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Show Jou Simmon's receives daily, large, Hit and delicious oysters direct from Baltimore, which lie ypread.-s before his patrons surrounded with superior condiments, ,te . iVc, at the following I low prices: Slew. Toe: hry. 7-'c; l!aw, o'lc. ad' Fixe Fresh Honey- in the comb, delicious and cheap, at Id. Wallace's. adv A New Stock Of the finest brands of cigars, tobaccos, pipes, pipe-stems, pipe-stems, walking canes and notions generally for gentlemen, bought personally per-sonally in San Francisco, and for sale by Kd. Harris. adv Winter is Cominu on. As that is the season of festivity you should buy your watches, jewelry, clocks and toys, at Gail C Asmusseu's new jew-rlry jew-rlry and toy store, Fast Temple street. adv .Matches. The Great Western matches, manufactured by Paul Lech-teuburg Lech-teuburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. I Try them and be satisfied. "Sold at the I'.Hh ward co-operative store. adv. I'aiiis IS starving, the Prussians jy. Golightly & Harris, though, keep iho Globo well supplied with iho finest bread, crackers, cakes, pics and pastry: r and manufacture 1 '1C choicest quality 1 of pure candies. Try ihein. adv 1 . ... 1 1. Treason! 1 nsirukction ! Rk.uel- Uon! F.rv. ,ust arrived, a tine assortment as-sortment of Frames of all kinds, at very low prices. Bring along your : I Pictures and cot them framed' for I Christmas; and don't forget to have I your Purl 11 taken at I he old stand. : C. 11. Savage. 1 adv S. P. Cily and Coup Douglas. Proclamation to the Public. I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, Proclama-tion, to the traveling public : Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on the C.P.R.K., will find it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on the evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby hav-! hav-! ing a good night's rest, aod so be fresh for travel at 8 o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves this depot. de-pot. At the Ogden House we offer as good accommodations as any house west of Omaha. Free busses at every train to and from the depot, adv John Mahon, Proprietor. Important ! Don't forget that Joe Simmons' Saloon and Restaurant, hotel ho-tel basement, 2d South Street, is still well supplied with Oysters, Pigs' Feet, Calves Tongues, Sardines, Lager Beer, Tennant's XXX Porter, Barclay Bar-clay & Perkins' London Stout, Shep-ton Shep-ton Mallet Pale Ale, Brewer, Bemas & Co.'s Omaha Ale, J. C. Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Fine Cut Tobacco. Great speciality at this Saloon is Fresh Oysters, large, fat and luscious, served up in every style. A supply just received. This is the place to get a substantial Lunch any hour of the day, and at very cheap rates. adv. A Fresh Supply of genuine Kng-lish Kng-lish Ale, Golden Crown Cigars, Pigs' feet. Lambs' tongues, &.C., &a., at Phil. Margetts,' 2nd South Street, adr Go for Him. George Chaudler, determined to continue to please the public as he has done heretofore, wiij keep the choice-it meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Stall No. 2. right hand, entrance of Meat Market, Mar-ket, adv. AMUSEMENTS, THEATRE CHA.VGE OF TIME. Doom open at 7 : Perf. nuance to cuLuuience at r.'-j). RENEWED ATTRACTION ! Wednesday Ev'g, Dec, 7, 70, Wi!l be presented the beautiful Duuieio Druuia, entitle! THE ROAD OF LIFE! ACT I. Tilt- Village. Labor and lis I.tssou. ACT II. The Metropolis. Wealth a lift Its Temptations. act nr. The Heath. "IVnnt oud it. Coi.se. quences. To conclude with tho Laushable farce cntitlfl The Artful Dodger i Iu active prepiirntioii, the trroai Nautical and ik-riiatiorjai Drama, en lillel r 1 1 x: l r ship. A V ill shortly appear, 3Ir. nud Miss Coulrtock, supported by I lie Laiiijrlslie Dramatic Coin pa uy. MUSEUM IEIMER1E. ! Half a block wee-t of President Youn'd " Residence. JOHX AV. YOIWG, I-:s., Prop. A'alive Beasts, Birds and Reptiles, Wolverines, Bear. Fnxe?, Mountain Deer, Lynx, Wild Cats, Ac Important collodion of Native Minerals; Admission, 50 cts. Children, 10 " Open every day except Sunday, from i" a.m. to r p. in. Feeding; Time, 3 p. in. J. L. DARFOOT, Manager, PIA4 RAFFS, Only 300 Chances, at One Dollar Each. A seven and a half octavo Pian, cnt $125. Examine the instrument and buy your tickets ;or the Rattle at HI RS. COLEBKOOK'S. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Sn.vcs-nre !' Dii-I-'M. K .lii .... n ii ,v (V. CELKBJv mOD CINCINNATI 1-'I1U: AND illfHI,Att l'KOiil-' SAFES, Anil SjirK'cnt's M.orn.ii.' uii'I Aini.m;ilic L.mk m .m mz B-a.. : l'K.VTT.V COVEUT. General A s,ni, s-'i "a?llillt;t.'Il Si.. Chie:ii;.i. ii. n. rnwsox, iipi. z. . M. I., Asent tor I mil I'e ri-1 1 or j-. I CITY LIQ JuR STCFiE.j Keep cm-ta ut ly iui hand, ! Wholosalo and lUtail, LIQUORS aSd WINES j At Ltiwent Kate. j (S R O ESHKCK'S 111 1L Dl X (i S , ' h;n)t Trtnplr Mrrri. I E ATHSB ATHS ! j Warm rspriiii? l$alli ! Private and Plungr. TtiteH' tvlJ vrtii-l I Ml :t .!( lli-- at : ! m'jv-mi. Tliir n e-iu ; n.tl -r. 'it-ri if h i- know n t!i.t ii i-- nlu s In tni;:iic;;i :i..-:u. H.-..i,i tin- Tr .t.- HiTli-. i,.- I,ir.., rl i- n.f-!y n.f-!y lurni-ii.i l1 Inner UriIii ; r I v: .- t,ti vivuiivnir n re Lv w - n. 11. A K.NOL l. FOK SALE! A tew hundred " 1 r t ' ' i u the "1 , : .u" ar.d "Latayeire"' I. ' ie.-, Timic M.:..:.j iJ.;riot. K.ijLiro .H)h MM M (., TELEGRAPHIC! DESERET TELEGRAPH CO., V-.;i -hire- 1- !t i vi:T ck r 0;i m--s '"'l T.n w v ! , r .- - 1 eiire.a SALT I.AKK CT AMI ..l.llF.N An 1 TWi fEXIS fr ea'h j .1 wr.i. i. MILTON Ml SSF.R, Supt. I HW ADVEBT1 3.. IMENTS. THE BEST PAPER. AND THE BEST INDUCEMENTS! li L- (.Ui.irt er's -V " ' Ut-rs t-ii t b'li K K CO ai; .-j! -CTL't it).', h !' nit' DlV 7, t' -t ii ex t year's ! SURAL KtW-Yi'FKEB, Titr. i,:,; t u i.; -it: Rural and Famii" ' fk'y. Thi? is ivt only ihe Lnrg't, lit si nnd Chenptsi, l.U hy t;ir Uiu Largcst-Cir culailug Juiiriial of lis las ! t!mnl in ( hani.-t'T. .lly K-litctl, isupcrb'lv Illusirutei.1 it nil PriutC'l, n h tliu BEST AMERICAN WstKLY l is the Stniidnid A ill hortl y nn .,n br tm-hes ul'AUKli:- LU KK. rl II,- Tl'RE. J;r. Acix Liftiaiy nud Kamily Pajjcr it is a lavurile from I'an k1:i to C i li-foruia. li-foruia. lmleeil, JnOOKii'd hl'KAL hns no Rival in its phert'. and i, tliu Lnret Illustrated Il-lustrated Journal hq thr I'oni i"pi-t ea h miinnor containini; txiefu Five-to Five-to In mil Pages, .uouljlc Hie ne ofni'i.M f aptr.- uf il- A NEW FEATURE. Ainonir mvnt nvi-ton- 1 1 llicRt'KALP unetuak! Editorial St ;t if i? lhI of l..n. T. Hkt Hyatt, ot'l ala., a- editor ufthv Pacific Coast Department a new :ind vu! na bl toa-tur toa-tur . By prompt m ilinp and rapid railn.ad transit the Rl'RAL now r aclics tho Pm-iHr Slope Hbnnt th'1 time nf it- dale, TtRMS, INDUCEMENTS, ETC. TKRMS-S3 a year of '-2 Xumlior-. ani onh i.50 in clu1 - ot ln. 1 li s Jinirter '3 Number -cut FKKK. : orte-eit nhove. Our Club Indiiceiucn'- lor 17) -ne u n r rt-rf-dmtcd. Specinifn. Pretiiiuin Li-t-. ,c. vi tree tu all toriiiing elu'- ;n,,l n vant a like Clu'' Agent in every I-'HR. A'tdre-- O. n. T. MOOKK. tl Pmk How, ftrtv Vork, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C.,&C. M;ii.ula' tiire-l Vo z., fw, is. 'Jn lun.d in vai iuly tit tin' ClotHiiiij liepan nieiu. Al-ti, E (i . BOXES, APPLE HOVKS. And HfhithI Pni Kliii: C hm , x'-'-1i ' "M. i hi lli Ti link l-.ic-r. i't ilo-II. ilo-II. II. ( 'LAW'S ).. I'T. H. VV ;i i, LA K) E, MAN! I AO I I H Kit 10' I'UKK CANDIES SURPRISE B3XES OI.OO . 13AGB K- t- -ui ; ; i- I OKVI.Ki. I.KMOX. M 1 K'.l I.K'II f.KIK, ? - tlhKI) T 1 1 . . i. . li 0 1 O . . A NUMr.ltH. ir. COKFECIIOhERr, PltS. PASTRY, Fin?l ISt-fiKl. VH. !!. K. SHARP,! ! .; .; t y .- '- Resident Dentist, SALT LAKH (If. TEETH. : : r. . , Tfrlh FIllfH wHh f.f.WI nnrt r-innird. r-innird. Tcoli KitrifU it Hhoiii I'hiii. OK FIT F-.f"' i ' T C'. f MMMMWIBaWM I llllll I III I Mil ' SOUTHERN PrAT' ''F. CILMER. -- DAY a GULMER, cpOg:. DRY GOOD?, GrOjERES, srtel HARDWARE. MAIL & EXPRESS LINE queenswarf, Carryiusc 111.- V. S. M.-.I1. pi A CCU 1 CP ind W-11S. F.rso A Co. Expr.s,. ULMOO II A tit, The -MTi i;T r:::, , BOOTS, SHOES. PROVO & FILLMORE. HAT-- BLANKETS, i.i.-tN .:-:h. OILS, NUTS.&C.iC. r-n or. .i.-.orr ue i;..'; : 7 U K M AtCK Meadow Valley. Star District -j , c rp , , 0 -and St. Ceorge. :Jbhbl 1 iAo Tin lie aud Srvlrr llnrs. Minptir w 11', '1 V 1 I'l" and Arizona. 1 1 -v 1. L -L . iro 'i Moais and ac- n-u'ovis:i -jt Prcbiii-.-rs '. i.l til.,; i; I l! hk- the ii:e. Tiuit1 to St. G''rve ;:..i Mt-ft uw -,.- .-'v.. -i . ' , ... Vilit-y Mines. 3 days. I.. L-.urs. " " V.-vw i " Hl'tiH AVH1TK. Prop. C. F. smith. J-r.i'.t ' A i"iit I Mor So.uh vC Town i'Kvk Sunv T. a W. TAYLOR ll.V'K JLST Kl-XEIVKK A LAKciK l.dT OK COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES ! Cheaper than ever Sold in the Territory. CALL AM .!T. Til hi K Splendid Assortment of New Gcods! SAMPLES ARRIVED AND I'AN UK l'(H ; P -AT JSL Ea iii? lj C WUO AUK Ai.l-.M'.- Km; T1IK I I : 1. 1-:i : ;; ' K 1 LinV .Motion, I.' i k Siit. li. Siraiuhl N.-.I;... mi.l iil .vi 1..1 in .ill iu'. ui ih y tin' ll. ax 1, -1 ...ui l.iai,i..-t vv.,1 MOitJ I(l!li:s TO AKIiMi: 1 A VVM DWS. Our Dry Goods, Grocery. Boot; Shoe. Hardware and Croikery Departmenis Arebi-illg daily n.'plrnishil with n full varirly n ml Ht (.n.-i's In sti;y THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS, Kiubracine oyer A IlCNDUKP DIFFKIi V.SV S , J A I . S wrl . r iuiuiediato applicii inn 1111. 1 ri-.juiiini; no mixing. jn. r .vivo.l aii'l fur -m io ai tlio DRUG DEPARTM'NT H10 iiiv'ix'iiu'iiis ol' these l'aints are simple ami iinl.'-tiuciil,!,' The ..unh-ties ..unh-ties with w,i,., ilj,.y reeeiiiiiiend cliouwlven are : I 'hi:. .ri,v--,. ilmaM i'y '1,1,, no, ity of color, an nti'isn.iily smouili ami elv aiM-aiaiio ,l m, ., m hymf. no trouMu of mixing, will Man.l liVe or ruin, nii.l .. i.,i ,.,-M.i. , peel oft with uuoo-plu rie elianres, nor eliaik oil l,y i',ien,,. 'I'hev m - , ), eheu -t. inns! linraMo ami 1 ..,,iilar '.,ii.is in M. The AVKIULL Wn.TK 1'A I . 1' i- a Z l.( ' I 'A I NT, e,,,,,,,,,,!,,, etnj. i,nd is ot e,ual siipc rioiily 11:1, 1 io,ubnly. BRING ALONG YOl'H PAINT CANS (U KN ANH I I 1M II s I,' HY TIIK CALLON. A lull lino of Foreign, Domestic and Case Licjuors. At ihe Drug Department, '.. ( '. M. I. IU IS. ( 1 4 A Wo. sunt. Zioii's Go-opcrativo Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDlVAfiE Dr: PARTM .''NT, i.i.Di; 1: x ci-.wvmix in 1 1 in m. -. V"il r.ui li,.l at 11,.- 1 aim.. : I ol .. ('. . I. a hr.t ct- I. "I LAMPS, CFOCKERY, KAHOY.PE, STOVES MI.MNti ULsii.; rowiH i;, staple and Fancy dirocci ics, l.tv. Aiel .-..I, Get More for your Money and Orders th.n you can ?t any other House in Utah. II. b. Cl.AAVSOA, Mipl, |