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Show The Veiverioii .Man-luge. The Bristol i England I 77,..- ha.-the ha.-the following remarks ; The death of Lord Avoniuore rai-es a curious and perplexing question in the interpretation interpreta-tion of our marriage laws. His successor suc-cessor in the titles and estates is M;,i ,r Velverton. the licto of the Lonwonh-Velverton Lonwonh-Velverton romance. The peerace is an Irish one. and by the verdict of an Irish court of law, Mi.-s Longworth is the wife of M.iinr Veiverton. She is how, therefore, l.idy .Vvonthore. and. as tlio wile of an lri.-h peer, is entitled to her share of the jointure. How i this dilheulty to be settled? On this side of St.! Jenrsre's Channel the widow olT'rofcssor Forbes is L rd Avonmore s wife: in Ireland Miss Loncwonh i his wife, and his English and SoUoh wife has neither title nor status. It is a perplciimr position for the cent e-man e-man to find himseif in. I;it what is his position in comparison with that of the ladies '.' W ife and no wile, bus band and no husband 1 |