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Show THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION, j Tho revolution in Mexico gathers strength and intensity, and daily gains adherents. Very lato advices from Matamoras report tha capture of tho city of Saltillo by tho rebels with great loss of life on both sides, and the probable and speedy surrender of tho single position held by the government tioops. Saltillo is the capital of the State of Coaliuila, and by the last census contained about 8,000 inhabitants. inhab-itants. It is about sixty miles from Monterey and seven miles south of Bucna Vista, and is an important position. Monterey is also in tho hands of tho rebels. Tho city of Maz-allan, Maz-allan, tho chief town of the State of Sinaloa, pronounced against Juarez on the 17th of November, tho principal princi-pal inhabitants joining in tho proclamation procla-mation and carrying with them the en tiro State, taking possession of all the offices. They declare that Juarez wai not legally eleetcd President, that the election in the State of Sinaloa was a complete larco; that tho public treasury was plundered to secure his election, voters having becu bribed aud bought to prolong tho oliicial life ot the Juamts. llioy declare in Favor of Gen. Dhz as President of the republic. Dou Mateo Magona has been recognized as temporary governor until an election can be held, tho deposed de-posed governor, Don Etaguio Buelna a tyrannical ruler having fled, taking tak-ing rcfugoon the I'nited States steamer Jlohican. Some of the niost popular loaders in Siuao'a ar engaged in the revolution, including Cols. Palacios and Domingucz and Lt.-Col. Bertancourt, Tho rebellious movement in Nucvo j Leou has reached vat proportions. It is engineered by general Srev'tno, who J is perhaps the nvister military spirit of j the entire insurrection. Id c has com- : pletc control of this large aud powerful State, tho capital city of which is j Monlcry. lie has called upon genera! ( Piaz to accept tho presidency, and it U reported, but not continued, that I tho latter had proclaimed himself prcs- i lent, in order to restore peace and' prevent bloodshed. : Tho powerful State of Oaxaea has ; declared again.st tho Juarez dynasty I aud in favor of Diaz. The people ; seem to be in caino-t in their dotermi- I nation to put down Juarez. In San Luis the revolutionary spirit ruus hih, but tho government has heretofore repuUed all attempts at revolution. Many of the prominent nnli-JcurUt mou, such as C'aueco and Narvacz, have not shown their hand-, but they only await a favovaUe opportunity. In the State of Chi.irur, some ,) xz-xi- bonds are eoli't-.-d under colonel Znez, . and are en.cd ia plundering aud kidnapping cili-on?, fcud the.-.o ban- j ditta arc being actively followed up by ; the government forces. The governor i of the State of Aguascalicntes haa j pronounced against Juarez. He do- cl.tr. s tint ' '. Miinviiie eovernmcnt i l-.is re eo :;:?-! tit? :c-lie: :c-lie: !egiaf:rc: t I-Vm-, -o v I . irdcr arc tiicr-.-by ,ii.---, i, y-fid'.-iipg tiKue laei-. h i ...-,, , Jauiiiy una iriciiti- u n.u .r iiir-'. , outraged by Juarez and iii.- ;w,iicnt.'' ' The Juaiil.-i think tln-y will be able to drive tho povninr from Ms st took hold. Tiie.c gra'e diaiurhanccs are of com so agt;i'avatoil by the pre.-eiice in many j localities of ba-id i uf invsrular mliiaad fti.d swindlers, who teizo th; oeca-ion to transact a liltlc business in rub , Lcry and munler on tle-ir own ac coutj t. A revolution in Mexico i.; 1 -iu-ply the iviirn of the wtir.-t cla.-jt'.i ai.d ii.flneiiees, and brings all th-; , ignoble aud brutal passions of the ml-- crablc mongrel races comprising that people into tlie u.:ceudaney. There ij 1 no hope for Mexico until she is absorbed ab-sorbed by ih-j I'nited States or some , other otrong power, and the Kuropean j raco takes tho lead in affair-. i Juarez hai one l:upe loll, lie ha-1 lent cx guvenior Kubl to Panuco, j whom lie will organize a laiye body of; Indians to fight in favor of the govern- j meut. The Indians fivor Juarez be-' cauac he is mie of them. They urc gor.d Gghttr?, but their movements have not yet been reported. It is generally gen-erally believed, however, that the present pres-ent revolution will dispose of Juarez, tho poor eioature whom Seward's peculiar pe-culiar diplomacy made the mler of Mexico during our citII war. It was perhaps a necessity to employ the navul forco of this government, against the establishment of the Maximillian empire by Prance; but it was the evident evi-dent duty of tho United Stales, in overthrowing a government which would have given peace and prosperity to Mexico, to substitute something equally substantial, and it would be a blessing to both countries and especially espe-cially to the people of the latter, were this government at once to accept this responsibility. Sooner or later it will havo to come to this. Perhaps the Democrats might mako the acquisition of Mexico a plank in tho platform of 1872. |