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Show Pll.VESt liELT MlNINU JtSTRHT. This district was discovered by Major S. M. Hlair, and is jituatcd about :00 (jiVg sm,th lVij;u this ciiy, in Iron county, and near the supposed line of the lUah Southern railroad. The country rock formation of tho district is porphyry, and the vein rock qu-tnzUc. Argentiferous galena is found in great abundance, and also very rich ores cf silver copper glan'.v. The ledges ont-j crop bo!d:y, lie in a j. W. andS. E. direction, and arc readily trace-iblo. A letter just received by Major Blair, who is now in the city, says that within a lew days a great excitement ha? been created in tho southern part of I the Territory, as to tho ricluie.-s of! tpese miuc-s, caused by (ho diseoscrie.5 ot a prospecting party from Vioehc. ibis party got ore that upon assay at Fioehc was found to contain from $1,000 to cJ,i.0 per ton, and in consequence thereof a large number of mineu left that argentiferous town to prospect the miues of Silver Belt. Wood and water are abundant and convenient in: the district, and the climate of that 1 section interposes no obstacles to continuous con-tinuous work throughout tha year. |