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Show A PAYING ENTERPRISE. Detailed facts from California, recently re-cently received, show that the manufacture manu-facture of beet sugar is rapidly - becoming becom-ing a lcadig industry in that State. Wc have repeatedly called attention to tho fact chat Utah could profitably follow fol-low the lead of California in this re-- re-- spect. Tears ago, Fome cf our leading lead-ing citizens expended much means in the effort to successfully establish the manufacture of beet sugar. As in a score of other things, Utah actually led out in this matter, but her enterprise enter-prise was seemingly beyond her abilities. abil-ities. The following clipped from the San Francisco Bulletin, tells its own story: The total expenses of a 50-ton sugar mill for one year, constantly running, including interest ou capital invented, are 8135,102, and the value of sugar produced, allowing the yield to be no more than 5 per cent, $195,300. Deducting De-ducting $12,000 for commission and discount, a net profit of 4S, 108 is shown, in sugar alone. To this should be added the value of the residual, for fattening stock, which is estimated at $12,000; making a total profit of 60,19S. Recognizing the fact that Utah has a large amount of alkaline lands; that beets grown upon those lands extract the alkali while retaining almost the same percentage of saccharine matter, we hold that the planting and growing of beets for sugar-making purposes is not only a directly financial paying operation, op-eration, but a future public benefit, by p'acing those now worthless acres among our cereal-growing lands. There are hero mei of enterprise who should be able to see the pecuniary advantages advanta-ges that are here presented, and avail thjmtelvcs of them. . .. . . . .., i |