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Show san francisco trade. (;imm) iioti:l On Market, New Munnoiuarf and i Htruou. I i AIM b'll ANC'iaUO, (JAIi. JOHNSON 1 Co., Paoi'ttiETOtta. J NO. (;. HODGE & (JO., Wholesale Stationers, Kwp tU Urfelt ll'Tk of JUalloiirry, U I mi It Hook, Srhool Umiki, IMaylntf ( inl., Wrnji' t.litK I'M'"", 7Vn, W.v Cutlery, tt-c., itc, O" Hi" l-.u'ifl.- C'-out.wlili-h Ihoyuro iriftrr1 toirll fI. In ..in. ,H I'.r ,ny,r niijwlmrB w:al flUs Hu. k M..mlalti. 327, 3J'J JfcXil HANSO.'.IK STKKKT, mil 1 Pritnclarot IKON AND STUUL wihid noi'E, FLAT AD ItOUNIJ, F-r !ioi.-tin Tri'in mini nit alidfl.' nnl imMinw, furry rm.ui, liuy rojcu, for IrmismiUing powor, eto- Munttfuciured any J.enjth or tSiie. Wlrti Hope In iimrli chfiiper, lighter nml mine ilumltlc than any ullier k Iml of If ope. Halliilic'sKmlless M ire Rope H ay, (Wire Tramway), For tho rai.'id nd economical trumjiortation ot'Orci nml othor m.itonnh over iuiuntuin-oiiri iuiuntuin-oiiri and dillii'iill ruadit. (Secured by U. ti- 1'nront irii 3?ulIo.v For transmit tins power and by which the Tups id uninjured and cannot slip. SKNI) FOIl CIltClLAHS, Agency of tho PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (OP CALIFORNIA.) All kin lt ami siios of frlro. constantly an bund ami nianutacturod to order, A. S. HALLIDIE. M'J Front tit., San Francisco. nl! California-. Michail Kasi. T. N. Wand. WAND, KANE & CO., (8uccmori to Hunter, anil A Co.) Iui)ortora and Wnolcaalo Doalora in WIXES m LIQUORS. Proprieto.'s of Hun tor's California XA"lxo.t "Wlilsltoy. Also Affonls for Josoi'h S. Finch's celobratod 1'uQUlvania RYE WHISKEY 0U7 and 0U9 Front St., near Jni kiou, SAN FUANC1SCO. mrtl ,b. i:yf;biihm A ( o., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4ti Clay St., San Francliuo, DICALKUS IN UHtCGON PROUUCB, Arc constantly In rerui;t of Oregon Hums, llncon, Unl. iMmi'U, :. Staruli, of our own nu.l Haste ru man iifiw: turt Uwiijs on liaiid. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, Importers and Jobbers of FOHKIUN ANO UOJ1KST1C BRANDIES, WINES, AND L1QU0JIS, 311 Clay Street, Srn KrKiiclico, Jj-m waruRDiNa & xelloqq, Importora and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, "211 & 216 t'HONT STKKET, SAM PIUKGISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbors ot Foroiftn and Domestic Do-mestic Fancy and iilaido DllY QOODS. Depot of Goods -Manufactured at the Mission and J'acijic Mills, Consolidated. 53 A 5 '47 Market St., San Fra njis Paris: 23 Rue Do L'Kchiqu J. BAU.M. 1 M.SHRIER, ll.SUKlfifcl1""1'"01"0- Sew YorV J, BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING Snuiom St., San Fmnclico ii Murray St., Iw York. MURPHY,GRANT & GO. Importers of American and European Staple and Fuucy DRY GOODS, FUANCICO, CALIFOHSIA, Call iho attootion oTthe TraJo to their largo and co 11111 ltuo siick of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receiving direct from Kvirui'cvn Manufacturer!, comi-nsinB in part French ?lrluoa. Wool Satinet, Wool PI alii, Frvuli auJ Uvru.AU, IrUh and French Pojillnt, Kmpreil Clotha, Tamtse, blvtuj cvk-rl. Velveteens, Alpaca, IIkIi ui cuLthI, SILKS, VEIYETS, RIBBONS, Q O "V E S 3 Kil, Iu--k. Berlin i.LaJiei', Miiie'. CtecU') Gents' Underwear Aavi -ill kir..l- j'. Gents' furnishing Goods. lli-lrrv.o '! in 'i t-rajul: White tJoo.t. 11 ah. I herclilefs. Mill 1 1 uk I. Ii en i U,titll. a!.Ur :..: . : Tnwel,' !!: t ! T.rk:.-li. j ntklu ami lOJ lic, Kli., Kir., Kit. WhcIesalB Lipr Balers, 4t)S Front Street, San Franclico ! Prcrristcrsof PI ILL K1VS OLD BOl'RBOS And sole enu for J. F.CUrUR'S EXTRA OLD SOMSCNKHiSKlES Con-intly on hand, a full isiortmant of ' all the Standard Brandt of WhlikUa, F(n Brand let 1 Foreign and DoineaUc Wlnea, m5 Bilteri, CordlaJi, c. A Live Paper FUR 1 i Live People. THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD THE SKCULAR A.N'D COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER OP SALT LAKE CITY. ThePeoplesPaper! FREE AND INDEPENDENT. j TheCheapest Paper PUBLISHED IN The Rocky Mountains! 10 MEN OF ENTERPRISE! Tho recont discovery and rapid development develop-ment of tho mmoa of Utah have given, and will oontinuo to give, an impetus to trade of ovory kind, which should command tho attention at-tention of all business men who dcire to share in its profits. Heavy shipments of ores for months past have boon bringing wealth into tho Territory; alarco immigration has commenced ; agricultural agri-cultural and other products are finding ready sales ; and merchants begin to feel the steady Uow of money through tho varied channels of commerce To business men at a distance who seek to participate in tho lively trade which must attend such a rapid growth of interests, as well as to the local public, a live, energetic newspaper is a necessity, by which lo bo mado fully acquainted with tho true condition condi-tion of matters as they exist, and through which to present their business and facilities for tarnishing so promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Fully meets this necessity in Utah. Not being Ui organ of any person, sect or party, nor devoted alone to any single Interest, it has grown upon public favor and attained an unprecedented circulation circula-tion in tho time which has elapsod sinco it was established, by being in the strictest senso a Free, Independent, Live and Thoroughly Progressive KE1VSPAPUS ITS MINING NEWS Collated with the greatest care and from th most reliable 10111008, makes It valuable ic 011 interested in tho minos of Utah ; its AGRICULTURAL AiYD GENERAL TERRITORIAL IXTELLIGENC1 Can be equally relied on ; and its kstkefkisi placed it in tho Front Knnk of the Rocky Mountain Journal!. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and is widely read in every Mining Camp, and throughout the Cities, Towns and Settlements of the Territory; Terri-tory; is found in tho offioo of every enterprising enterpris-ing basinet man in Utah; circulates on tho Union Pacific, Central Pacifio and Utah Cen-iral Cen-iral Railroads: has a largo mail subscription list east, west, north and south; and is The Best Advertisiug Medium loathe Rocky Mountain rcsioa. i I Where to Advertise! Where it will be Seen! Where it will be Read ! : In the Peop! ys Paper! T H E SALT LIKE HERALD I 1 HAKE YOUR WAXTS KXOWK I IX THE Salt Lake Herald. MISCELLANEOUS. IITrI Are in receipt of tlnj new editions of tho Standard Authors Each CiTiiijk'te in one royal n-tavo vol.. bound in the most approved style, and at tho Uflprecfiieiiteil Low Price ' or Cloth extra - 2.00 Library Sheep - 2.?; Wo havo, to select from, thoUnctand largest stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing the publications of L. 1'rang & Co., T. .Nelson & tfonf, American Tract Society, &c. OurStock of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consist-3, in ;mrt, of PIAWOS Of tho latest improved styles : Oftho beat makers ; "W jw sv From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received iand oxperted daily, a largo and splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which tee offer at Manufacturers' Prices '.Delivered in this city. IP O JRj $125. Piro Octavo, Double diced, Five Stops, (Viola, Diapason, Meloda. Flute, Tremulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, ono of four feet pitch and ono or eight foot ; from prepared motal and rivotod with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting rood valves; improved bollowa. Solid black walnut case throughout, panolod front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carvod antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY ' RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. t& Wo respectfully solicit the pub-1 pub-1 lie to coll and examine our goods ; For the Holidays. The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, PANEL DOORS, For Quality and l'ricc, Imported or llouic-nude, 1 j li AT 1 ; LATIMER. TAYLOR & GO'S I i 1 . I'LANIXG MILL, j Sash null Door Factory,! One Keck west ot Tabernacle. : ! OH finn roxJisrxs ZU.UUUiRONAnS'STEEL; At C. II. li.issctfs. Opposlta SaJt Lake Hons j nil AND MENAGERIE. ;Opposito the entrance to the Tabornaolo. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, 50 cts. Children, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to G p.m. Native Minerals, Petrifactions, Concretions Con-cretions and Crystallzatlons. Home Products. Native and Foreign Cu-rioaitics, Cu-rioaitics, die. Compound Electro-Magnctio Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &c Prof. J. JU. BARFOOT, manager. 3- Schools and Familios by private or-ran or-ran somen is admitted at reduced rates. ft 0 "t ! cc a I LU " I 3 J; i j , . -r I LULffiERYARD. All Kinils ot" Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, . BLLVDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, CRAIN AT WHOLESALE. T. R. JONES, j7 Hilt-bloctlgntli of 0. c. Dtpot. I MISCELLANEOUS. ' ' ' ' PtomachBitt" tArt- indorsed and lircscritied by more lending lend-ing I'hy.-i.-iiins (luiii any other t.;ic vi-a'I'IVIC fur 1'ovtr and Anno, lutcrmit- triu".-. liili.mstio.-s and all di-.rdors iirisinp j, , , ui iuisi.:in:itic c.iucs. i'licy nro lnnblj rci'iimiiu-ndod as an nut i-d i-el'l ie. and in oases ol ' imliticstion arc invaluable as an a t'-l.eiUer t'-l.eiUer and rci.-ui'cr.int. and in ea.-oi ut' iloti-t-ral lK-bility thoy have never in a snmle in-l'ou-u la it yd in iirodiu'iiii; tho nioit li :i L i' J" resulis. They are partiuularly tiKS ei; ici t-jit t-jit 1-Kii.ii.f. sirsnnllionitiE the Imdy, invig-iriliir-the iuiii'1 and Kivm:; tune and cla--tu:ilv O) t o wlodo nystin. Tho HUME UlTTKItS iirooomi'-tindcd with tbo Rreat-cst Rreat-cst can1, and no Tunic Stimulant has over been ' i.ll'ured to tho j.iiblie so p I. K t S .1 NT T(i nil' TA-ii i:, and at the .tamo time eonibinint; su uiany remedial iiKonl.s. indorsed by the turdical Iraterniiy as liio lie-t known l' the l'iiaruisK'.tiiii'ia. It euti Utile id hivc tbetu i a lair trial, and Kvery Knintly shuulil linvc a Uoltle I Wo al: every one to road the following pcrliticiitc.-' Iruin many of ibe most emiiiont i.hysioi:md in tliu ooiin'.ry: 1 Sr. Jii'i is, J nly lin'ti. J auts A. J acksos A ! Co. Uen'.leinen As yuu have comuiunica- ted t the medi.-al pr.ilessiun the receive m ' the 'Homo Hitters" il cannot, thcrct'oro, be I considered as a secret or patent iiiodioinc. nu I patent having been taken iur it. W e have ' examined tho t'ornoila lor inakinK the Home , liitterf." and uuhcMtaliiiKly eay tho eumbi- natinii U one of rare excellence, all the arti- cles used in il-t ciiininaLt.L,)n nro tbo beat of , theehLss to whih tliey belong. btiiiR hinbly 'Tonic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative and slit'tly 1-asalivo. Tbo modo ot .re.;ir-miik .re.;ir-miik llieiu is strictly in accordance with tho 1 rules of pharmacy, llavinn used them in our I rivato in.ictice, wo take vlciisnro in rccom- luendinK ihoin to all persons desirous of ta- kiuu flitters, as being tho bet Tonic uud i Stimulant now oHorod to tbo vublic. L Cil HoiSUSirRE, M.I). (1. F. 1V11TER, 51. D Aliulii IIk-U'uck, M.D. U. Ueiuck, Al.U. Iiiuki; McUuwell, M.D. C. A. Wahe, M.D. J y. VViiiTEiiiLL, M.D. D11.O. V. F. 1-Li.wio, K. A. Claiiic, 51. U. B. O. Sloans, M.D. W. A. WilcoS, 51. D. llujumti I'iujim, U. S. Marino Hospital, St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 3, 1S7U, Jas. A. Jackson, a; Co. ; I have examined exam-ined tbo formula for making tho "Home Stomach .Hitlers," and used them in tbo Hospital Hos-pital for tbo last lour -months. I consider j them tho most valuablo tonic and stiiuu- L.Melciier, St. Lons, July (!, 1S70. -I-ts. A. Jackson, A Co, Uavinf; examined tho formula from wbich your eelebrated"'Stouiachiiitlcrs,"iiro prepared, prepa-red, havinj; witnessed tbo method ol com-bininit com-bininit the different ingredients, wo can safoly recommend them ils tho best tonic with whiuh we aro aciiuaintcd. From tho groat care with which they are compounded, and trom the choice materials which enter into them, wo have no doubt that they will prove as thoy deserve to be, tbo most popular tonic and stimulant in u.-e. Kespectfuily yours, T.J. VASTISE, M-Ll. T. li. UU31STUCK, 51. D. Wo cheerfully concur with every word contained con-tained in the abui l iu: tiuionial. JUUN CuSiiLLMAS, M.U. JollN II T!TMAX,5I .D Cuvs VsriNE, 51.1'. JoiinT.Teiii'Le, 51.D U.S. Walk 1.11, M.V. K. C. Kuankltx, M.D Cincinnati, Oct. 1'.'. IsTi). Messrs, W.U. Kennedy Ken-nedy X C',: Agents "Homo iiittcrs"; lionts Agreeable to yourrcnnost, i have examined the formula of tho "Homo Stomach Ui Iters,' and find the remedies it contains such ;is are in general uso by tho Medical Profession. They are scientifically and pleasantly combined, com-bined, ami as stimulating Ionics will be found especially adapted as corroborants to 'the treatment of low or debilitated stages ol tho system. whether arising from impaired digestion di-gestion or from malarious diseases. 1 I Dr. J. h. Vittiers, L. A. James, M. D., I It. S. Wayne, Clwmit, C. T. Siui'son, M. )., 1 W. T. Taliai'erho, M. D., S. I'. LoN.neb, M. D., 1 j. j LjuiNN. M. n., y. s. mlscroit, m. d., J. 11. IIUCKLV, M.D., 11. W. DioLEB, M. D., 1 W. H. Woouwabd.M. D., U. A. UoiiEUTV.M.D. j Cuicaoo, Mct. JiJ. 1S7U. J- U Kmitu, Ksq.; : Wo buvc oxamined the formula of iho"Uelc-1 iho"Uelc-1 hraled Stomach Bitters," and liud it to bo composed of articles that arc considered tho 1 best tonics used by tho Medical Profession, and ono of tho best bitters we know ol in use. I Very respectfully. U.S. IIuin, M. D., B. McVicab, M. D., I J. U. Wal&er, M. D., 0. A. Marineo, I Koeaian S. BA&Nd, M. 1. For Sale by nil Orugglits dt Grocers Jus. A. JACICSOJT & Co., Prop'rs, Laboratory 10o & 107 21. 2d St., Jul 14 St. LOUIS, MO. NOW IS YOUR CHANGE - STOVES I KOW IS YOUR CIIAISCE fok STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from. Including tU. OU1 FaTorUo Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., The.- as well as other varieties will be SOLD ClIEAL'iJl AT Tlia Hardware Dep'nt or Z. C. 3E. X. THAN IN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. II. B. CLAWSON, .17 Saporiatesduu Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. Wholesale DKY GOODS DEP'T Up Stain, Emporium Buildings A full, drst-clasfl stock ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, -UTOTIOA'S, BOOTS and SHOES AT LOW PRICES. Wholesale buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect, GROCERYIHARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, PurohuerB can her, find An Immense Stock AND IN ECH BIAN'JH AGKATVWIEry . IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND MACHINERY " ALL ON THE PKEMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty CLOTHING DEP'T. HO.TsE-iVlADE AXD IMPORTED MANUFACTURED FaOM HOME-MADE, 1TRENCII, OEHMaNi ENGLISH and AMKRICAMI FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. 47- 1-1B.5T-CLAS9 FITTERS AND WORK Itl EN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families. DRUG DEP'T. Fancy and Staple Drugs, j I'ATE.NT .MEDICINES, j Perfumery, LIQUORS IK GREAT VARIETY i K AG LIS II ALJt AND PORTER, j AVEK1LL PAINT ' WHITE LEAD, j OILS, COLORS 1 CLASS. ETC. Prescriptions from Physicians will hate special attention. 11. U. (LAt0., Supt. 3. O , O O Ol! ! Singer Seuinar ihsthiiM S avuo Sold within the iasl jiar. Scientific American, Juno 10lb, THE SI N G E R 31anu(actiuiii Company, A.T TZHUE WORLD'S FAIS Constitute! by the homes of thcpeoi'lo Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales lAnd have ltli all rivald far boliinj theii), " FOR Til E V Sold m 18702833 Macliines I Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. "Tlio HKismtudo to wbich tbo manuf.icturo of row inn uuichinca hus attained ia (howta lj tho year 1ST) to tho owiiura of tbo lujdiDK i:v; o;i ls. on iviii-h ilioy pay a. royalty a" jorJing to tliedo returns iho number uf m.iohitiu mo!1 by each tu.inniitaiurcr iu l'hTij Vi as follows: The Slngtr - - 1 a7,sy3 l'toreiu'o . r .. Wheeler i Wilsn - i-Uold .Mod:il - . "".' UwW0 - - .;"; i:im h, drover Jc Uakcr - f.T.-UCi Kmire .... Weed - - - :i-'- Unklo A: Lyon . . Wilcox Jt Uibbs - l'.i.-ham - - - . l Auiorio;iiilJuitotiti"le A OvorfioamiiiR M.:7J Wilsuu - And sovoral otbor companies who Hold a few luaohiuoj, It will bo seen by this t.iblo that the oiulaii(y of iho Slnjcr niKi-hlitci far ccciU Ilml of ull othern, their Balo being oi-linlf gi t-nlcr than ovon tht of the famous "WhoolerA Wilson" niachino. 'Ihis is owiiiK to the fact that Itie sli,Ktr Company havo lately commenced niakiiiK, bc.idos ihcir old and well-established manufacturing niachino, what is known as their "New Knmlly Mnclilne," whcj ls sclllJig at the rnt of nine lo one better Hian iliclr old utylc. Their to tal sales for 19 wero 8ti.78l '.nnchincs against tho lT.ftJ of lM7i', showing mi lncre of oue-hnlfln tlie latter year." "New York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, Ninr sraim.v THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION A. JL.X. f M - M.. J 'M: M J x, OJ jir Were made v It It In the jinit 1 liree jchts. lint tho i real cat Im reai of our Stiles over alt Ulltcr Mtu-liiiirs, llcliifc Wltliln (lie Punt Vcr. Thli la Iiicontentlble Proof ihat Our M.tchiuos Are tho licut In the World. rilK NKW FAMILY SSIACiElt SUWIiXG MACHINE With attachments for all kinds of work, Is fust a inning tupromo favor in tbo household, as shown by tho rapidly incrouin sales, over all other machines, 1 This ew Family ill uc li 1 11c is now capable of a ranKO and variety of work auch u was only recently thought impossible to perform by machi iury. Wo oluim auu cm show that it is tbo cheapest, most beautiful, dolicaloly arninned, nicely adjusicd eaailj oporated.spoody.and smoothly running ol all the Family Scwiok Machines, it larouiirk-able larouiirk-able not only for tho range and variety of its sewing, but also for tho rarioty and Jif. forent kinds of toxturo which it will sew with cnual facility :ind porlooiinn usim silk twist, linen or cotton thread, tiuo or co-irso. making tho liirocked-eli(ii tltcli, alike on both sides of tho l'.ihric sewn; tlio only stitch which is unireriilly approved, or is at all adapted lor flri-claH wurk, Thus, beaver clotb, or loutber may bo sewn with great strength and uniformity of stitch, and, in a moment thu willing and novor-wearying instrument may bo adjusted lor lino work on gauio or kos-mer kos-mer tissuo, or the tucking of tarlatan, or rullling. or almost uny otnor work evon by a child which delicate lingers have been known to perlorm. Even the cnrelcn and tlioughtlem have little -or ito uouulc on Hilt machine. Send for Descriptive and Price Circufars, Wemanufacturoour own needles, silk and twist; furnish linen and cotton thread and oil all of superior Quality -but which eau bo roliod oq only waou obtained! throuia our Prinoipal or Branch Unices, or Agencies. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED F1LEE TMiOUUIIOUT T1IE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. Wo extend a cordinl invitation to all to cotno and see tho Machines, whether Ihej wish to buy or not. See all oiiiers, but do not buy wltliuut you examlm the Singer. Visitors always politely attended by competent attendants. Instruction frte All machine perfectly adjusted before delivery at t SINGER SEWING- MACHINE DEP'T, Z. C. 1 1. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Eat;lo Emporium, Halt Inlio City, Utah. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent MAY I. OH BRO'S' Have on hand tho Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OP WAGON TIMBEE AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which tlicy offer -A.T VERY LOW 3? K, I O E S . FIRST EAST STREET, HALK-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATRK JAMES HAGUE. Jun. J. H. I1AUUE, GEOHUE I1AQUI SigT G-un Store ! HAGUE BROTHEES. Li a t k j a m i-; s iiaouk, Importers tvxicl Doalors ir GUNS, ;g" PISTOLS, Etc. w Xir v Etc. Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVEKY DESCMPflON. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. & East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Z. C. f?1. !. BOOT AND SHOE Uoimrtnii nt, at tlio sljtii ol THE ":Oi;S- BOOT "f n Every style and quality of Boots and Shoes MATi TO 011DKR, Eaii-iV j don guaranteed. LWATS ON HAND A UARtiR AND CHOICE STOCK OF ; HOM-MDE BOOTS AND SI I0ES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF , Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds oi Leather I XZITOBS TJV JK JJ T 3D I . |