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Show GOVERNOR WOODS AND UTAH. The nomination of ex-G-orernor jeo. L. Woods, of Oregon, to be Governor of the Territory of Utah, will be generally indorsed as titling and appropriate. Gov. Woods is a man far above the average in ability, and, as Chief Magistrate of our sister State, he did much to advance Oregon on a successful and progressive career. He wiii bring to bear in the administration adminis-tration of the affairs of Utah the same wise discrimination and comprehensive statesmanship. The authority of the General Government will be upheld, and Brigham and his blinded followers will find that they have an opponent to deal with who will not be slow to take advantage of their weak points. .?.'. Chronicle. If Governor AVoods is the high-toned high-toned gentleman his friends represent him to be, the people of Utah will be only too glad to welcome him to this Territory. We have long enough been ctu-fed'with political hacks and pothouse pot-house politicians as officials here, for with a few honorable exceptions such are the men whom the government has appointed to represent it in Utah. If Governor Wood can bring to the administration ad-ministration of the Governorship of Utah "wise discrimination and comprehensive com-prehensive statesmanship" the Chronicle Chron-icle need not trouble themselves about "BRIGHAil and his blinded followers." They have never had any difficulty with men such as it represents Gov. Woods to be. |