Ml -e i Q Mil JO GORDON. BBXBT B. 1HJRRAT, Gordon & Murray, ((Successors to ELY, DUNCAN 1 Co.,) FORWARDING 1XD Commission Merchants Warehouses, half-a-block south of R.R, Dojiot, Salt Lake City, Sandy Station, and end of Track or Utah Southern Railroad, Utah. Merchandise, Machinery, &c. , Forwarded For-warded with promptness and dispatch, dis-patch, at Lowest Rates, to all points in Middle and Southern Utah and Southern Nevada. MARK PACKAGES care G. K 31. Salt Lake City. Sen! hipriOK Receipt to their Post Office Box 7?;J, Silt Lako City, Utah, with each Consignment of Ciouds; Mr DARKER, orti.o lair? fli ui, will Bl t s, aat at PimtM. for nil busiin-a iu tiini Ti.-.imty auj through wh-ifii centraclB can to aiao auU full Inlut malioii ubLUutd. Special Atttndon given to the Handling Hand-ling and Trans-Shipment of Utdlion and Ores. Advance Charges piytlilc on receipt of shipping bills by Con ilgi.ee B. Hifiheat Price paid far WOOL AND HIDES. Graiii, Hay, &c, for Sale. ( ITavicf: a lame and commMiniis wro-huu-"p, are iroiiarci to receive and slur all kinda of goo Jj. miT DEPARTMENT, z. o. nvc. i. lluring nmde extensive Alterations and Improvements Improve-ments in our premises, we tire now prepared to oiler every faeility in carrying on our rapidly increasing in-creasing business iu tile sale of GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' Ready-made Clothing. HATS OF THE KEWKST STYLUS AKH1V1KQ KVEKY FKW DAYS. OUR SPKIUG ABKIVALS Will eompriso tho most eitonsivo and varied Slock of Sails e;',:,r,.?7i?.;,n of every size and style, Raiipinsi from "Men's" ol'iM ycara tn thoio of the largest proportions; while the qualify cinuot fail to establish still further the rcputi'lion which wo have already earned. The Gents Furnishing Goods Departm't '.VIM, ALSO BE FOTJjSTO COMPLETE, Aod will offer new inJueeuiCTitj to our numerous customers. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is in the hands of qualified Artists, who will bestow tho caro and attention so necessary in successfully carrying on this important branch, so that Gentlemen can rely on having their tastes suited in every particular. We aro daily receiving Our Spring Purchases of Piece Goods Comprising the most fashionable styles of now goods, in French, English and American SUITINGS, COATINGS and CASS1 MERES, To which we invito special attention, m in AHO Will find our stook of Cloths and JT 1 TT ATVfl lAlLUho TrimmiDg3 uzr hi,hertoin IAILUKo NEWEST STYLES in WALL PAPERS and DECORATIONS Constantly arriving. TRUNKS TO SUIT ALL TASTES, Of our own manufacture. w I ! m29 H, B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. ! 2. -3k O 9 O O ! Slssg-er Sewiajg Machines were Sold within tSae past year. h Scientific American, Juno 10th, 1871. THE SI NGER Manufacturing Company, iLT THE WORLD'S JtJTBj Constituted by tho homes of tho people Eecoived the Great Award of the Highest Sales And havo left all rivals far behind thorn, FOR II EY Sold in 187027 Machines I Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "Tho mrifniitndc to which tho manufacturo ofaewing machines has attained is shown b tho 'worn" returns (to which auy one can have access) of tho manufacturers fa tho year ltiTO to tho owners of tho loading patents, os which they pay m royalty. Ae-oording Ae-oording to thoso roturns tho number of machines sold by eaoh manufacturer in 1ST0 il af follows: The Slnerer - - 17,833 Florence . - - 17,660 Whoolor Jsl Wilson - HS.OS fioldilcdal - - - 8.91! He wo - 7a.l5) .-,aa, ..... 5,b" Qrover & Baker - 57.4U2 E uniro .... 3,5a Weed - Si-2 Finkle k Lyon - - 2,120 Wilcox k Gibbs - ii.h'JO Parhain AmoricanButlonholo k OperBoaminK 11.57.1 Wilson .... 500 And scTOral other companies who sold a few machines. It will be seen by this table that the popularity of the Singer machine! fur ex ceeda that of all others, their sale beinir one-half greater thn even that ol the famous "Wheolor k Wilson" machine. This is owing to the fact that the Slog' Company havo lately commenced making, besidos their old and well-esubliibwl manufacturing maohino, what is known as their "New Family Machine," which la selling at the rate of nine to one better than their old style. Their to- Ul sales for 1869 were S6.781 machines against tho 127,833 of 1870, showing an lnereai of one-half In the latter year." "Now York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, p xow x EARLY THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION IkLOl3.il3.2S Sold, ' Were made within the pnit three years. But the Greatest lu'rea ef our Hales over nil Olhcr Alachlnes, ilclnfr Within the Pnst l'er. Tali la Incontcstlhle Proof that Our Jlaohinee Are the Beet in the World. THE NEW FAMILY S1JVGER SEWLVG MACHW'E With attachments Jqt all kinds of work, Uiaal winning tnrremo favor in the household, u shown hi the rapidly Ineremiin eales, over all other maohinw. This ew Family Machine ji now capable of a ranse and rariety of " was only recently thought ihi tio.-iiblo to perform by machinery. We claim and C show that it is tho chenraet, most beautiful, delicately arranitcd, nicely adjusted. eafi-T oporatcd.spoodT.ani smoothly running oi all the family Sowing Aiachinee. It is roaj-r,f ; ablo not only fur the rant'c and variety of iu aowinu, but also for tho Tarietr ao rl fcront kinds of texture which it will acw with equal facility and perfection. nj silk twist, Unon or cotton thread, tine or coarse, making the Intei-locked-el" stitch, aliko on both tides of tho fabric perrn: the only stitch which is uniTors'' approved, or is at all adapted for flri-clas work. Thus, beaver cloth, or '"'t; may bt sewn with ureal strength and uniformity of Ititch, and. in a moment, tail willing and never-werying intrumcnt may bo adjusted for fine work on gaute or s"" mer tissue, or the tuckina of tarlatan, or ruffling, or almost any other worTf,a,, .chlld-whioh delicate fingcr hiivo Leeu known to perform. Kfen the earl-' earl-' and thoughtless have little or no trouble on this machine. , S-itd far Descriptive and lice Ltrcufart. 1 Wcmanulacturcour own n;c lie.", silk and tvltU furnish linen nnd cotton threaJ oil-all of sui cri"r rju.ih-r-but which can bo relies! on only when obtained throni-1 throni-1 our Principal orllranch Uuictii, or Anciej. ' OTHER SEWIM3 MACrlMtS RHPAiStP U.V REASflfJABLE TERMS. . We Guarantee every Machine we sell to 2,ive en tin satisfaction. MACHINES , DiiUVKUED FIUiE TI1KOUGUOUT TI1K Ciri'. TER!V!3 TO SUIT ALL. W..,. a crfi,! h,l...i-. .11 ,m. J ' tb. MyW.. ;fS.'S3 wi-h Lny or nul. 't '! l""ul " "'"S.";,,,.. ,.,.:, i ... ...!. """ All Ml)iIiic. fct! ailjiinied Lit 1 111 Jt II vi " at t SIUGER SETOG MACHINE DEFT, I C, 1 1. GKNEltAL AO KNTt!, Two donra noutu of KjkIo Kmponuui, i-alt Loire City, UtoU. A |