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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .J'UTDD tt CO.'S Mail iz Express Line Will k.ive S.ilt Lake City for OPHIR, EAST CANON, AT SEVEN O'CLOCK A.M., jbAILY. Carryini? Pa-erier;. M.ul and Exprc-r- to BLACK UOCK, j;, T. CITV, TOOELK and STO(KTO.. New ami comfortable coachc-", itood yloclc, four changes of hoi-e- on the ti 1 1 i nd reduced re-duced ntcjnre tlie inducement) ouVrcd to travelers. Pri3-a?e nrl Kxi-ro-."! liookcl nt our office at tli ft. ilt Lake licu-e. W. R. JL'DD Jc U. P. KIMEALT,. Trojintturs. NOTICE. In tlicSnprcme Court for the I)lu-lct 0 of t'tali. In the matter of i M. .1. NXKDAKKIi, flu Until; ruptoy. JIankrupt. J TO 1JIE CU KM TO KS OF SAID Jtiinkrupt. .Notice is hereby given that a Third (General -Meeting of the Creditors of snid liaiikrupt will he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo huldnn on tlieljth day of l(oceni Lor, A.I), lxyi at Jo o'clock, A. .M., licftire. Win. )'! Api'lehy, Ki-gister, at his office in Suit Luko City, in said District, for tliu purposes pur-poses mentioned in tfiR 27tli soctiim of the Bankrupt Act of Miirrh !Ht,7. And you nre further notified Mint I have liled my final accounts as As-ignw of said Estate, in said Court, mid that nt said time and place I shall apply to suiil Court for the si-ttlijniPr.t of my mid accounts, ac-counts, nud for a di-i-huri; from all liability as As.-ignco of said Jvtuto, In ; accordance, with the provisions of the 2Mth Buction of said Kiinkrupt Act. 11. J. 1'AL'NT, Assignee Dated .-salt Luko City, Dec. IX711. MINES SOUGHT A AD som. Y. I. OKKJVKV, Akrhi inr the -nle r pur n-v ,f lUninff I I Iniurfiit.H, oHith for fxhilH itn to pur-HiiHH.riTlIrM, pur-HiiHH.riTlIrM, A 111 nfllM' Vni-loiiK MIim-m y ct dU- ' rovend In ( inh, Willi mvt.ik- A-iivfi ncl i-i l. c .c r linmlr' (r tllMllr-HIl.l l rt. i IIM IIH Oil twhiliitioii. . Cm) l(t;i-onfcrrl with if tlm ulli r. n M'.rf KiUKI'AlHM K A MANN, Allormy-' ut-l.iiw, l .i-t s.,mh .-t.. HU.T i.aki: t.TH. New Pi. ''imiTid nirty lo I' ll ciilier at tlic olli.;.- of li-.-.r-. Uo.iM A Woo.lw.ir.l. or nt I he olli''' ot ,M-r.-. Kirk pair irk ,V ,M;uiii, 3H3TELCODX1NG STOVES . li (iiuplcl'', l'". Sup. jil KiiMsHI iV I loll man's Opjmhlt. knll l.nkr llMit, Mnln St. TntrnHAHV On irr, HultM A Wrn. iIwhiiI'ii. Kiwi. Toini'l" Si. J ho SiM-rutary will lo In nt.t pmlfux'o Daily to c.iiin tlm OliioiMft of llio liiHiihitltm, thr It u I m (ihi,l HdBiiliitiiiri-'; rntrr 1 ho ninnrs of ai'phauiiH (' Aii.u.brfliii'. ami rf-rn q Kn-Ininro Kn-Ininro i-'rcji. WAltllKN 11UIHSK, TrvKl'IrDt. r i :vm 1 io a i : i c w. OI)i;. NTATION. Klc). r, t pale the Irmlina nfwsiniiinif Hn,l pel liMlli-iilt., lima H .urln el' I ho niiint ry. h ' I efnri.itr Vie,.,, uf tiiouiilnin sernery iiiet ei'M'i l i,l iiitont n tho Kreiil. Inuiseenli-nohviiv. Inuiseenli-nohviiv. Plielniiriiil "f l''lina innii, Hlnt...i,., v. I-' r 1 1 1 1 . Cmelies, .V.- Mil,'. HALT I.AKK. UAtl.V IIFIIAI.I) Cau nlwuv." hn Ln4 ul iliuti, I.en't lnl, H. DIN WO ODE Y, FURNITURE 1 AleJ All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Constantly on h.indut tho Sulos room, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, Lst South Street, Salt Lake City COFFINS, PLAIN and OKNAMENTAL Always in Stock. More of the War! IN PEACE PREPARE FOR WAR I Get your Guns. Pistols, Bullets. Shnt, Fishing Fish-ing Tackle, and everything necessary for defence or for sport. AIbo, Saddlee. Lri('le , "7hips. Spurs, &t for raciug or riding, from JAMES HAGUE, Sin of the Dir Gun, East Temple street. C. II . Bassett. C. F. Hoffman. BASSETT & HOFFMAN TV KW HARDWARE STORE Allkin.Uol HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron tiii) Nlt-rl, Stov and Tin Ware IILAL'KS.siI'ril TOOLS, A le rlcul t li ml Iuijili-mt-iilH And M I it I il Tool. At I.oTrnt Ilalfw. OPPOS1TK -SALT I.AKK I HUM-:. PRACTiCU WATCHMAKERS. ? is O - ELIA80N & HAULRBACH, rxt Door K-l of the Ilernld, Are Trorkmn hr n.( n ! y rop.iir Nat-hr aud Clkx. but will m;ko Va:.-hji tc nflrr in any lie-irtd f i) le, tir any p.irt i't h. m. from a pivot or pinu-n to an enure Watch. Work Kxrc tiled on Modrmic Terms. THEODORE LUBRE, ilanufiK'turrr of LADIES'! FANCY FURS Kant Triitjilp Mrrrt, Al Kl'-rrnoo Scninc M h inr SMc-r'-om, opposite S.ilt L.iko lluiic Hju on hand ami fr t-ilt a fine a.vMirtmnt of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS Suvh It li mid Alntkn 1 In k, K rinlttr, 1 ItiurHIIln, llnlnn Siitt rrl, Antrnknn, Prrnlnu I.nmlt, I krnutr, Krliiuirr, Hiiaalntt n n Krrni h (onry. I' I nit and kanlrrn ?l uk r a I A. r. A: r. Whih I fiTrr at rxrpflincly I" prior-. -Ml Kn.i.l w;irrnn(fi n. rt'iTn'ontrd or money rriurnr.i. l.niir Kur." el nnv itcfription ma le to r-lir in a norknmuhko iiMmuT GIANT POWDER I ron 1' of II a Nnprrlorlly for ltlnt I ug I'm IOM w, WH PKX I IUHInT MiMNi, l'nir, Siln-r Oly, MmIhi, .M. IS lT". I M onri. liiui'limuin, Ni'i'fon X t'n , Arnili tnniit I'owiler ('.. Sun Kinni'io, I'al.: Itt ip fciins: In roply to ymir lute fivm. 1 irivr you tlio follmvinc ri mi( of my workititf lipro: Tho rust ot linttinn. whirli ri un-ilor un-ilor (ho ol ytrai t miiiinir here. I" per loot, with tlm fink'lr h:inil .- -it-m ol orkinir jiiiil iJliint Towili-r t hnvo rnliii-rit n n f per loot, inul irhoit mnlor ihr nld pyn-loni pyn-loni lit one loot per iny nt lt n rn, my lucn arc on-ilv lunkinu our ami n hull h-ct. llnih'r (ho h t ny.-irm iiiihik " Mt-ct m ii uro - ! 'ot por tool, miiiio ix iiot .'otiim in o I 't T.'i pir loot wilh th. ;llu' tliHvii'ih-o ml tiinr iik fliiiwn in tlriltiiiK. liml'T tho ohl.yxliMii, our miii( .nuld novi-p 1 hf mmlo lo yiil, rvorrtliim 4ml tons per in (mi h; wilh Uiimt Con ilir n n) si n i: U h:inl 'Irillnid. 1 ii m now tiirnivliinn inontlitv l.tsm toiiw nl a ri-luiMMl ro.it ol hi Ion i ..i1 , r rnl ivrto pr Ion I h;ni umlcf t o old x kIciii, In oonrlui-ioii will xt nt o I hid t ho iu'u;h lior-init lior-init mintw, Mh Klmoro iinl Orn 1'itio, imlu-eih'i'-i I'V n-Hiili- mi tho (iol.lon t'luu mi inmo. hn vr mioptnl 'iimlr hinni li illuik' n ml t iv.i n i l'uwlr. to tho ullcr f'lusi..ii o ilouhlo luiml work, I in jir ill ills iiml coiiMiion hlii-tniK puwlor. In rorro.lionition nt ro-uit- in ImiI-iIimi ImiI-iIimi l liuii.it mirio, I ri'lor you to thr l'nj. tlonl nrnl It-Mini ot Trit-lci-x, n-Mdi'iit in vmir oily. ourx, n- pfi-Mullv, .ion. i . isski.s, Hnp' t intomlcnl li. C. M. Co. mm. .' o ii i ii i Gr ey Department, HON S CO OPtRAIIVt MERCANTILE INSTI1U N. II It CI..WVSON, Siiil. A fJEW SUPPLY r n... i ,...i.nii4 STV:dk1JAK VM WACOiS IXiluB JUST ARRIVED. EniljrnWug huavy and li'ht FARM AND KAKYON WAGONS The Favorite 15 - -A. iVI O 3ST JO and othr LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Very dcslraVile for Family use. The Studfekiker Wagons are manufactured out of the very bt'ft matftrinls by the most competent njecliaaiti'it in the country, and are WARRANTED FIRST CLASS. I'OK SALK AT CUEAP RATES. JOII.V T. CAIXE, Agent, Salt Lake Herald Office. Produce Departm't, z. c. M. i. j Entrance WKST ED EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, opposite Meat Market. We are constantly Buying aDd Selling Hides, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Onions, ; Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, j AND ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. j i'or which tho Highest Market Price ' will be paid. 11. B. CLAWSO.V, Sup't. j i Tclri aph Ollioes j AF.F NOW CTKN' AT jIHl" C'KF.KK, Sa'.t Lake County, j AKD AT ILK1II i.nJ l'LKASA"T GKOVE, i J'tnh County. ! A. M. ilLsiER. Su-t. ja-iFESwIlmii'liJiS; ' Jordan Street. lTthAVard. I H.iir-.n-l.:- k trc- ..f :h T.i'.croao'.e. j SALT LAKE CITY, i Mvinc the lat t lTni rnvcl Machinery f'r i workn-it in ! Iron, "Wood & Brass, j Can manufacture all kin l- of ? c litnlt' Tool, Tnrniiiit Lnthri., Fu Ulowrri, i r r Catting nd Holt Screw tuif Marhluc, t hrtte Vu, ( "lion, Woolrn ami ;rlst j Muchliirry, Ktc, Kic.. Etc. OUR FOUNDRY M.i--. ui i rc-cnt. be a iho .1 1-mf S" 1 1, x r.v - ( i,i t is T m'to r i , And we cin turn out ''.v-tinr? from the tliin-no?. tliin-no?. of m StOTf rinte u. to na.,-irc onf for SutrltliiR and Crushing i Works, nt l.o Kliaie. Wc li.ivc an A No I Model Maker, An I inli n in tin! line en: ii:in tool to he iii-LicU'ry, All kinds of Old Iron Bought. I.OI Il'-'.R W AM T.I). A lew num- Sliaro of the Cnpilal iM.u'k ciin he h:ul on iipplk'ntion to WILLIAM Fl LI.UK. So.rouir. SIIAVIMJ & HAIU-DKK.SING ' SALOON. JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, KAST TK.Ml'l.K STIIKKT, Kirl iloor mnuh of lt. Iluntor'n wi.lpno. l'rlvn( Hooiiin For CutliiiK initl IlrosMiiff La.liiV an,i Cliil-ilron's Cliil-ilron's ll;iir. M AM K ACT I It K. I) II A I II . Hvorv ,los,Tiiti.n of llnir Vrk nm.lp lo orilpr. A iiuniuit,v .l l, Jio.-; ' iviU'lios on limiil. Ol ltn mrlll itl llnli- Win k. L:i,tU'' nti.l (),-iHl,,iiion's Vii(,-1i (iuar.U, i:rii,',.lol.. li,ut, N,vVln.-os, A.. niti.lo lo or. lor. TO N'SOIM A T,! yv u ix u ii i ist o WP TO UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S W I'" " HJ ttiih him M i . .11 I.U .11 I Hp ..1.1 -I1.T..I on,,M Soulh S I lUil Iho -in.-. M, ,.u.t. M,inl ins. mi. I nil kiii.li. ol iLiir Woik. r,,,,,, a i, to n u in. ilou. in . lunuiHT .Tnrrui.i to si. 1RI iulHUl iou mm MANUFACTURE i We havnHou,, ..at,,,.,,.,., ac, irerj "BIG BOOT" K.STAUUSll.imvi, Andean now supply n lirt tlaS luicle r HOME MADK BOOTS A!IO SHOES Warranted Superior to Imports THE NALIatOO.n Is arranecd for the : fecial couiL.rt au.J , venienceof Ladies who wiil, to Purchase or be Filled to Order. SHOE FINDINGS In full stock for trade ue. AUo Xj Xl! A "2? II E! H . LEATHER, LEATHER, Of all kinds on hand. Be sure and notice the Slgu .of lh " BIG BOOT." ' H. B. CLAWSOU Suet Cb Si I, WILLISTONS CELEBRATED COMBED Si ISLAND SIX COIif) SPOOL COTTON. To Arrive. Will be sold wholeft!e and reisil, ai Z. C. M. I. TWO SPOOirGlVEN AWAY For tvery cic n eiiti.-ily i-iiL-ficicr?. SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE I The He! and the Clirpoi : Have Von Tried Thfin) ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, compoundToneset pills. Home-ma le snd purel ve.:e;j;lft. Twenty-ireccnt per box Twenty -five Pil WArranieu lo f ive sati? laetioa. They ri'lieve .'sur.klioe, PyfrejiA, 1 r. .iices- :ion. Liver C ':up'..i:nt, lle,id(-he, 1 Apj-eiiro and Koul tom.i.'h. will ll,:ikI: C l.is, Fevers. Coughs. ar..i Purity the l-ik-. T ey wiil Cleanse tho S;onich, Roeci the Sy:e:n, an i !; ei l"i?e.u-e Are i ui !H r i-t? whore Thy;o is neede-a. Try a b-.'i. ou will Use then:, and ne or w;tni .ir.y etifr fort. They ro iouic, Cathtriio ani Hir- torsnt. OI'TlIAl.MlC UALSAM, Or Kye Halm. V:i'n:t'.e in most Pie-ics of tHe Kyes. Kern. Ke-rn. e Tit:.ui.:n;Uion, j:re'.ii?;he'.is the Si.cM. nnd ck or Pr.'in:.e l. and if fener.Lv lie.ihiifi :utd -iret..iieniiiK to the .'h'.. but i':un,'i no i,iui. It is iti.-i jcoovi to: ieiter. Uuij lueuU-V-iiv 0uu Jer BeT. C O IN lvl-l" SALVR A alua'ole remedy tor Cu: .Pritfe.OVl'i:r..iN Sorrs, rns. imM, and lr e;tk or L.tr. ll uk, uic or iiro,ii, and tor luanj etaer Vhese and other liouie-uiado t:tuiilj nn't-oine nn't-oine are prepared t ,1. K, .Ull.SON. St. ticoijici Hah, And "1d at 7ion' Co-ope;-;ti e Store v. d hy other ju-enif t lirouj: liont the Teiri:?. Also ,-o.d al li.'le-..le or turni-hod e''i-nn-n-n to ro.-p.nii te ssont. I: theco leuic are not kept at your stores, aii "'r uierehant to order them at once. TO PRE-EMPTORS. Vc ;tr. no.. r. rnrol to luring Am ieiitlunil l.iui.l .scri'( F-t Iho l.., ..:.on ot (J,.. oiii.urul L...W l 1"mi jr .mm I or ivlion. IIOIM'Kll, KI.I'ltKIH.K " S ill l.nko t'lty. Nov. H IS 0. nn nnn bounds ZU.IJUUlRON AND STEtL At HnrM 1 lon'mn'i's- .t...llc Snlt Lftkc ll.m'. so i:i:u.iki. 1 W 11.1. I'AV ll.ol.o.r r r.1 o r U" " ' i iooi, ,..-,, .,.i ,..., i.i, ..I oi ptrlio. ho li.ir Lo.-i, null, ol - tlio I0..1 In i,U" ln ,,iioi. ill 0-! !. o' U1', 11,1 l.lll I.KIMl. Mli rnl.or .U Mil"'' |