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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Earthquake at Leghorn on Saturday night. I San Luis Potosi is defended by 4000 ; Juarists. Abram Ilea! of New York, a mimic Howard, Is dead. Theirs is opposed to Chambord re- , siding at Antwerp. ; , The prince of Wales is going to , Italy to recuperate. 1 Snow fell on Sunday to a depth of; ten inches at Laramie. General Sherman and party have been prospecting in PompeL Tho Connecticut Germans endorse the political course of Schurz. The vicar-general of Baltimore is said to be in a dying condition. The Belfort gun wadding mills at Providence have been destroyed by fire. Saml. J. Tilden dcuies that ho has sought to prejudice the ease of judge I Barnard. Judge Davis' nomination for the presidency creates much excitement in Washington. Newark, N. J., admits white and colored children to equal privileges in the pnbhe schools. The American iron works iu Pittsburg Pitts-burg were destroyed by fire on Saturday Satur-day night Loss heavy. The Internationals of .New York demand de-mand free halls aud free gas for public meetings of workingmen. Porlirio Diaz is dead and ihe Mexican Mexi-can revolutionists have proclaimed Lcrdo de Texado as president. Collector Arthur of New York is to be removed, and the general order business of Loot & Co. abolished. The two men arrested ou suspicion oUiaving committed the murders at Windsor locks, Connecticut, have been identified. Severe storms have prevailed on the coast of California for several days, and several coasting schooners have been wrecked. The New York Ucrahl charges that the Eno officers have attempted to purchase newspaper influence in their favor. Shouldn't wonder. A World correspondent from south Africa has returned, and says that from twenty-five to seventy five per cent, of the diamond diggers arc making money. Deputy marshal McCuusIand of 1'argo, Minnesota, is supposed to have perished with two prisoners whom he was taking to fort Pembina, in the recent re-cent severe storms. A majority of the senale commiltce on elections have reported against the admission of general Abbott to a seat id that body as senator fir North Carolina. Car-olina. A panic was created on the Berlin stock exchange, by the report that on account of the Ahibmna "claims muddle, mud-dle, American stocks could not be sold in London. The presence of the count de Chambord Cham-bord in Antwerp, continues to attract hostile demonstrations from Belgian and French dcmocrals who appear to be on the rampage. A great flood has occurred in Scot-laud. Scot-laud. The valley of the Toy bos been inundated by Ihe oveiflow of the l'rith of Toy, causing an immense destruction of property. It is said that our government has offered to settle the Alabama claims with the Gladstone ministry for $50,-000,000. $50,-000,000. This is considerably consequential, conse-quential, but much less so than Sumner Sum-ner s account. A bill has been introduced in the New York legislature to reduce tho price of gas in New York city to $2.25 per 1,000 cubic feet, and to fix the illuminating power of a gas jet to equal the light of sixteen sperm candles. can-dles. Judge Barnard protests against S. J. iilden, of tho New York legislature, legisla-ture, serving On the committee investigating investi-gating the charges against him, and says that Tilden sought an election to the assembly expressly to prosecute him. |