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Show PIOCHE NEWS. We lake tiie following from the AVi ftn'urd of Sunday la-t. We pee by tho White Pine Kevin that Gen. A. L. Pn?e has purchased the Sheba mid in White Pino, which : will be taki-n dnwn immediately and shipped to Pioclu It will In; shipped and in running order in let-s than two i months. This will make five mills, all told, fortius (K!y) district. Tho machinery for the new 'J-etaiup mill to bo prootfd bv this company : arrivvd at I'ltliionviile a few days , since. It Wai shipped by w.iy of Sab i L:i!.e, hi car.' uf M r. 0 iluicr A S:i:i-.br.ry we do nut tm-an to say the mill came by Flaqe. This will give the Raymond A; Ply company fifty stamps ' : thirty more than at present. ' In the shaft now sinking on tho ' Inomar mine a body of chloride was i struck at a depth of l.'.O foot on Friday ; last. The intoe i localod nbout iiiwl i feet wo-t from the noted Lightner , ! shaft, which hater has g i ve h such faith 1 to thojeownii).:eluims in the viciniiy. i Tho owner .jf tho Ingoniar are very ' hopcl'ul jast about now, one of whom ; i refused fl.OOO'forfiity foot. The ore : : just struck is of a very rich character. ; i Gilmer & Salisbury's stage, whilo nisking the down trip from Hamilton to Pioche on Thursday last, was stop- Fcd near Shingle Springs, distant from 'ioche about seventy-live miles, by masked highwaymen, who demanded the treasure box of Wells, PargoJc Co., and as the arguments tidvanccd shotguns, cic were very forciblo, tho i driver ((uietly handt-d it down. Tho affair was coolly conducted throughout, and seems to have been deliberately planned beforehand. The curtains of the stage were down at the time, it being 1 o'clock a. m., nnd very cold. ! The robbers ordered tho passengers not to attempt t) look out or make any disturbance, telling tlicm that if they did they would riddle the stage with balls. After the driver had parsed down the box, his whip became entangled in t ho harness, and he stopped some limo trying to loosen it. Tho robbers asked him if he intended to stay there all night, to which he replied "no," aud on being told to lcavo at onco, ho made the most rapid mile heat with a coach-nnd-six on record. Tho amount of coin, etc., in tho box at the time is not yot known. Wells, Pargo & Co. oflbr a reward of $1,0U0 for tho arrest and conviction of the robbers, or S"00 l'or tho arrest and conviction of any one of them. |