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Show ?iSEDlCAL F. II. SIiI.MOS, M. J)., I hysta'an, burgeon and Accoucheur, OlIIco Main Htroot, Ovor Taylor & Cutler's storo. J. U. K h l. Ui;iKDICT, SURGCONS AND PHYSICIANS, UHii-o Over C;ilIor Dro'a Musio Emporium. Bl t W. F.ANDkRSON, M.D. H. J. RICHARDS, M.D, Surgeons a iid lli)nicinii8, Offieoji. for tho proHont, at their rpspocUvo rosiiloncoif iu tUo Uth anil 17th W nrds. us GROVES, Oiltve '4ml Soutli St., Suit f.nk City. Thrfo iloors Vo."t f Uovoro lloueo, half a Vloolt K t"t oi tho Kloi-hant Store. ...Tirn hours 'i .u. to 5p.m. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D.t 1'liySlCIA.N AND SUKOKON, Oflrr? hia profof'lonal sorvioM to tho Pfopto of .Silt Luko City, llcaideniro at Uolivar HitluTi brick hou.. opposite St. Mark'i (Jnuiuh. j"-''' 0. C. QRMSBY, M.D. I'll YSICIA.N, SUHGKON AND I) liUGOlST, lIRKlti A !t CITY, UTAH. TESTIMONIAL. ?:n Frnneifoo, July. 1ST0. We, theunderiKnol, take arcat pleasure in rcoommrndii.ft Dr. A. W. UALDEU to f'H those who nuiy nood the sorviooa of a tontUt, as a thorouRhly competent and Skillful operator, and ono in whom wo bnvo implicit oouliiiouco, both m a Uon'.ist ond a prnilnitinn. lir li. Avhtix, Dentist. IirB. Kit w k uts t Fhkki.anh, Dentists. K. II. SicDoAi.D A Co.. DrucBisls. OKI-'K'K lit Seventies lln.ll Uuliaing i'irst liaatStroot, SALT LAKK CITV. LEGAL. Wm. Y. NOVELL, ATTORN lil-V -AT-L AW, Will practice in the Courts of Utah. OFPfCK Kliiiljnll's Ulock, oppnsito Towtiseiid Ilomse, do JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A T T O K N E Y - A T - L A W , Stilt Lake City, Utnli. Office (lidbo liaildinir. 2d Floor. Residence Resi-dence on '-'A K.LiL Mruet, bulwoei. outh mid 1st South strcou. sJJ S. P. McCurdy. C. li. Morsu HICCUHDY& MORGAN, AUorncys-at-Law, Of pics Koom 5t up stair, over Tnylor & Culler' Store, aj SALT LAKK CITY. K 1 'J1 11 & MANN, A.toruey3-at-L.av, Ouice, Firat South St., Foorth door own of Hooper. Kldrcdee A Co 'a Bunk, Suit Lake UitiN aJj C. D. II.VSDY. C. K. 0II.CHR13T. II,VJMY & jIIIjCHRIST, ATTOiiNEVS-AT-LAW, And Sollcltora in Clinnccry, Offi'-o Main Street, Salt Lako City. U.T. nla Warner Earl!. P. M. Smith. KAULL & S3IITII, A T T 0 It N K Y S AT LAW, SALT LAKK CITY. East Temple Street, ono door south of n2ij Oodho'B Storo L . OOOPDlt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOli, Ofllce Excliangft and Reading Koom, up-atalrn. ju23 B ALT LAKK CITT. Win. HAYDON, (Late Judgo of 1th District Court, Novada, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Room No. l.Trowbrideo Building, East Temple Tem-ple btrcot, opposite tho Salt LaKe llouao. 3 II Hempstead, M. fiirkpatrlok HEMPSTEAD & KIRrvPATRlCK, Attorneys-at-LaWj Main Street, oppoBita Wolla. faruo A Co.. SALT LAKE CITY, Z. SNOW. D- HOOE. SNOW & 1IOGE, Btttornoys nnd Connnoiorm at Law Salt Lako City, Utah. OftlcoatSuow'H cOrner.lst KostSlreot. Jnj backers! WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Draft on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cilia of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. East Tciniile St., Salt Iafc City. TUliO. F. THACY, Agont. nil! . Thoa. R. Jones. , A.W.Whito BANKING llOUShl OP A. W. WIIITJfl & CO., HART TUMPl.R PTH li liT. a30 l Halt Lako City. limiiEEiSinM, Succeaaora to llussey, JJaliler Si. Co.) 1 W ab.uk s HuasKY. . O.L. Dahlkr, Presided. n VlCoProst. SuU Ltte City, Utnli ; Alao connoctinfr oOlcoa at Ocdon andCorinne, Utah, and VirKioiaand llolunn, Montana. Dealer a in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw .Exchange on Now York, Chicago, St- Louid, Omuha, Denver. San iranoisoo. and all parts of Kuropo. Collection! Promptly Attended To. Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner East Temple and First South Stroets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, PAID VP CAPITAL, - 8100,000. riRiaiTAM YOUNG, President, "1 H. a. ELDHEltU li, ViooProB. WM. JENNINGS, Directors. JOHN SHARP, FliltAMOUZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Uasliior. J Deal In GOLD DUST, COIN, MXCIIAKGB, LAND W A It HANTS, COL-LEtiK COL-LEtiK BCUII', c. i Collcotioua maJo ami promptly ru-uiitLcd, ru-uiitLcd, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE, HOTMiliES PUBLIC, . A. 8. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, Mining Deeds, Agroomonts and Uoadfl for Deeds, MotIkukm. Powers ul Attorney. Loiuca. CunlrncUttiiJ olhor ! wriliuK drawn wtih uccurauy and didpalcn. a7-Milling riiiiiilea lucoi-Mr teil.under the Lstvi of Utali. A. 3- GOULD, and U0M.MIB3I0NKU 01' UHJiDS for Now I'ork, MaMaolmsclla, Fcinisylva-llia.Oliio, Fcinisylva-llia.Oliio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, WyoniiDy, filonlana, Nevada, California, aud other Slates ami Tor-liLorics. Tor-liLorics. i',;.( Tm.plc HI., nr.ir Vitlk, Fargo A Co., a"" ft"1 -'".1- mil Wm. Cnatton, - J. -f ON A.'N. Monty (...nveyanmr. CLftYTOfJ & JONASSON l)AY rtriot alt'nlinn lo llio oollccti-n of , 1 iiuiioy in "U LUe wo.ld. They :'so dr.tw -t a- knowlcJo :iM kinda I ufiusiruuieut in writuis. Siiei-lnl ntlciillon uiven to the .! iwintf of Will and 'lt.luiotaio'j' Ducu- IIKllH. Loam ncKntiited. Minj". IJoukm and H..nl liitalo if all Uiucs hoUKlit, -'Id or ICAiC I. Im-oi iiornl Ion nml Pari noralilp ,.,,(,., virv deTil-ii" driiwn in it vie t avcoriiniico witli i lie lairs "L Utah. OI-'FU'E- PnnrtU door south of Godbu'rt Corner. Ibathsbathsi Wnviu Spring Itatlis ! Private and Plunge. : Tl!,- relutiralod lltn are oiTn to the public at all known thai n "-Ir" tf rr.'in,.. ilit'lu. IBNMM H.i IrU ilr l!.it!i, tin- !it-r uti.l btn.l finely fine-ly rurnliliMl Pin u pre Uatlis for Lmlles auil unllmsn are u.. "-0. I'- AU XOI.D. nil HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OS1 UTAH, JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This llouse ia centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for l&O gueatd. ; THE PROPRIETOR iB now preparing to build large additions to his Hotel, whiah when finished, will ronJor it the Most Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE 11 LOCK. EAST OP THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. TtnniSJ.OO per day. Board -without rooms 81 .00 jier week. Until free to guestu. J. C. Ll fTLK, aaZl Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, OK TUB EUROPEAN PLAN, EAST TEMPLE STREET, West Elde. Rooms with or without board by tho day or week. Restaurant Open at all hours. TAYLOR & CUTLER, Proprietors. n23 WASHINGTON HOUSE, Third South St., east of Main, SALT LAKE CITY. SpriDg Beds, the best in town, SOc. Maala, - 25c, Thirty Newpapers taken. JIKNUY BKUNTON, rropiictor. octlS NeiCoiiercialLofliii House, Near foot of Commercial Street, Nik LaE. OPIiN ALL NIGHT. C. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. Hi'rliiff Ileds, r,0 eta. per Nlftht, or Si-'iO per Week; single rooms, 15c CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLR CO'TONWOOD, T. F. Fuller. Proprietor. To tho Pullio This liouso is now rufitlcd and opon for tr;ivelors at reduced rales. HA' Uoard and Lodt'imt. 'y week. rl:i.OO. Meals, 'ills. UoJs, 75;. Meals at all hours, n:(0 UTAH HOTEL, main oer;rf. The only first-class lLuitsc in the City. (Formerly known as tho TVliito House,), , It is greatly enlarged, thoroughly renovnlcd, refurnished and provided provi-ded witli Oar Koom, Umber Shop and Bath Uooiin. 0ranibu9 to anil front all trains. Paseonsers soing East froiu Salt I-ako City may uow avoid tho unpleasant task of an early morning morn-ing rido on tho Utah Control ltailroftd by coining to Oilou tlio previous evening. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, ol.j IVur-ritlors. COMMERCIAL, CHOP AND OYSTER HOUSE Commercial Street. SIMMS k PHILLIPS, Proii'rs: J3 CALIFORNIA GHOP HOUSE AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNARDIS t STEVEXS, FropWs, EST TEMPLE STREET, Thres door, below Second South St., SILT LAKE OITY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, Wholesale and Uctuil, Cboioe Imported LIQUORS AND WLNES, At Loneat Rales. OUOUSUKCK'S UUILDISUS, nil Kast Tainpla Street. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A a Is widely known (ft 'a vl' as ono of tiio most 0 'I M& elToctnnl remedies t$ AjrA 0 v 0 1" tliscovercd ixk&jf' fr cloansins the i'-'i'S tho blood. 11 1,119 atooJ tho fcV?r test of yettrs. with "WS'W a constantly grow inp roputalion, b.iscd on iU intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its remarkable cures. Ho mild aa to bo safe- and bonc-tlriul bonc-tlriul to children, find yet so searching as to clloetualy purge out tho Rraat corruptions cor-ruptions of th blood, such as tho scrofulous scro-fulous and syphiltic contamination, mnurilio?, or diseases that have lurked in tho syslom for yriirs, soon yiold to this powori'nl antidoto and disappear. Ilenro its wonderful cure.", many of which aro publi.'ly known, of bcnjitla, and all scrofulous disease;;, btccr, Krnpti-tm and eruptive disorders ol tho skin, Tumart, Wotchcs. lint, J'twvlte, PutHl-is, Sorts, St. AnthH Ftre,h-3t or -,') ft f' c.flS, 'i'-'Ucr, Salt Ji'ffUM, .Scald 1 Ilfitl Jtiiiiff'irm a)i'l Inter, ml Ltccra-tinns Ltccra-tinns of the Uterus Stomach ami Live It also cures other complainU, to which it would not seem especially adapted, -such as Prow, Dyspepsia. Fjf, firn.ifl, Ifenrl biscasr. Female It caaicss, Vc-bitity Vc-bitity and Leucorrhra, when they are mamfpstutions of tho scrofulous noisotis. : It is an excellent restorer ol health and drotifc!h in tho Spring. Rv renew- 1 ing tho appetite and viifor of tho ii.t,es- , tivo organs, it oissipates tho depression j and listless languor of the season, bven wliero no disorder appears, people tccl I better and live longer for cleansing tho blood. The system moves on with ; renewed vigor and a new lease of hre. I PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & Co, LowelljMass., Practical and Analytic! Chemists, Sold 1,y all nniRRl.H tvffywlurt. For S:deat Z. 0. M. T. DRUG STOKK. uM LUSBER YAP.DS. "UTMAXD CALIFORXI.r LUMBER COMP'Y.j Incorporated July 17, lS'Tfl. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Ucaltrs in all kinda of BuildiagMaterial LUMBER, DOOItS, WINDOWS, VESE'l'IAS ULISDS, ALL KINDS MOULDIXCS, CI11CO SUGAR PINK, CK11.INCJ, U1NU FLOOllI.NC CALIFORNIA RED WO OD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC., ETC. Orders For Mill Timber promptly flllrd. DOORS, SASH, BUKDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., live doors south o'." Walkcr'B AH business done through Iho President of tho Comi);iay. OEoos Lumber Tnrd, ore block south of Hailrond Uui'ut. E. II. BAVtllON, Preside l. D. V. PARIi.IH.!HST, Socrotury. UIAIl.LIiS DAII Mill, juj21 Tcc;Murur- LUMBERYARD. DOORS, WINDOWS, ,BLIMJ3 MOULDINGS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. T. R. JONES & CO., Uair-a-blook south or U. C. Dejiot. MDDIKfiTON'S A Two Blocks south of tlieU.C.It.R. JDcpot, and next to Win. Jennings Jen-nings Tannery. Tho yard is kept constantly supplied by sovornl saw-milla with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits tho patronago of his old friends, and by punctuality and diliKonoo in business hopes to merit a sharo of public support. FOR SALE In tho 15th Ward, ono block and a half west of tho U. C. 11. It., a small house and half- lot, with lino oronard. I'or particulars onyuiro of 0.UB25 WM. EDDINOTON. MUSEUM AND lEIAuEBIE. .Oppositotho ontranoe to tho Tubernnolo. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. AtlKsiaioil, 50 ct8. (Jbasilieis, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nntlve Mlnernls, Petrlfnctloim, Con-creLloua Con-creLloua and Crj BtallzatloiiH. nome rroducts, Nntlve and Foreign C'u-rlositUn, C'u-rlositUn, Ac. Compound Jiilcctro-Magnotio Apparatus, Appa-ratus, ite. Prof. J. Ij. HAllKOOT, fflauagr. Schools and F;i inilien by private arrangements ar-rangements adiuiltodat reduced rates. A Complete Pictorial Hlnlovy of I lie Tlmi'tf." "Tike lou1. cluapi'it nnd most stic-ovfibt'nl stic-ovfibt'nl Faintly Pnper In the Lnioii.' Harper's Weekly. SPLliNDlDbY 1LLUSTRATKD. Kollcca of tlie JL'rcsn i Tho Moii:l NKVhr.M'rn of our country. Complt'to in all tho depirtineiits of nn Amerii'.in Faintly P.ircr, lUiti'Kii'i Wekkj.y hiis c.irnod tor itself a. riKht lo its litlo ."A Jiiurnai. oi' Civilization. "ivcw York Evening Post." Tho bi's: luihlu'niion of iU obisa in Ame-ric.T, Ame-ric.T, find so l'.irahc:id of all oilier weekly 1 journals n." mil to inTmit of any c jtnpariaon between it and any of their nuuibt-T. Its columns contain tuc lincst cullcrtiocs i.f readmit matt or that are printed, '- 0 Its illustration! are numerous and beautiful, boinir lurnibed by llio chief arlisia of tho country. "Ll- ion Traveler." Haki'Mu's Vki:ki.v is the best and most intcrcfLins ilhi.-tratod newspaper. Kordica iis value depend on its illu.-iraii'jns nlono. lis reudins matter i' ol a hiKh order of literary uierit vaiinl, irltucLi ve, entertaining enter-taining and unexceptionable "H. . Sun," M' list' III PTIONS.--1 S7:i. IIARPiilVS WEUKI.Y. one year." S-1.00, AncxtriCMT of eith-r llio MAOAIN'R. VI-;KKLV or i.-Ali will bo rupplcd eratii f'T errry Liuti ol Five Sui) enbers at 54 tH each, in cue reiuittar.ee: or, til Copies lor -JJ.OV1, without extra copy. S.ib.Tiptinn? tolIAitPKICS MAOAZINE, VlihK.Li' and BA.AK.to one addrcta lur ono year, ilt-i.ii..'; or.twy ol Harper's Periodicals, Periodi-cals, to one adtircis .or one year. ST.'XJ. Back numbcrican bcsjpplicd a', any time. Tho Annual Volumes of UARPEK'S Wfc.EIvLY.in neat cljth bindinit, will bo sent by eiprws, tree oi expen.e( for jT.tAJ each. A Complete set, corajirismg Filtccn Volume!, sent tm receipt ul cash tho rato of S-.-o per Tolume, lreight at expense of purchaicr. The postage on HARPER'S WEEKLY is 20oeii,a a nr, nin h bo iai.l a: the i iobrcnbcr i o.-t ctlios. 1 AUro5s: IIAHPKR A BltuIUKKS, ' n'7 cvi York. EMMA KILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. 'PHE STOCK BOOKS of tho Emma Dill JL Tnnnol nnd Mining Company are now opon in Reid's Building, and a limited number num-ber of unassessable shares Tor sala. Tho Emma Hill Tunnel and Mining Company Com-pany was looittod April IS70, incorporated AuRuat 14, 1871, and has tho most flattering prospects of any mine in Litllo Cottonwoo d. For particulars inquire of W.S.WOODTIULL. YicePrks.. Reid's Building, Or JAS. A. MURPHY. Skoketart. B.ag-l Uutd'fl Building. To tha Ladies ! Mrs. WILKINSON East Tempie Street, Wishes to inform her friends and patrons that she will op tin ON SATURDAY, Hie 3ril Inst., A splendid stock of MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS, Consisting of Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Tnrbaim,J Fen. tli era, ! Flowers, Satins, Velvets. Empress and Sedan Cloths, PLAID MOIIAIKS, Japanese Silks aud rarisicunes, MERINOS, ALPACAS, ETC., i EXPRESSLY SELECTED TO SUPPLY Till S MARKET. 823 ANOTHER SUPPLY OF COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES Cheapest in Town ! Also a big stock of WINTER DRY GOODS ! Juat Received this day. GROCERIES A FULL SUPPLY. i All Qf which will lie Suld I Lower than any oilier ! House iu tlie Trade AT TAYLOR & CUTLER'S Opposite Salt Lake House. S.UR26 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Rye, ,, Gralmiu, - - , Loose, Allen's XXX - Corn Menl, liniu and Sliorls, Chopped Feed, j And all kind of Un Sale al LOWER RATES!1 In Quantity or UcUil. at CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, i 1 Main Street. oclt5 I AN'D j OATS ! fOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. THOS. R. JOKES & CO, Hlr-H-block Soutb ofll. C. Depot. fuy 8 ETew Store ! Kcw Goods ! II. WALLACE Has opened his new store, on FIRST SOUTH STREET, Kcrt door to Mr. Stcnliousc', With a choice stock, of Pure Home-made CONFECTIONERY, Also Fips, Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Sardines, Salmon, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Will also continue business at His old store. DAY & CULMER, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, noN'Bi3Trsa op DIXY GOODS, UHOGKKIKS, HARD WAttlC, BOOTS, SIIOKS, II ATS, OllOCKKRY, LAMPS, GLASSWARE, A.G. COUDAOK. TWINES, WOODEN W A RE, CAK PETS, CRACKERS fc BISCUITS, TOBACCO, "feC, .C, AC. j ' hich thoy offer nt prloea that euaranteo Hal isf&otl 011 aud iici cuwjotUion. 1 Tho choioost "I" HI 3 constantly on hand of tho following kinds Gunpowder - - 3I.T5 to 8a.a5 Young llysoii 1.00 to 1.30 Tycoon - 1.30 to 1.U3 Fooplug - 1.13 to 1.31 Pekoe - 1.40 to 1.-10 Souchong ... 90 to 1.00 Diamond L. - 1.00 Natural Leaf - 00 to 1.00 And tho famous English JUlxcd Tea. - 1.7S Dealers in Toaa will find it to thoir tut-vantUBO tut-vantUBO to givo ub a call, boforo purchasing purchas-ing thoir Teas, as our facilities in this branch of our business cannot he ox eel led in tho oity. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Gr. W. DAVIS Has just roooivotl a fresh stook of choice GUNPOWDER TEA, EIO COFFEE, SUGAR, all kinds, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEEL and SPICES, NEW YORK CHEESE, LARD, HAMS, BACON, SOAP, CANDLES, &o., Of tho bost (lunlity and at lowoH prices. CA-LIL, -A.ISTID SEE. C. W. DAVIS, Tioo Doors from Kimball & Lawrence' d3 GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, flrit door north of Co-operative Grocery Department, GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD 11 11 us, Cukes, Pies, Crackers, Elc. Pino variety of CONFECTIONERY, Whol.s.le and Kct.il. Groceries, Flo sir, UiU Feed, &c. JDHS TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEKP o'.nftnnUy rn hnr.-l n 'h'.!" n-"irl-mcQl of Fit K,-. :ri, KNGL1M1 and A.tlltlLlCAM Cloths, Cassimere3, Vestings, Etc., Of th b finest mnlitie and lalct Ft ylr-. wl.i-'h wc Tnnke op to f.rrifr in thomoFl i.'.-in-jjioic and aprovtau manner. KAROVAHE. I cTebassetx1 HARDWARE ST03E; Atlkindiof HEAVY HARDYv'AlliV Iron ami Steel. Stoves and Tin Ware ULACKS31IT1I TOOLS, Airrlcultural Implement Ami M In lug Tools, At Lownt Rates. OPFOS1TK SALT LAKE IlOl'SK nli NQWiSYGKKE FOlt STES S NOW IS VOL' R CHAJTCE FOU ;S T O Y BS I Over One Hundred Different I Kinds and Styles to ! I i Select from, Including the .Old Favorite., Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., Those aa wull as other vanillic will be SOLD :CilEAf!;ii AT lUr. Hardware Dep'nt1 ! of ; Z. O. I. THAN IN AN! OTIIHR HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. II. JQ. CLWVSUK, ell Suioriutondcnt. Zli,UUl)lRC!l AND STEEL At C. IU. iSstssett's. OppuiH. Salt Lnlt. Ilous. D15 IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Moniir.irlliroM of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, BLOWHSCS, And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces (Joutracls maJo fir LuilJing Furnaces Furna-ces of Utali Fire Stone Includuig MacliinciT, Ac, ct up in complete running order. Reference Kureka Jlliilntr Company, Com-pany, Salt Lake Cllt Utah H melting melt-ing Company, Tlnllc. A'ldret J. C. Richard, Chicago. nr COALIJOAL! Having pnrclinstd tlie Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to eiipply tills Ijantiy cclebraitU 1 I WEBER CCAi. Iiy :r loml nrrflsll. If r pot nl V. C. II. 11. nrtl. f'fliccl Kit limine null Heading Itonmay , I BATE MAN & BUEL. klES W. II. niKO,AKttl, TP.AVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. "" L- -" JW " J MIXED TRAINS iXJIST D AIL r. ;ivinj! ilx' Uuh Central Depot, Salt Ijiiko City, at T.Kia.ui.; Draper 6.40 p.m., ami amly kiliiuon, (nearest , point to Liuio Cotiouwood Canon,) at ; 6.10 p.m. 1 I 0.111 ij.iiie to i.'ic i.ouonwooti oisiion, oirv I mlc " " ftfets " " S.nuiy " 81.i Itiaior " l. Twenty-tvo cents odJitinul will be charged vrliuu the Ihbo U collected on tho train. FKRARIOHZ L1TTLK, SUl'KRmTKNDRNT. l. O. C A LDKlt, g6 (lou. Frciuat and Tiokot Ant. GILRIER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TI1UOUGH U(!s, Koisth-caist Aevaida & Rlou-(ana, Rlou-(ana, Leavlir Salt Lake Clly Dully, run- Illllg MIMlll tO Tinlie, Ainoricnn Fork, IWouut Ncbo, bcvicr, ot. Uoorgo, Utah ; and Fiooho, Nevada ; Paewlng throngU Frovo, Spvinirviilo, Spanish Fork, Pay-sou, Pay-sou, Salt Crook, Cliiokou Crock, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, Minors-villo, Minors-villo, and All the principal towns and mining ctt?i)s in southern Utah ami south-east Nevada. Alao leave Covlitne, Utah, dally, ri'imU'K nortl. lo Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek miuen, aud pacing through ail tho principal towns and ruining ruin-ing oamps in Montana. Mon-tana. . PUIXCIPAL OKK1CK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, juni Salt Lako City. UTAH CENTRAL IlAlLtlOAI). f '-iM w -'w PiQKEER LINE CF UTAH. On ant after Monday, July 17, 1BT1. Dally Tralus LoRvoSnlt Lnko City at 6 n-in. Rnd 2:i5 n.m. ArnvoulOBdoiiT a. m. nnd i:lf, p. ni. Leave 0don nl 8 a. m. nndr);:kl p. in. ArriTO at bait Lake City 10 ii.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above IWtI3C.ElX TRAINS Will ran DALLY, SUNDAYS KXCKITKD Lonvinu Salt l.nko Cily nt 6.30 i.in and. Ok Jon ut 5 n.m, Pmuiipri -will please Parsbsii their Ticket atlheOfllceo. Fifty Cent additionnl will hochnrKoii whet tho fcro is cullooind on the truin. For all inform at tun concrninj fretirht or piuisu4io. apply to 1). O. C. A I, I) Kit, Oonornl Froitht and Tiokot Au't, J03N SHARP, 6UPMUNTKNDENT. hvn V.'inon. JI. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express RUNMAU D AIL If KIIOJH SALT LA KB CITY, via LAKK TOWN, TOOKLK CITY, STOCKTON AND OP II III TO TIM Tie. TJip rout han hr-n rn-Fl',e-I with dplen-Ild dplen-Ild C'liirN.ni Coabe-. li'i riu,t-t, n.ioful nnd ilfntive Lrieia. nnd ecrj- attrnii'.n i paid 'i the oomfor' an 1 ot-nvonioaoo of jiusea- Good accommodation on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Lmce at Wells, Karpb . Co.'i, Halt Lake City. WTNKH & KIMBALL, .14 ProPTlaUri. |