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Show "Anti-Vaccination." Under this head a communication will bo found in another column, tho publication of which has boon delayed for several days through unavoidable cause:'. Wo do not agree with Mr, lirunnwiek iu his conclusions, and do not think he will strengthen his lino of argument by classifying as a "deceitful scheme" that which haa received tho endorsement endorse-ment of so large a number of thinking minds, uor by branding as "knaves" those who differ from him. tho statistics sta-tistics ho tpjotca lo show that, moro vaceinatod than unvaceinalcd people have been taken with small-pox do not reach tho question as to the mortality rate. Wo person who has any knowledge know-ledge of tho results of using vaceiue, supposes for a moment that it is a preventive pre-ventive against taking small-pos; but it is an established fact that those who are vaccinated havo the disease iu a milder form, and aro not so apt to die. Without With-out consulting authorities to givo exact figuros, wo may say that about thirty i per oout of unvaccinated persons dio j of those who aro attacked with small-j pox, whilo about three per cont. only j of oases are mortal whero tho iuhjeots i of tho disease have been previously j vaccinated. This docs not seem much j like tho huuiau system boin encrvat- i cd, weakened and mado unhealthy by ; vaccination. ! The subject is au important one, and is cnl'.ilod to calm and considerate 1 rco.'-ooiut;, not violent attacki from those who hold divero opinions upon eob. other. j |