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Show NOTICE. ILEM'iN UjviD for Pud r.-aaci.o b'uui Iht lDt-, reiuraiDF th flnt ol January oeit, , and will HaJ tary Ik-1 Imslntu iutruitu to I niy ear, whL'b can ; inuiciL.j In tLo tim liti-! liti-! iguftlad. Sly aJdrm Id San Fr.incico Is S 60 Mer- XV. II ATDOTf, t-nj, L Wl. Alt jkt-Lttn i CIIKAP ADVERTISING. Ad venU-juj tuts utiucr this heading not excelling five Hnei. fifty cents for each and every insertion. Eftoh additional ad-ditional !ii;e Lt-n t-euts. WAXTE'I). 'pUKLK OK FutR INFt'KNlSU h)D , I r-joui or n vuMut huue. tor a moJer me real. Addrwjg f. li.. 1I1U otliue. Ju i STRAYED, OS TL't;;ii.Y KVKl-0. A PnKKl.1. JUHK. 1 hj,ld f:i four wbi te i'ei. Simni.'h ' brand ua h i r-1 near dip; bai on a uof Lln. lt IcJlbar tuilllo atxd liri.Ue. nil!) pur. at- ' tuhe.l. Aiiy ua hjvini; secured hor will H.ao ci'o iniurmsliuu at Xewi lin4. 1 ijoalia'd Driiit oiore. FOR SALE. Oil TO KKNT, ASIX-HU'iMLU tlul'st!. in ihu iL'ib Ward. luH'nre at Kirft Nationiit Bunk. FOR i'.e;t. Amil.IiIVQ TVVil TtrUim IlU.il, 1-1 IT-able IT-able (oi- a tort, or ilweilinb honso.wlib collar, etc., on I'iril Ku.n ctrtut. Jiear Morris Mor-ris !Iro3. Fur ix licular oimiiird t I'iiiley A Son, Kim Toajplc dtrcet. - A HOUsii COSTAININU PIX ROOM?. XV threoh!;krt irnui I'iu'. OII'i:q; nlso lur-niuira lur-niuira fjr sulo: rem nx'dci'aie. A fiOy ai litaju.D Oouo I'je a biraiu. gM-'h for Lewistou, CAMP FLOYD MINES. OUlt-HOI',M.; STAUKS will lonvo Wil-V Wil-V low Uroit. onil of 1". H. It. it., ovory otlior day (Stnulny inoludnd) uuinmonciuii Thursday, Dcrcmljor Tib, 1S71. Throncb to the Miiies iu one Bay. Kmc from rt of Track. $3. UIIISLETT Jt l'ATHCll II.D, JO Proprilora. OP3IIR & CAMP FLOYD. WINES & KIMBALL Are running a dnlly Blnco from Ophir lo . Cuinp Flovtl Mininfr IJintrict. PflRsornrers caii book throueh to Ciiini) l-'leyd nt tho oCico of WollB. Furso i Co.. in thi oily. Fare 80.50. nil Declaratory Statements I)ROPERLT niailo out Tor oirnorw of cily lol. in conformity with Public No. lice of lion. 15. Nrailh. Probate Judco, publirihod in tho Suit Lake Hekald, Nov-ombor Nov-ombor iSlh, 1S71. CLAYTON it JONASRON. OFF rIi-Fourth door south or GodWs Corner. ii?J IF O ITR. THE HOLIDAYS AM) BALLS OF THE SEASON. We present to our liidy friendu the following choice article: GENUINE ALEXANDRA KID GLOVES, ) in most approved tints, HUMAN AND CIAPREEA SASHES, LACE nANDKliRCIIIEFS AND FANS, CLOAKS FANCY, CLOAKS USEFUL, SHAWLS IMPEIUALE, CHEMISETTES, LACE COLLARS, DAi.DrLia-aA.ii iLOSJi. MISSES' FANCY STRIPE HOSE, A very rare novelty, WHITE MOLESKIN; WHITE ANGOLA FRINGE. Our Perfumery is unexcelled in any City. As usual, uniform prices! Z. C. I. Retail Dry Goods Department, II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. ROOM TO KKNT. SCOTT, DMILIMTCO Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, ' IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, l'ijio and all kinds ol' Filling s for Kuniaooa ami Mills. HARDWARE, B10LLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINUS. Druiaa UUUU5, KUBBfcK rAoKINu. AGENTS FOR Hooker Purnps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G, S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. Attention Miners ! WANTED GOOD AKOKXTIFIiKOUS GALENA ORKfj at SCHEUMS'S SMELTING FURNACE, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. MISCELLANEOUS. 1IORACK l'OTTEK. REAL ESTATE ACENT. CiTy since CAi-erulty drown tip fyr the taU au4 li-iug or llumo ftcJ Lot, Store, Ollicoi ' .ikI l.sinJi. Ldi uogutlaleU. OFl'ICK No. S, Tnvlur'i BuilJiuj, oiipt..l , Salt Lake lluii.o, Uke CLtv. J'J notici: : j . Od'n-o of ibe CUiiMgn MiniDt ami Tunnwl Co.. j , iult Uulto City, Nov. 2u, . TIj Sto.-kboldem or tho C. it. & T. Com -, Miny an- roqiicjttvl to moot at the otlice it ! the cuuiimnY on Decomher 14th. 1S71. for tho i election ol Triutcdi ivi ihe enduing year. ( uJI C. F.SMIXU.Seo'y. DISSOLUTION. ,fpHE co-rartnership heretofore oiirtinR X auJ known ai WooJi A Culting it hi Jay disiolTett by mutual conunt. Alt p:ir tioi kiiowintr themsolvea imkbtpj lo tho i late linn of VVooJs i CutLinv will jiloiije i Feillu their accnuiits with N. 1. VVonJs only: uml all iniri iei ha vine billi acainst suiil firm ot WuuJs A Cutiiog will pri-ioat thuir uc-coutiLi uc-coutiLi to X. 1. Wot'Js for fottloBient. N. 1'. WOODS. j.t. cirri no. j .'salt I,uko Cily. Fri.lay.UcC. lat,l71. Tho Ijutiuesn will be oantiDuetl by N-P. j Woodi. i Madame Josephine Edmonds, fXDUN AXD 1 BOTANIC P1IYSICIAX. 20 Years Practice IN tho trcnliiitiiil of disornos incident to romulcf, Uus iilucod Ma-iu mo J'MinnnJs i at tho I) cud of all physicians man ids mich i prjictico Fpoi'i.ihy, and enables nor to 1 guurtintoo n t-poody nnd jiemianont oure in I lho worst caacH of fiupprosoions. and ull other I mcnBtitrfil dorantoimmta. Ludios will llnd j in iMudaino ICdntunda a nkillful pliysioinn, i and it is for Ihoir interest to conr.iilt her in all d spouses incidont to women, before tam- pcrine withlpoisonoun nostrutua. (juaok Doo-' Doo-' tor.'tmd hiiiiibttsa. SIadnio IMumtida do- scribes diion?o without uuy information from tho pationt, and euros without tho use of mercury or experiments, thuB favintt from onncor dihenscs. Corronpondcnco striotly aociidor. tial. Oii'ice and residence Whi tc tlouo. M:iin strcot, up Ehiira. rmionLs vieitod at their residence whou ADoctor Edmonds, Miidnnio.To.tnphino'fl huaband, will attoud to main patients. nnW Notice of Assessment ! Kmc vh 11 Illtl IIliilitg Coniinny, 1. oi-al Ion or AVorkH, Suit Luke County, UtuU Territory. NOTICE w hereby piven, thnt at a meeting of tho Board ot Trustees of said company, com-pany, hold u tho 3d day of Novombor, 1871, an assessment of ton oont3 pgr eharo was levied upon tho eapital stock of aaid oom-puny, oom-puny, payablo immodiatoly in Unitod States jrold and eilver coin, to tho Soorotary at tho ollioe of tho Company, Room No. W.Aicr-ehant.i' W.Aicr-ehant.i' Exuhano. California street, San Francisco. Any stoek upon whioh said asiocitnent shBll remain unpaid on Monday, the 11th day of Docombor, 1871, shall bo doomod do-linfiucnt, do-linfiucnt, nnd will bo duly advertised for salo, at public auction, and unless payment shall bo mado bo fore, will bo sold on Tuesday, Tues-day, tho 2d day of January, 1872, to pay the delinquent ofeosamont, together with costs of advertising nnd expenses of tho salo. By order of tho Board of Trustooj. F. MADGE, Saerotary. OFFICE No. "0-1 Merchants' Exchange, California street. San Francisco. Cal. nS .' TEASDEL & CO. No. 65, 67 & 69, East Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY. To uMoinuiud&to our INCREASED BUSINESS BUS-INESS wo ore now moving oar CLOTHING DEPARTMENT One door south of the Eagle Ilenso, Tessdel S Go. Owing to tho rapidly increasing sale of the celebrated Blees' Link Motion Lock Stitch SEWEfG MACHINES, We are now making & specialty for MORE room, with all convonienoos for the ralo of the best O ' TUT 1 aewmg Macnme In tho world. . Teasdel Go. Ilavo now moro room for DRIED PEACHES and aro giving the advanoed price. Teasdel & Co. SAro yet keeping up the STANDARD for low prices on lirst Ian groceries. Teasdel & Go. Aro receiving now fruits of tho season. Teasdel Co. Aro now opening a now stook of Boots and Shoea, Rubbors Ac. Ilidee wanted for which a liberal price will be paid. call bkkohe PURCHASING. j Goods delivered Lo all the railways, j stages aim any part ot tlie i city free of charge. TEASDEL & CO. Jnyl2 i COLLEGE SCRIP! j pIUSEMPTOItS will bavc $1G od ' J- each qaartcr Bcutton by buying i Agricultural Colleso Scrip, j Apply to j TI1K UAXIt OP DUSRRET, lr) jaeco!5or to lloopor. Kldredso & Co jWATCUES &JBWELR! O. L. EL1ASON, T)EGS to inform tho residents of Salt Lake Cily and vioinity, that he not only guarantees to properly Il.eplr,Clean and Ad J nit WatcUeu aud Chrouometcii, ! but he will make them or any part of them, to order, and warrant the work. A nsw PurPLY of ELGIN and SWIbS "WATCHES jU3t received, ; which he will guarantee as reliable I Um-kceporg. Prices to defy competition i Renumber the aJdrwi. Two rtoort enit of tho Ocitet Ua.it k. C.W. STAYNER'S COLUMN, IMPORTANT Discovery! ' " ' 'I i Til 1 tXKiiV tender luy liucero and hoart-I'tli hoart-I'tli ttiankJ to lho residents ol Halt Luke City uud tho auttleuicuiB from north to south of Utah Territory, for their 1. 1 H K1J A I . VATR().A(i E Kxtetmed to mo while I havo hton auting as iaiai for lho Great Unknown's HAIR RESTORER And fortho kind manner in ulik-li they have universally Expressed their Satisfaction iu its use. When I presented this Preparation for salo I was perfectly convinced ot its clHcacy. but I had no idoa it would sa soon meet mtli PUBLIC FAVOli, And iti present popularity is a proof not only of tho I n t v i n s i c Va l u e Of tho article itself, but of tho impartial trial which many patrons havo bostoirod upon it. It ia now pronounced; m INFALLIBLE GORE 10 H BALDNESS, An Elegant Hair Dressing, A Speedy Remedy for Dandmff, A reliable Preventive for falling off . of the Hair. In this connection I with lo say thnt in some cases tho beneficial effects of thia preparation pre-paration would ho moro epaodily realized if tho blood was in a moro healthy condition, and having consulted some of our host medical med-ical men, I tako pleasure in offering to tho public, in connection with tho Hair Restorer, Resto-rer, tho EPIGXEAB" BLOOD PURIFIER An article to bo taken internally, containing contain-ing none hut tho most ruliublo ingredients for purifying tho blood and building up tho system, cam inn lho action ofthc lite-eivinft fluid to bo moro invigorating on tho bulbs of tho hair and KEMOYIflfG 1 in many instanoos the Causes of Baldness i i j entirely ; thus enabling the' II nir Restorer to : do its work speedily and permanently. i l('oi" salo, in connection with the Great Unknown's Hair Res tor er, a C ALDER BllO'S. i nee, - 2-jc. una 5Uj. per box C. W. STAYNER, General A'jcat for I'tah, Xevctla, Id'iho nnd Ariionu, TESTIMONIAL. This i to certify thnt I have a perftet ; knowledge of the component parts of tho I KpiKicao Ulooil l'unliur, and ihm it contain nothing but what li nn cscclloni t.im rm.i riLOOD I'l-P.iriRIl of tho lllcm I mi:h t:. H -I tnu.i bo conducive Of ?Oml U'.- nil- iviir'n - i T used. J. m. bknkhict. m.I". i Salt L:iko City, Nov. id, li7i. i WALKER BEO'S. i Wo invitfattontion t MAGHIFICENT STOCK or FANCY GOODS! OoDiiitiDg in pari of Fringes, Ribbons, Velvets, Satins, Silks, Laces, Etc., Etc., Which we urc Selling at Prices that will competa with any City in the Union. WOOLEN AND COTTON DOMESTICS At a Slight Advance on Cost. WALKER BRO'S Ladies Buy your Furs at diuvford &. Vre havo the largest and befit slock of LADIES' FURS Ever offtired for sale tn this city. Wo havo Mink, Seal, Fitch, Squirrel, Alaska Mink, American Sable Canada Sable, Fronch and Black Conny, Musk, Etc., Ktc. CALL A3Srr LOOK AT THEM 1 ALSO Gents' Beaver Collars and Gloves! In great varioty. DUNFOttD & SOIVS. BENEDICT, HALL "&"C0.. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, Nos. 134 and 130 GRAN1 ST11EET, Ono BlMt ButrKiadway, NEW YORK. The Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY, OF 2ST IB "W YOBZ. ASSETS, January 1, 1S71, - $44,609,156 CASH. Now, Oct 1st, over Fifty Millions. F. S. WINSTON, Prkiaetit. RICHARD A. SIoCtlltDY, Vice Prci. Total Cash Dividends Paid to Policy Holders, $15461,086 Cash Dividends paid in 1869, eleven months, to rcc. 31, - S.3,i!)S,S30.00 Tlie Largest Company in the World. IU POLICIES in free number ton thouaand gii hundred and forty-twe MORE than thoaeofariT othsr company. Tho AMOUNT INSURED is iity million seven hundred and fiay-two thousandnine hundred and ninety-two dollars MOKE than any other company. IU TOTAL ASSETS are thirteen million six hundred and ninety-tiiroo thousand one hundred and ninety-nine dollars LAliUEH than those of any other company. Its PREMIUM INCOME i four million throe hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and seventeen dollars GHEATElt than that of any other company. Its INCOME FROM INTEREST is six hundred and eighty-eight thousand one hundred and three dollars MORE than that of any other company. Ita TOTAL INCOME is five million sixteen thousand and twenty dollars GREATER than that of any other company. Its CASH DIVIDENDS in 1870 were ono hundred and forty-one thousand six hundrod and four dollars MORE than those of any other company. Its TOTAL DIVIDENDS from its commencement havo boon eight million ninety-five thousand nine hundred and fourteen dollars MORE than those of any other company. Its EXPENSES in the year 1870 were only 9.22 per cent, being LOWER than thoso of any company. Ita TOTAL EXPENSES and losses were 2.32 per cent. LOWER than those of any other company. Tho RESULT of its policies havo NEVER BEEN EQUALLED by any Other company. Thero are other good life insurance companies, but none can adduce such wonderful figures at The Mutual Li fk in proof of its unquestionable chiiw to be tho "Leading Lifo Insurance Company of the Continent, and tho model ono of the world." RICHARD GQQDHINQ, SOLE AGENT FOR UTAH TERRITORY. Oppoalte Wella, Fur go Co., Salt Lake City. MR. aOODHIND has engaged Mr. JAMES LANDERS, of San FrancUeo, a gentleman well versed in the science of lAfe ami Fire Insurance, who wilt be glad to inpart any information toparlies desirous of inaurimj. RIGGS, LECHTENBERG & CO., WHOLESALE AND BETA1L DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, Liquors, Tobacco, Segns, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS! Parties desiring to imruliay; will Jdo well to inspect our btoek, which is complete in every department. iZl ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAOE & OTTINGER'S. XAYLOR - Have od hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock in tho City Of WAGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Whioh they offer -A. T V 23 R. "V X.OW PRICES. , b'LKST EAST STKKNT, H ALK-A-BLOOK SOUTH OK T11EA ' |