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Show Commercial. Salt Lake Cm-, May 2o. Gold. Bnyinx, 111; selling, IJ-L Lzebxt Telegraph oiSco open for buiiii'.- every morning at six o'clock. my.'l Ed. Harris' "Little Church round the corner,'1 emporium of best cisr; and tobacco, is removud one door enst during tha erection of his new building. build-ing. niyl'J Removal. I have just opened at Xo. 40 llnio street, threw doors north of the Hunk of Descret, a new and well 6''kctcd stock of Furniture, Crockery, China, GIhts and Silvwrwiiro. My l'J-tf. U K. BiRKATT. Corn, Oats and Hurley f-r stili in lota to ,-uit by G'Tdn Ac Murray, Hull Block Suulh of K nil road DupuL ni:i;l Danfokti Ki.L'D, cci I en t:il rind Pftroluurn Fluids are prohibited fr-nn bcin U-ed in uny muniicr by all l'';rc-In?urniice l'';rc-In?urniice Companies in the world. Examine Ex-amine your policies of insurance. fcli"ii!d a fire uccur you would forfeit nil claim under our contract. Don't foil to read the printed portion of yur policies. Tlio EL'KEKA CUAL OIL is the safeat fluid in uao. my 'J Pricks Rrduckd! I Hinton Coal, beH in tbo market, at $9 per ton, at the Utah Fuel Couipauy'e Coal Sheds, near U. C. 11. K. Depot. may2 Books! Books! Go to Dwyor's Salt Luke Book Store, News Depot and Circulating Library, whero you can get tho latoat now books and first-class novels, nov-els, and all tho leading newspapers, magazines, mag-azines, periodicals and llrst-clast stationary, station-ary, legal Hanks, Ac. mlU Lvave ordkrs Icr VANDYKE COAL fit Kiihn Bro' Store and C. K. Barrntt's -10 -Main-street. inylS Still it Comks. Henry Dinwnodcy is receiving every week new stylos of Furniture, which ho is determined to scllcheup, and deliver it frcu of charge to any partof tlio city. inyJb Political conap'rucies are the source of party corruption, but thu SAUCK ol P. L). CODE A CO. of San Francisco prcservua health by stimulating the iip-patito. iip-patito. "l-t Ct'TTl no & Co's California Canned Frm'j?, Jollies, Jams, etc , are far superior supe-rior to all other brands. For sn'. by-all by-all llrst-class grocers. myU What you want to know, about Bathing, apply rtt Pa'aco Baths, i Commercial-street. my 16 For thk Finest Views of all poinis of tbo G RK AT WEST, go to 0. K. Savano's Art Gallery, 27 Kail Temple street. Nkv Ghqds. Airs, Goldman, 101 Kimball Blnck, Ii:t5 just received a nice invoice of liK.vr. Point Lace Collars, Col-lars, L.i' lies' ami Gentlemen's Kid Glove?, Tliompiun's Glove-tilling Cor-and Cor-and L:vii!3 and Children's Suit?, which are oifured for sale cheiip, a2-3 Handsome Stock of Clothing just opened at tho California Store. my9 J C. W. Staynkk, Notary Public tllej City Lots at Calder & Senre. mil Artificial Flowkhs in great variety vari-ety at thu California Store. niy'J Vasiukii Coal $11.50 per ton delivered, de-livered, mil. l Geo. Show ell is prepared to do all kind? of niglil work and eau bo found at Showell's EstaMes. niy3 IUrsiNK!, Visiting and Show CARDS printed in excellent style at tho Herald Her-ald Job Otlice. f 21 Ladiks Linen Suits from $4.00 upwards up-wards at the California Store. my'J Dried .Fruit. VV a will pay tho highest price for well dried, clean Peaches, Apricots and Plums, at our Produce Department, l?t doj-r north of Bank of Descret. ml 2 II. D. Ci.aivsqk, Supt. If Ton Want first-class shoeing done at $4 a span, go to Naylor Brothers. All shoeing warranted. my9 To thw Tkavhlinu Pun i,ic. You lire lierehy u tilled Uial nt Usrden city, the junction of Lho U. P. It. K. and C. P. li. K., Ihnrois ono cosy, comfortable hotel, well krowu by tourists und commercial com-mercial men, where comfort and cleanliness cleanli-ness n.ud all of the requi. itos. of the Benson Ben-son can bo found. A free carriage always al-ways at the t'epot lo convey guests to t'uo Oeden House, a4 I SAXiT IiAlLB THEATRE change: of tinbi Doors open at Commence at 8 o'alooli. TUESDAY EVE.,Muy 21. PARTICULAR NOTICE I TUK Mnnwrcmant with pleasure inform JL the patrons of tho Theatre that thoj-br-rc aocdicd to tho Roneral ilrpire nf tho Public, aad Tootod ro-engagement Or six S IGHTS with lho popular tod accomplished artistf, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. BATES. In mcecrdAT'-e with th Beneral wi.h. will bo reprntril lho i.Ti Ufa ol Comedy by John Brougham od Duio lioncicault, entitled. LONDON Assurance An tniraired and will ihortly appear, ; The GK EAT MA J 1 LTO.S. i LITTLE E.MLY. SEMPLE, BIRGE & Co., SAINT UOTJXS.I I Manufacturers and Agents I AGRICILTLRAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, HIUTEWATEll WAGONS,! isui ra .mais .ir.EF.i. ni13 V.I. V.. V,i KLNI STRLET. XIEHOVAL. tfO. Clnrk has remoTc i V.:. la:her;ce ' ' etuKi-hxor.t troai ..uia Mrret 10 f the th;ri .i'Tnih of the C.iy L;jc:r ii j)- i n t v-1 V re ..e w i be , ricucj to ;cc his frie-is aci , iT. -. MISCELLANEOUS, First National Bank OIF TJTAHS AIr LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WiEMir HrpsiT, C I. Dihlii, Proeident. Vice Froet. Atho5t Sosbi. Gastiiar. authorized Capital, - - $000,00') PAID CP CAPITAL, - 3150,000. KAttSISGS, $136,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution, in Utah. jV General Bnnkinj; IJui hosk TraaEacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEHF.5T ALLOW RD ON TIME DEFOSITS. flo Taylor & Cutler, MAIN STREET, HAVE STTLL OX HAND A 15 III STOCK UF UuOJJS. which mast bo closed out immediately. GUNPOWDER TEA, A First-rato Arti-lo. Japan Teas A Firtt-rate Article, COFFEE CANNOT 13E15EAT. SOAP, l3e5t iQ Uivru. RAISINS, LARD, RICE, STARCH, YEAST POWDERS, &c, &o. LADIES, call and ace their DRESS GOODS and Full Stock of DRY GOODS. A Big Lot of COOK I SO AND PARLOR PAR-LOR STOVKS. Now is the Time for Cheap Hoods 1 oi26 Charcoal Agency, TRUCK E, CAL, V7E hvo, at present, sufficient Inbor to provide Chnrconl in largo quanti-tioi. quanti-tioi. if orders nro reccivod and arraDRomcnt made by tho ISth of Juoo next. Orders, accompanied with satisfactory guarantees, will receive immediate altoD 10D- mj12 SUson, Wallace Sc Co. W.T.REYNOLDS & CO., E- H. ZATlltlSKlID, San Francisco. Salt Lako City. WHOLESALE LIQUORHOUSE. Z&BRISKIE & CO. UAVfi FOU SALE A FIN B LINE OF WINES km LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AOESIS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST DB A IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH THE UOUPE. MAIN STREET, Two rtoori south of AVella, Fnrgo A Co1! Bunt rojo LARGE ARRIVAL OF MILLINERY -AT- MRS. COLEBROOK'S Palace of Fashion. Jnt opened the tundurd faihions iu Ladies Hats & Bonnets, Including; ihn fnvnrite DOLLY JAEDEK Latest detinnf in Tery .heap. ALEX. KID GLOVES. GROS GHEENKIBBOXS, LACK COLLARS. LACES. I COKSETrS, KLOWERS. Aad . eomr lete stock of SOTloss. Mourning Goods always on hand L.dif ;u'I .rrivine here, bv ca'lir.g r.ti u will f.r.il, th. 'aye". an1 nrhf! jt-.-it S'.oia kept in Lfci citx, .1 mode;.;, i: To Freighters- THK SOLAH SI.T Cl. Cl-H 5)0 lo 1,000 Ions of f ALT, I'--- Vj-.b in fcie Vul'rr. i P:-. -r. ;a 1 r:.- sr.- nil : :.-. -. ; T. y c:r.- i r Var-bwiii - -rr , k.--i ri-.e of l"or.y b is: i ' &.Li?4r.T Co. Br.J.P.F. YAK ELXEERGS, From rio.tl, THE G E A T "VST O 3VI EXTERMINATOR, L.tif o:" Sia CaL, WalJ infrrai ihe sifk penerjillj- thai ab,-u; :".Tiy yrari" e;en.-:e pr.-ciu-c c-t mcd-ic:2C mcd-ic:2C .tLii rj-ry iu Kurofc icd the Ctnicd MiitS, us:;3 Iivea'.y-OB have bero in Cali'rnia, ha?, by close o6servniia cd pre.u cxi'on;LEt. coaie to ie cost usin thai there are more acute and ch -ocic ea-M t worm;, hvaisiids. aa-.tcal.'ul or othi-r ifec.o- o: ecroioa. The public jen-erilly, jen-erilly, or the pric-an t la-Re. aro cat wii-e of the number of patients who arc treaicd by emiseLi pbyficiof tor thi!i, tha vr sue-; a coj'iaist. without ar.y re.ief. If the dtseaie h;f been andcrsioi'd. a few dose wi Ds- V 'stuvsKtiuS Wukji Kimidv wuulJ havo iffiico-. iatoly cured the eoaipiajni. and ' hAve pavid a reat :n.ny live-- Dr. V. has col.fOtid a larce variety of Ca'ifrrma tools and herbs. whioa. by analyMOE. close obserr- ncir rc":ucdir5 for tho suecefsful cure of ihe following diciitr : j f-u- Dv-i 01 sia, Ch-onie Affoo-iccs of ihc Liver :u.ti Kidius. lirs; and seootd 'ttges ol Coii.-uH:i'Uon. W nito S a; line i';i fy. -prr-: 1 na-.orrh.v.. or ival weki.c.-.-.Ner. ou- Debi - iiv. Kp.iej. 10 KhruijliMJ. N cur.i-K la. ! lliirrt...i. I:ici:.:;ua-..eo .1 trine i-ir.tvel.1 FIli.t Ailv.r. Diab.lo.--. lrop5y,!i- d all itiose Lii-.a.-e- h cIjuc kr.owa uuerlhc n--i:io vl Vrsu-r.il. iu. ii 3- .vihih i:i a.l its form-, kiUtd.-. i:L-ori.i;i l u.-Lule?. IMe?. t'lm-; iW, liit.:i-hua ;.'diiil rut.iiitoup Krui. tuns' ol the ,-kui. C .i.cr Tumors tvired w ilh or; without oi rrat on. In lu-oct t Vener.u Vif : ho If r. c;:-. ,-Is a cure in iroai three t- "ror'iii'c t:ye-.lE!Lr'":ir!d Thront. Dr. V. possesses pos-sesses now ;md iuvitlu.iblc reu;edua. Dr. V. wojiJ :uv:-o tno?e laaics troubled with irrc(;uhiritit'S of the I'teroui to try hid "YtYV! lliubLli iu'hbio Worm Syrup for clnldtca. l':ioo SI. Warranted to expel the worms, or the uimicy rclundt J. Dr. .'. P. r. V..11 Uoii. cr, li'.- 11 air Toi,ic-a sure o-jre t iie;oy all a:na:ali: u!x of the j Uir FoilicUs, prevents failing oiu and pro-imiii-K ihcerowtli wl tho Jiair. l'rice jl.OO. I iva.-rjutcd. By consul lir.c r xt i n-.df rpoing a fitn pie ex- 1 nmination. the i.-lc i can 1 am it their ois-eiises ois-eiises i- c.iu-td ny U'onui or irnt; ut all eve lis Dr. V n Diabercii eau tell tueui from , wbal disease ihey are ;u;Uting Conf ultatinrif and cxfltniniitions FltF.E of cb-irKO in all cases. Lr. V.m Ue libera tu&r-autees. tu&r-autees. in a!i vmes, to i-d thu worms, or no cha Kei. Curd front Jutle Frier, of Polk louutj'. mi. j. r. i'. v.. 1)!:xi;ki;g : jJeaii th: 1 ' o p'eii uto in tlnnkiuR you . u licly -or the res: urntiao ol iiiy l)enHn after iiini.-1-rn years of great suliering intn-tHlly intn-tHlly mid bodily. 1 dootured a Kreat dca1; was ttlli.-loJ wvh ahini.-t livery luiagiii.ble. pain and ncM'aired ui seoiuc a well dny again. S hen I cnue io ou you at 5 ii em. nineti-en years' sulierini; in live hura. I eoul-i biirdly be:it c it. fut alt.-r UKick tho five tastclc.'J powders ym save uie. asout !tJ0 worms p:i5sed Irom me, and no, l.-ur-teeii days ttn.rw.irjj, 1 f. el iiks anotner man, and nui i.blc io In low my business without ruin or in.onviuieueo. . 1 rein-in. Yuurs rospoctfully. i A. U. FRIKR, Bethel, l'olkcouniy, Octooer 10. 1671. 1 Rcmarkntilc. Eight Hundred Worms Ex p tiled. I think it n public benefit to make tho fol-lowiut: fol-lowiut: stiUeiueiH. that 1 navo been alllic'.od for two ye-rs with cunMunt pains in tho (itoiniich, and, fn fact, piiins all over my body; no ppeiiie, and lor. mo eat what! , would, it aiwuvs put mo in distress, ho modicico would relieve mo.and I grow worse und worse, unt 1 tr I am a mere skeleton. Nobody could t-11 mow but wm tbo matter with mo. until I conultrd Dr. J. P. P. Van . Den berth, in riiem. Oregon, and bo told me I was mllictud with worms, anil thoy were lb e chums of all my misery and pains. I look tho Doctor's inedioinc, and ho expelled S00 norma from mo. 1 bey nro liko leach ca, with long tails, and measure from old to ono ana ono half inencs in length. I only took six Li tl o powders, and tuey brought tho worms wiibin four hours timo. All ihose tfflictod wibtug tn fico me, can find me at Sam Hon-let'dslablo, Hon-let'dslablo, taloui, Oregon. V. CRAIG-Fubsc-ibed and sworn to before me, this Till day ol Scinuuibur, 1671- J. J. MURPHV.J. P. Said worms can bo eocn at Dr. J. P. P. Van Dcnbcrgh'ii office. Opera liouse- block, 1 Court itreot, alem. A ( aril. DR. J. P. P. V AN DI2N BERti II : Dm ii Snc I dei w it my duty io make the lolloHirg tlatemeut: For tho last three years I havo been suffering with conslanl iinawioK 1'iiin and a iiuivcrinn noniiat ion in iu v ..omaon, alto pain in my chesi and hori; my Irod would il 't :igest.and I iva o nerv-uu.s nerv-uu.s that will dilliulty I could follow my I'ucup. .Hon, w Inch bus been htro in balcm ' fir i.'ic i'Li.-". leu yens as n jTacicul dcntict. in faor, lri m the oocslatit pain nnti misery I It. id ii'tul nw.iy lo a mere kcletuii. i had been djetoring a great deal without any bun. fit, und be ieving there wiu-no help tor mo but in linger on until death wnuld relievo re-lievo all my .-sulleriDg. toiuo of my friend though; 1 had worms and bad better fee Dr. Van Oeubergh. ilu tol-i mo at onco that worms were tho ciuto of nil my troutiles, ho he gave nie hvo email and taMelem powdem, und in l.'ur houri about TH i worms trom one iaeh to one and one half inchus long, camo away irum that day. and Ihc lo. lowing night .on.e in 'TO camo, and now I am happy to ,iy 1 leel like r.iiother man again, aud am ' gaining 6ironrfth fruiu day lo day. H. ti.Miril. M.D. Salem, O.igon, September i-d, 1S71. i Another Great Slaughter t Wo third; it our duty to make the following follow-ing t,ueuu'iit, iu h 'pen it iu iy do cnuc good to tl "K Cli ilo retl : t'ur child Imd been iek I-'i ,-ou.c .lie. TUiiniiig all lho tune our litf o pno wa- In u'.del with worms, we tried uiii.v ijin'ti-ri i n l a gtt.il u.u;iy rcineiHe, wiili'nul ai.v rclii.1'. ";llu neighbors told us no tlioul ' g- a-.,l trj Dr. V.i:i Deubeig. the Vrm Lioo of. n, .ilem. We di 1 mj. und he gavo u.- ohm lioulo-I hie ceiebniLuil V onu ;) rup, and allvr gimg ; he u; o Ihii nc, to our ' 1 great H.-tuui-.hmi ut a'.out b " worms ymn d nwu. ffun our .lear cirld.aud now, thank heaven, fhu is eh ugaiu. I. D. (1UIZ.LE. Snltm, Oregon, Oct ber 3J, l,riJO Wui ut Eii-tllrd. Af:cr rcvcn join of r-ulT-r'ng. j.niu mil dcbili'v, and -d-cto-ii g r.,r in my Ci-io i lairit. (n.w pr..ve 1 tl, ' I di l ti.-t li.n e. inxl laking diil.T.M kind" of i,.e..ni.e ir-m m-.ny cim-nen- pi y-i;!,..!-. 1 t.ivo up in d,-p r. t .lining .lin-ing it wan no u. u .'.lunch my poor Ft Mti-&uh Mti-&uh any lunger, an i liiI limit wa-to ) unil lno:e a? I." linu lef. ol poor me. Du t hn-ring id the aMcni-iiir.g cures lhal Dr. J. P Van Driilirh has i.tr.urnii'd in ho f-horl a time. fi:ec:ti g euro- in a lew hourp, Ht,d my lntii'i- a-Jiint me to u.ake one imirr ell Tl, 1 coojull'-d Dr. an Uenherg n ,nnd he told tt.m n.y n.i cries w. re cuced bj w rn.e. ".lid he w uM exi-ul torm in about fh o bourt. Ait'-r 1 tkitig live mo ill I nwilem, abriul n IT cm Imn rm woriim pn-od au fn m mo, and 1 u;u happy to sa i h t 1 am bitter laaij 1 have been or a grent wiiio. 1', K. EVKS HuWribfd atol fwrn to before mt, tb is 16lh dy ol September. 171. J. J. AlUhPUY, J. P. firatiiudccoiiipp'fnio to make lho following follow-ing 7 tat n.e-.t. t '.in k ;tig it m y d t "m f v ond to mi" iellow fullerer-'. I hme howri a 111 fi.ij for a long numnerol ytars with the following follow-ing con.pliiir.t- : I could n"t ent anythinir nnl' it wonM prod ore gre-.t pin io uiy f fiinsch and btiw-elf. btiw-elf. ftla;. ai i nation of the heart, -evere , i-tilir.g atjd r h u ti. tic prtiri' in all my ji.in; b'"- m-urn.gt.t in mf ti'.-ad. no lrtp. Ulwuys relief al hikM: in fa-t. I was re-, re-, due-') t" li.o e Iie.plo.i lasn. n-'t ablr to walk .n.. aril te up in ar-pair. 1 (mu't hIo ftte I had he en doctoring with ii h i-t -1 d f i-jrc of San r r- nrmn,, 1 and "d "ni kii"w. wiibnul any relief, ml I heard tne gnat curr Dr. J. V P. 'nn Iifi.be gh bad perl'Tiuid io and arnunl fitni. I a ! i? 1 Ui t. ; m f'-T h . p. and may (i .4 ble-tP tim f r the re-f.ran'.n of brnib. 1 h-. r 'inly tkon bi mud rine two lii'Tiii-. m l bnvf gii,'-d, duru g that time. ;wr.:y I e put. u i - in wm. ,.t ar.d am abie to do all my Ooutewr and n. : JA h POTTER-Lir POTTER-Lir o r - nst y. al-out thirty u.iles tl ol Ibe i balem, Ore',n, Dtrember 2G, H7L ,Lon( Standing Congli, wllh Eictt. tlit Kiprrtornllen, Cored In Four Wrki. ' I Thi in t rerli'r that I havr bero lriubl- l .-e u: J. I', t. T.ir I",-, t.-t ri. avi 1:.-ti. ' ar V'. i- n-'w u,.r':r:' I L,V.'--i'V: r,Vx". '"at .''.'InV'l LKW" u ELD. &im, 0:ea, Desert ber ., i: 71. ; on it K Main f-lreet. I Ai.I LKZ CITY. a;3 EAGLE EMPORIUM. Their immense sales and stock of carpets have induced Z. C. 31. I. to open anotherlarge room 50 x t0 feet, for the exhibition of novest styles C A li P E T 8 , a lirussels, i. ji Tapestry, 2 Three Ply, .jr- b1 Ix Super, "S -S 3 Super, ? 3- Stair, E 31atlins, &c, cj5"'5 Shades, i ornices, -z .r- S Cords, S - Tassels, E Fringes, "H S'Z Z Fixtures, O - Ilrocalelles, f Damasks. S3 -2 Swiss Lace, "5 Tambour Lace, Xottingham Lace, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Quilts, Com (briers, B e d Feat h e r s, of various grades and prices. Persons desirous of house furnishing should first examine our slock and prices. Carpets made and laid. Upholstery, Bed and Bedding made to order with promptness and dispatch. Retail Dry Goods Department. Terms Strictly Cash. II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! FAMILIES, BAKERS, MINERS AND ALL OTHERS WANTING SHOULD 1SUV Wm. Jennings' Flour, To be had ! niplyiii? lit (he ollli-c uiiciluor west orihe Flour Warehouse, Dn First South St., helicon Kiul and Wi-m T. luplc S'8.. Hull Luke Oily. i7 DUNFORD.ISONS. mammoili Bool? Shoo z Hat Store. Wholesale and Re(ail I)epai (inen(s, '-j GROCERY DEP'T, Z. C. JL. X. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Crocerics, Hardware, Plows, S(o cs, Crockery. (1 lass ware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a tew Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OUR QOODS .A.H.E OUEAF. DhALEP.3 IN THE KK77LKMKNT3 AND JIIMW T0W8 WILL FIND IT TO TIILIU 1M h-T TO CALL AND K.NQTU: i; 'l:iri;s l;i;roi'.K 'LT:cii..'.-,i:.'j. C3 H. D. CUttgOK, Buj.rlnleDd.B |