OCR Text |
Show MEDICAL. JL 1. It ENEDIC T, SURGEON AND PHY; 101AN. i Office at Rosidonce, rear of Seyenties Hall. i . XV. V. ANDEltSO.N, At. IX, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office at RoHidence, In the Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. ORMSBY, 1'HYSIUIAN, SURGEON AND DJiUGGI.ST, I1KIG1IA.1I CITY, UTAH. Dr. H1GGINS DAVIS IOR about thirty yoars Medical Practitioner Practi-tioner in England, tenders bin profea-nonal profea-nonal aid to all who may require the same. He hue had much experience in every branch of bis profession, and otTors ad rice on 1 very reasonable terms to the pooriahabi- t UuiL of thin city, every morning froin o until J 10. Midwifery from go upwards. ' Office No. I Morris' lerraoe, 13th Ward. "legaT ! M. Klrkiiatrick. S.A.Mann K1RKPATR1CK & MANN, Attoriiejs-nt'Law, Omct FmsT Sooth 8t Fourth door .nut of Ho. per, Eldreiljre A Co.'i Bunk. Z. SNOW. E. D. HOOK. SNOW fc HOUE, Attorneys and Connselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utuh. Offioo at Snow's somer, 1st East St. HOTELS. Y.KSY 7KMI-LK STItKF.T, SAL T Ij A It K Ol T V. Tll.DKX & LAWHENCE, Prnp'ra. ' BANKERS. FIRST JX ATI OX A L .BASK i OF TJTVII. I Salt Lnkc City, Utah Tor. Win. H. Hooper, II. S. EldrodKe, L. S. Hills. llMper, Eldrtiljfo Co., I BANKERS. Kast Temvi.k St., Salt Lakk City, ! PoAlcr. in Gold Dust, Coin, Kxohanite, Land Warrants, Etc Collections made and proniitly re-milled' re-milled' CORRESPONDENTS: ' Hiirs Jt Co., New York, Ijauk ol' California, San Francisco, , First National Bank, Chicago, Exchaneo Bank, St. Loui.T, First National Bank, Omaha. J. S. Morgan & Co., lxmdon. WELli 3JIGING. WILLIAM F. CALTON, 1XPKRlKSCEP WKIX-DIUOKR, ono 1 j block and two south of Uth Ward sehool-lipu.-'o, will dig eiU to order on the shortest notice and in satiMartory stylo. j.v.n i. uic i i.i. , COMMISSION MERCHANTS -t04 RiKl iUU ( Hlltonila St., U FraurlacOi - California. Particular attention paul to the fillinp of orders for every dowriptiou ol tucrchnndi-ie, Salr of Orr, Ar.) &r. CALIFORNIA TRADE. A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer la t?!S! kinds of PICKLED ot9 8MOKKD SALMON AND HERRINGS, 123 Washington Street, Blowiavui. SAN FRANCISCO. All kinds of Dried, giuwked and Pickled Fish Constantly on hand. CHENEB.Y, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of all the varieties of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Sh'.ch we offer for eale to the t. ade iu Utah, at low rate- in exchange fur national currency "ca-h down" or approved cre-iit. 311 Clay Street, San FrancUco, - - California WILMERDIN2 & KELLOGG, Importer? and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 218 FRONT STREET, BAN PRAJfCISCO. June. SjumaDce, John Sprn.nce, C. C. CWpman. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importera aad Wholesale Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, 41S Front gtree, SAN KANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. RlSGTuI, fiflSTfflEfi k 11 Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Essential Oils, Gums, Rootn, Seeds, Flowers, Sponges, Skins, Pomades, fcc, And all other Staples connected with the Wholesalaand Retail Irug Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. Hostetter's Bitter?, Drake'rt Plantation Bitters, Wolf's Scheidam Schnapps, Xewell's Pulmonary riyrnp, And nil the leading Proprietary Medicines both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Nos. 59 and 531 Market Street, Between First and Second, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO,, Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, US, andllT Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. IVe wuuld especially call the attention ef the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS 1 Which in point of style, fit and durability are equal to the ben custom made goods. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 2H & 216 BATTERY STREET, BAN F R A N C I S C O, Offer to the trade of Salt Lake and vicinity LEATHER, of nil kinds, HAKMKKS, CALIFORNIA SADDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general assortment of SADDLERY 000DS AT NEW YORK PRICES, liond for Cataluruea and Priced. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. 8VCCKSSOR5 TO Cuinoron.Whitticr A Co. and Fuller A Heather IMPORTERS ASH DHLKR3 IX PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, SOLK AGENTS i'OK FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLASS CO'S 21 & 2ii FRONT STREET, Cor. Pino Street, 8 AN FRANCISCO. C. AOOLPHE LOW & CO., SAW FRANCISCO, CAI.., Importers f TEAS, COFFEES Spirt", ami nil EAST INDIA I'KOPUCE Of whii'h they keep si.vk" o. n.-untly on hand tor ?ale to til. j o Jl iiik t rijvn I-:. ALSO AiJKSTS FOR I. N VlnH de X Hurnj ony's, of CitU. S H K R R I F. S , II. rllrtt WHITE I. F. A D CO M V A X V, of ew York. P R A T T'S NON-KXVLOS1VK ASTRAL OIL. .lame? Otis. W. A. Ma.- ndry. V. W. Ma.-. iidray. MACONDRAY & Co., SHIFPI5B UDMMISSIDS l KKfllA N TS, IMPORTERS OF CHiNA ANO JAPAN TEAS And all do,-i ripti..n? of EAST INDIA PROlUlK. SAX FHAXFISCO, - . CAI.. EASTERN TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., BOOTS AND SHOES, Nog. 79 and iSl Broadway. - - NEW YORK. IMCiE, 1SUO.& CO., IniIorter and Dealert in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 50 Lake Street, SH CHIC4E0. ILL I. It. S31LXKJCIC, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 317 Olive Street, ST. LOtIS, Sen l? CI thie all over the Wet and (rives entire satislaclion. A No. 1 e.-tHblisnment. The XatioiiulScrics TEXT BOOKS, li.-t man l-rv- k ol ihii St-i ! Luve U"-n a-l '!' 1 lor -taii l-tr'l umi.'rni.ty in Vtali. an. I ih r.tliT are !;ivril-:v ref-iTeu I'V th l--ft -iu-atnr.. PARKER &, WATSON'S SERIES C -t:r - of A Prtmrr. nnd Kesutri m F v ni:uirg. Sncliti-K Hook, In two gradrs. DRIES' MATHEVtATICS, 'i i t.' S i i- 't-.il !" ln,:r"1. an I uniy ( rnj-i. tr, L"ii-m L"ii-m I ai.'l i.r.il njf. L iiiex.y t-rhur li, fu-1 fu-1 .: -r- -" k I -r -f fc ' -i- w. A rtl h incite. A Igr hr, (.(Oiiuirv. "In-. s.ur v- HrrtrrttTf, Ktr. M3NTE1TH S GtOSSAPHt. I. F!r-I Lron. i. .Minuil. -yt H v." Wit'i !',;. r-iv-lt ' ''.m- ..-i-l i CLASX'S DIAGRAM GRAMMAR V. rl I,ron In KncllI (ammar. The .uriual Kn 1ia i.ram mar. STEELE'S NATURAL SCIENCES r. V- i : ;. . i.,;t:.-' y .n:t-n-i.D ud ' 'I -r -'"ng i aiural Phllo-ophj. -1 rnnom j , t hnni-l rj , trlop . WORMAN'S GERMAN SERIES A RriHfr.x: .Kfh r ( .i. f j nft.- M.tii ! T! 1- r- I : ;. -. " A. 'si BARF CO., ' ;'i-,-;r. N w V- HELMBOLD'S PREPARATIONS Highly Concentrated" conporD fluid extract BUCllT. y K i-cirive ar.d ?pr:tc reme iy f'jra.ea?e; of ihe B, adder. K'dney-. t-irvel and lreris-al ve.izs. This niedi ine tn?rea?e? the power? of di-peiion, di-peiion, and excite;1 the absorbf nii inio healthy action, by which the ru;:ter of eal-c.ri eal-c.ri ou? depositi"n. and all unnatural en-laEenJen;; en-laEenJen;; are reduced, woll a pain and inSamm-iiion. and is food K-r una, wv.men and children. H HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BVl'HC For weakness ariinj: from excesses, habit of dissipation, early inaicretion, a' tender! with the following eyuiptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, L is? ot Power, l)irlicu!ty of Breathing. l. 'ss of Memory, Horr"r ot Disease. Wakefulness. Dimness oi Vision. P, .in in the Back, Flushinf: of the 13" ly, II"t Hand.-, Erup'ions of the Face, NV eak "rvc. Dryness of toe Skin, Trtuibiinrj, Pa hd CouTitenance, La.-situue, tjf tbe AluouUir System. Th6se symptoms, if allowed to ?o on. i w 1 1 ifh t ti i- medioine ir. v ariauly remove soon follow Fatuity, EidK-ptic Fits. Ac, in one of T7bicb the p.uient may exp re. Who can say they are not f-etucntly followed fol-lowed dv those "direful diseases.' Insanity and Consumption! Many areawareol thecauseof theirsufier-inp, theirsufier-inp, but r.oue will cuut The records of the insane asylums and the ui lanchoiy deaths by consuinptioa be:!r ample wune.-to wune.-to I he truth of the assert ion. The Constitution, once a'aeoted by organic weakness, requires the aid of lueduiue- to sirensthen and invicoratc the ?vsrp.u. which HELTvlBuLD'a EXTRACT UF Bl C11U in variab'y doei. A trial will convince the ni"sc seeptk-al. In manv afictins peculiar to Feuiales.the EXTRACT LUCHL is uueuuuled by any ether romedy, and tor all complaints h.L-iden t to the aex, or in the DECLINE- OR CHANGE OF LIFE, sKE VMlTOM A11U I.. No Tamilv should be witaout it. Take no Balsan.. .Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant aud dangerous di-sases. di-sases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT B t C H U IMPROVED ROSE WASH Cures Secret Diseases, in a'. , '. ,. ., - '; at little expense. In i lo or no . - uiel, no inconvenience, and no exposure. Pvl Use Helmbold;s Extract Buchu For all affec ions ami diseases of t liee organs whether cxlsi inif in 3Ialc or Frinah'i from whatever cause on mating, and no matter how lung standing. Disea -cs of thee orHdus require the aid o. a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIC IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it is certain to have the deirod etluct in nil diseases fr which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOODl ULOUU1 H EIjMBOIjD'S Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparillaj For purifying" the Blood, removing '.11 chronic chro-nic constitutional disease.- arising Ir-m an impure st;.to of the Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy fori lie cure oi Srrotula. fcali Hea l, alt Rheuin, Pains and dwellings of the B n'--. l lcera-tins lcera-tins of t he I hroa t and L cjrs, Bloti he-, Pimples Pim-ples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, itnd all scaly Eruptions of '.he Skin, And L'eaut tfylng the Compleilun. Two tablrsi'Oonsful of the Extract !' S;ir-saparilta S;ir-saparilta added K. a pint oi water if tqir.i to tne Lisbon Diet Drink, .m i one bottietul is fully equal to a c;tl!nn ol the Syrup ol Sar-a-parill. or the decoction m usiiaily m.ido. o HELMBOLD'S HOSE WASH. An excellent Lutlun lor disea-cs arising from li.ibit- of d i--, pati "ii, u-e rni cciii.ec-tii-n wiili the KxlrHrts Buchu an i -.ir.-.t ph-r ph-r ila, in such di-. '-au6 a.e re lumen led. E idf.'ive of i he aio.-1 re-ponsitiic and r--. laole . haracter will a-T'ompa' y me iiiC'iK'ii.wn. Al.-o explicit directi ir.s lor u-o, v. in Hi r i.KKnS UK 1 ill It 'AN 1S ll illt; It II M'-r. Mild upwards of i.'.'.m uu-Oitoite i ceri'ti' f - and rccouiini-ndat-iry Ivtt-r. m any of which are from he tuiie-r murT', i n 1 ud i ug einni'Tit Pliician. Clergymen St it-men. V'". 1 he PrT i t1 T B a never r urt ed t icir pu M i -cation in ttir ni"- paj ei 8 ; iie dnis n-t do thi. trotn ttic fact that hif articlf- rim. at Standard Preparation-, nrd L'-l li"c 1 to be prop if i up !' r..-i :na he ti'-e M clinii. P.k" th D-r';.. Cluu.ii. -uouid 'an-l -in. pi", pur-. luhje-tte, hit'. Illg '.."! !' It- llnluction lor its pillar, and lima alone lor us Capital. L My E.'t.'t S..r-ai...r-U i- a , I 1'un-i 1'un-i ; my Fxt-a1 ' Bv n u i- a Diurc'ic, and will ,ict a - -u"h in a. i ra-c-. B tfi are prepared on purelv inf i"" pn j.1, p.c- i U a -iu ari'l are t : e m ; i . vt :ne.-u c- c-1 eitlirr t);i en ' 1 1 - - J - - A r- ady an '1 c in . m -1 ve I '.t ! w i I P it f m pari--u ' .i i r p.-" j." t ii-i wi ; ii t ,'i"-e f-t P rt ti in f d! orh. S. D -i. n-a-orv .:: I n;:- 1 r.it'-. It, j, r ltv ... ' 'j o:a -u t ne Via' t; c : i'h "c- Sf-e rf inn-K u.a'i- h-. the - 1 v a i Dr. Ph Y , i' ti i 1 1 . o reii-arks Lai' Dr. l.;tu.' y X - 1mv j'" . r : i .-n r, I V .... : ft:.' K ' i.'-r- - -a.-, i . . r, I p.. ,.- ' ' :.. ; i, v i; -ti.-h : . i.- ; t Mi.t int, it. i J ,."t.-i .Vl .'.i.- - cLirurp - ..l P..' v,fff. Ml "di-h'-d - ii, F!;-, i-d.-.w o: tne n.. L-d Lf? "f . -g-';,. e i., '-I o, t f j :, e :7. ilar -1 w t k- . :i V r- r,,. , D A i irr " ir . t . rp f r ir. ' r. . ;i. r '. H. T. HELMBOLD. r k i V I P M. ' ' f ' I II' I m ltrl(i Di "t Clinttal A art hou.t. .4. Brod.l r it T "i IW t uil.old - M d ical Kil. 10. South Trnlli Ph I lMr .h In. Hewa.r of Conntrff it ! Ak FOR 1 1 KLM HOLD'S ! TAKK NO OTI I Kit ' CALIFORNIA TRADE, MOBPHY.GBANUCLl pvrs" IT UA.NCISCO CALIFORNIA. Call a:e:::ivn to Tl.t-r l..r j-, a::d w r-.i-l Dress Goods Coin : r.... FRENCH PLAID POPLINS, Empress Clot lis. Tnmise Cloths, In All Colors. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MER1N0ES, ETC. ETC. ETC. Ako, lull hues ol no s i l i; v, White tiootls. 1 jiicHv, J i i TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, Toweliiu's Ate, All of which they o(l-r l the lowa-t in.n kct 1. KELLE R. Propnc-torof th.' Rimiic Pun and I. Aiili U" A m-vanls. m-vanls. Dfp.i lor ol Iih NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KELLER & CO., Corner ol ! alitry and ! n-'uiutoii Sita-el. Sun Francisco, - Cliftrnln. A iip-llca AVI ne, Kldornilo Wine, While ilHlnn Port "Wiin' liiu. r. blirrry Crape Urniidy. Ad our Wines ant Hnwidy gtuifiintri'd -t;n 1 1 puu-. utni over (liii- li'ir" i.i. t'-5ah Ikt C'ty Corp" "ooii. on'- To-oi , r.tt m.- ; M.r.-aniile I ii' ot ut ion UoPn A Co.. S.tl 1 1, . Iv.a "n , I). U. IVi-rv, ami ii. ..!!., A Co, i'l-.i,.,, ,,UI wiiitts lor sale. Kit 11AK1) tiDODIH I). Ajifiil, all Lakv C'U . WEIL & CO. IMFltRTKK OF Cigars and Tobacco Prorieioi-Mif 'he U A VAN A OjirH i AN L' FACTORY, 41, anil Zir Front St., Southwest i-orner Front A acratnento S,:s,, ? no i-i. a iv o 3: J c . .9. UVKKIMX; V I .. COMMISSION f.MRCHANrS 48 Clay St. f Snu Kraut Uco, DEAL.EU4 IN OREGON PKODK'K, Are cotiatantly in re-ipi ol Oivfuti Ilnir.1, Huron, Lard, ?aliinn. Ai , Starch, of eur aw a hikI E-v-trn nmnuiai tin e always on hand. BRITTAN, H0LBR00K &C . Importers and Dealers in Stoves &; Ranges, SHEET IRON &TIN PLATE, Copper, Ziuc. &Urt Lrxl, Wlrr, ri Mi's, Ijcd and Ircm 1 " I j j o . ti.ii:hs' a(M)s, Toola and Machinery and Oeni'ral HOUSE FURNISH INC HAffDWAPE, Embracing Plain. Japan nod, Planii-hcd and Slam ped W are, Kom. lit A I I 3 California nnd IV ob. 17 Av IV Darin Mr?vt, SAN KKANClsai, t A L. S. P. Holdcn. J .. iiiK.rhead S. P. KOLDEN & Co., IntpnrtfTS f FOREIGN DliV GOODS, I inen, Dress Gouds. Hosiery, &c. 2 & 30 SANSOV K h'l'., SAX Kit A.M ISC U. Luri'lnr. : 21 LeaTi-DhHll M.. t.C TOBIfJ, DIXON & DAVISSON, I in port r of K.NOLIMI, FHKM II Jl I- K H M A t'mtf r,. .). 4;,,.i, ''Tj-imsn, Lin' h I ti.il, n. I!h. O. rr1. Ll I vtlM -r I .-.- t.r ,1, : .;. tf : i. :,.:( ... t..- ' , '-. ,r . n, . k-.- . Iii.' ..-It . i. U .. Srll m l,o t- !() mm v I oik I in lion rs. W. i, . .. It.. r . Hi KK t I 1 A 11 I V H H I I H T"i;l. H). i'.W I--' iN. v-: T i j j I j f l-;T in ;r. CASTLE CtlOTI!?;;:-, x M 2T o iit r ; it ja WHOLES A LK GKoridlS, i I 3 a nd i 1 i Knail Hrtit kill riniln, . ( lir..i uln. UTAH CENTRAL UAlLKOAn. f'VT'?- tltlllltlU 3. -'i 1 .. . , . PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday. Dec. 1, 1 S70, Oail.v Trains LeaTo .:!; l.sVe Oi;y at 5 a.m an l p.ir- Arr-.vi-. i.1.- u- ' a . s::.i i -." p. m. Lt- ' o ci"i ; s m a ; d .v1 p a1. . Arr voa: ;t;; L.dsO idtv .0 a. n and p.m. Fare from Salt Lake Citv to W i'- Oro iT.:r. vdle - - h -::..! i:;t n KavUe 1. Ct.-vU u Fare A o m ( ai d r n in K ;iy -vi lie. 5 . n Pa riw ' : c : on 5 0o:i; ro ;.,e -. o V..o.i'M'r...v .... . J- sait Lake C.;y v' In ad.iilii. n to the aho. o an accov.mjd;ti3n TR UN Wei run PA11.Y. SI NPAYS KXCKITKn. Lfavini: O i.n at o a n:. and Salt Lake Oil at 4:41' p. in.. On whioh full fare wiU cut 'tie the pnn-hsrr a rvi'l to r.i'a::, o.t :h ;,a,. da and ira u Irf , and .-it.). Py arrnc tiK with the o nd .t tor :t any p uit on t..e line to take on or let or! p--senccrs. Passnijri-rs vtll pli ase Purr ha or I lit ir Tic kr ( h a I I he Oilier fifty Cents additional will he oharired when the tare col U vied . i ,rai:u For all information oonocrtuiiK troihl or pas-avts applv l O. O. CALDK.K, 1 iok. t and Freirht A k t . Salt Lake City. LiVERPOO's & QJEENiTCWX. V- -s- r- si V s.V - c'"K'. . " -' . ' - ,. ' i ', .,s v.T' f'-y'., --- -. s. ;;-.';--,-;-,;. ' ' " '. '; V INMAN LINE Of Royal 1 n 1 1 Mrnmer. Salllnfi front ,Nr o r k Every Saturday, AMI A It i i-ii ;i ti? Tiic.I:i,. C'nhti. ('...nr, I,, l.iTi-in,l, (p-M) SI S.IMI Sl--ia(;e i-i"., Jll.UA I'nsKH,- fi-oiit I.i . i-i -pool l o Am- York I'nliin, - ,,.,,:.!( !i..-,,tll ),'-I'M Kr, - - nnii.i,.; :II.UO Ki'iuiii Trip Ti,-L,-i i.-.ui-.l m vt-ry ),-t nitp. .11111 C. 1) t I. K. , i,t. le l',i ,t ii h , , .N r ,irk , I'r W1I.I 1AM I'Al.li II, Aienl, Suit !.!.- i lly. Vlyh. CENTRAL PACIFIC fttlLRT. Time Schedule. Nov. 28. 1KTO. , I'. - KMRIe I -n s... ,-1. - -Mix -.!. Hi.il .-x.,-i-l S:,i, h i,i.,,-i-. ., I- ' .mi ' 1 .,., 7 i. ru- kl,,u,l " 4" " I 4 42 ' X,-.. ' 7 4.i " ! 4 " -I.., ke... IJ.i, ,,m i 7 '. " e.ni.-M" A , I :- ' V .III " ;4i,.b, S. ,H Ill,, 1... 'i HI " ,1 - "U-iMiiin A i i " I I i;.,... . In, ,, li I.i " ' n . , ' "Im "" U - 4 .,, i:n- - 111. hiii' c fi ii. -m mi -.,,,. 1 v n. - ! - r 'i i , llsltl- , 111, I HI II " IV'" III I ; 1 I In .11. " - 4 4"'.'' r "'J,,, ''""' I ' '' o-'i"'" KM"-- I'"" i. ' , W,.TWAMi. 'I;M I i.i. 'MiaisI. ' li I,'- 'i I - -Mi i i ,,, K-ii'-D " in " : I M, , l-1 1," h 4.', .in ; if, ,.ii, IIkim, Mi.iiiiIh'ii " , I 2-ii ;i 1'i.n. '..in -line " ' 4 i" . '.I II. in . 1 'i ,ui 1 1 In ' ri.-, -, " 1 I'. .. "" ' 1 ' .,, i -ill,. ' V In " 1 V ! i-ii. s ,.,. l Ail'-.' . " " 1 1 - Hi " j T I.' m 7 JMI " s. J.-, At I- II. ' - I iv . r.J -hi. I -h,i- i- " i " ' j .. ., " n 'I" 'I In .in-li T I-..I- t" .11 I-- i . 1 1 .1 t j.. '-'I ' -'"I ..-) ''- - A. N. TOWNS. I. H l.-"HiM AN, U I-. R. ft. II. ,i I-... A i-i, l-ie 'H'l., lit'-. PUHEER 8H3RT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTS RAILWAY HliiiilMl mul ( tit i It -1 It Mill fi Kill (fniuli in li t a fc t m ml iht '.hI, , I .. ' f i I ' i !. , ; . . ,, I,., U .id ! i . i Ml ll i F .. ' k .... t t,.' i . ,mI K.,-1 i . 1 1 : iu .. ... ...,i hf ,, - A I h I . I - i ' i . i i I ii i , 1 11 in n it I n I m II in nd 1. 1 . ( pi ii ( t iil Ufa I-- " : ' ' ii t u-.t ..r t:,t Co.. pi. -i y . I - ' ... - V.-ll, ,. ,-, ,, ..r ' ' ' " " . i . f. t I I. A li. A . I .- k I.- i i. ')....- IF. - ( li- 111,,- l, .. I I .l.'J j i ' ' ' t :n. tahnrli.l 1 , M. - . i-, ,'MI, oinfort and Maf l. i - . . , ' ' I.-- k. J 11. r . ri , 1 1 i - hi I j- nu r.i ii4 :.' j i.-i . t. , i ,i . . i;..Ji -a I i. ; u. ,...-i..-.... i..,t,i t,.... I i:. Kin K-h i , i.i... . ( to-i.i- - u j . i. I. - f. i-. oi.tiui k.I t I 1 1..' L -1 i.'- ' - 'ii'" ' I " L.l .-. I, j . : A M'i.i. I Jo .-;'', l-n'.l 'I. M., 1 y "'!-Ti "I M 1 It. ..t.t.-pp!) U, HARRY ROGERS, ' W... '..Mi P..-' r ....-I Ir 1 a.l.L )l . C .- W - i "f t.i 1 A , Fit. f'lii' nn i, . ' , .f' i r ... r.,1 .-',a. P.. ,-TK'iNti , t,. rui Aifiit, fr..'il.v K |