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Show Notarial. Elsewhere, in our ad vcrtising column?, will bo found the card of Messrs. Stainburn & Gillespie, notaries public, commissioners of deeds, ticjrehers of records and conveyancers; ollico to the riht of the on franco of .' litid's." Thcic being some question to who aro legally authorized to act ut- notaries, the legislature having decided de-cided it to be a county office which the governor cannot ti'l by appointment, if he can so fill any, and tho governor claiming that it is a Territorial office, ui:der which CuiiUuotiun he Iris commissioned com-missioned parties not elected by the - IfiiLsla'.uro; Messrs. Stainburno k Gillespie are doubly sure having b-ien duly elected and commissioned ani having qualified and filed tho necessary bond:;. ' |