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Show PEOPLE'S VERDICT! Over Half a Million Sold and in Use ! 4,000 Made and Sold Per Week. S I 1ST O E R'S JNTII7W IMPROVED SILENT Family Sewing Machines, AKE THE BEST L THEWOULD, Because all of them are in constant use, while & very large proportion of o'Ikt make3 are not used, owing to their being partially or utterly impracticable. THE SINGER NEW- FAMILY MACHINE Has been Vrought to perfection, regardless of time, labor or expense, and is now incomparably the best sewing machine in existence. It is Simple, Compact, Durable, Beautiful, Quiet, Light-Running, afid eapable of performing a range and variety of work never before attempted upon a single machine ; using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton thread, find ewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, or anything between the two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. The New Improved Attachments for Hemming, (any width) Braiding, Emdroidering, Magic Ruffling, Gathering, Gathering and sewing on (at the same time), Self-Sewing,"Cording, Tucking, Q jilting, Felling, Trimming,Binding,etc, are novel and practicable, and have been invented and adjusted especially for this machine. Folding Tops -and Cabinet Cases. , New designs of the unique, useful and popular Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Sineer Machine, in every variety of wooo, such as Black Walnut, Mahogany, Rosewood, Satinwood, and from the plainest to the most elaborate pattern and finish. The Machines themselves are plain or highly ornamented with pearl and gold to correspond with their tables or cabinets. In the Singer the work is fed or passed through the Machine in the natural direction, namely, from the operator, permitting her to sit in a natural and healthy position. In many other Machines the work passes from right to left, or the reverse, compelling the operator to sit in a bent and unhealthy position, and thus causing weakness of the back. etc. The Singer uses a SHORT STRAIGHT NEEDLE, which is not liable to break or miss the stitch. Many other machines use a long crooked needle, which i's liable to break and to miss the stitch. In the Singer Machine the Shuttle is carried, thus avoiding nearly all wear. It requires- NO OIL, and does not soil the thread or goods. Other machines drive their shuttles, in a race, thus causing great wear, and requiring oil, soiling the thread and goods. On the Singer, the Tension ou both the upper and lower threads is absolutely abso-lutely under the ready control of the operator, thus rendering the machine always available for good sewing, which is not the case with auy other. Many so-called cheap machines are really worthless, and so are many of their new peculiarities and supposed advantages. The SINGER is the OLDEST PRACTICAL SEWING MACHINE, Being about twenty years in the market. Having been constantly improved by the employment of the most skilled ingenuity of the age and unlimited un-limited capital, it is now divested of all unnecessary parts and possesses AH the Very Latest Inventions and Improvements. It is the only Mtchine sold on Honest Claim-, as all its parts are Practical and will do all that is claimed for them. Some other Machines are Greatly Complicated, to do Useless and Silly things, and thus are rendered Liable to Constant Derangement. Derange-ment. The Singer Seldom or Never gives trouble, but is readily and easily managed by those who utterly fail on other Machines. SINGER'S NEW MANUFACTURING MACHINES Claim the same advantazes over others of their class as the new Family Machines. Ma-chines. These old and well-tried Sewing Machines are applicable to all kinds of heavy and light manufacturing in Cloths, Leatlier, dc, and run in the most perfect and reliable manner without trouble to the operator. Without any previous advertisement, the Demand for the SINGER MACHINE is so Great that we have been unable to retain even one-Machine one-Machine to exhibit. ALL SOLD, but A LARGE NUMBER ARE NOW ON THE WAY from New York, and ; ; ; ; -r ' , ; WILL AREIVE IN A FEW DAYS ! They will consist of the Different Varieties made by the Singer Manufacturing Manufactu-ring Company, and we shall sell at Eastern Prices, with addition of Freight only. To accommodate parties who cannot pay all down, we will sell on EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS So that all may possess one of these Blessings. For the convenience of our Patrons we have engaged tho services of a gentle man who has had twenty years experience and is one of the most skillful experts in the world in repairing and adjusting Sewing Machines. He will put each Machine in complete and practical running order before it leaves the Institution Institu-tion and will also impart to purchasers all needful instruction, so that they can at once commence work. We resort to no trickery whatever to sell Sewing Machines, but allow their Great Merits to recommend them. We can do this, as the demand tor them is so great that although the Singer Company make more than all other first-clas companies combined, they cannot nearly fill their orders, and are compelled to still extend their Gigantic Works. Having been so fortunate as to secure the GENERAL C ANTRAL AGENCY For this Territory, we exten-l a cordial invitation to all to come and pee these Machines, whether they wi-h to buy or not.' See all others, but do not buy without you. examine the Singer! We Guarantee Every Machine We Sell To give Entire Satisfaction. 1 ' -' ' THE S1H0EH BUTTON-HOLE -MACHINE Is the only Practical one in the World. Other Sewing Machines Repaired on Reasonable Terms, MACIIINRS (FOR SALE SEWING MACHINE' DEPARTMENT, fOne Door Sunt b rf the Drug Store. 'I ZION'S CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. II. H. CLAWSON, Supt. gggjggaU!l. 'MP Bf T II K FLORENCE NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE -IS THE Standard Machine of the World I The Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Serving Machines nt the North Carolina State Pair, held nt Raleigh last week, awarded a Gold Medal to t "e Florence Sewiug Machine for the ease and quietness of its movement t. perfection and large variety of work, and its valuable new feat area, making ma-king it the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machine are requested re-quested to read the following from j the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19th, 1S70: j SEWING MACHINES. "We have recently Lad occasion to make ! some inquiries into the progress of improve- ! ment in the mechanism of sewiog machines, i and were not a litt'e surprised to learn that ; the central idea in the first ijvenuon the shuttle still hoId3 its place, though many I attempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needle is b till the means used to form the stitch, in the leading machines, and we find that the growth of trade is chiefly with the shuttle-using shuttle-using machines. The improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are, therefore, necessarily necessa-rily in connection with the shuttle, either in the detail of the shuttle itself, or in other parts of the machine connected with it. to cause the whole to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and to simplify its use. Mony important gains in this direction, made since the first great invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly embod:ed in the "Florence" ma-chide: ma-chide: and wo recommend our readers to carefully inspect the "Florence" before ma-kin? ma-kin? a choice. The points peculiar to this machine are : An unusual amount of money is sitent in maning the "Flor ncc," thereby securing the best material (steel, fur instance, where others use cast-iron , and the cnest finish of important parts (the shuttle, fur example bei-ng rigidly rejected if it varies from the standard l-2.00uth of an inch I) It is constructed con-structed on the simplest scientific principle-, entirely dispensing with the cog,-, and Ciiui-, and links wtiieh so often pet perversely out of order and sorely perplex every one but the practiced michini-t by their uuaci-ounr-able freaks. The "Florence" is so easily managed, and its use is so readily loamcd, that an ordinary girl of ten has sense and muscle enough to run it perfectly. The lockstitch, lock-stitch, as made by the "Florence" is very regular and perfect, very strong and elastic, and is drawn into the fabric evenly, gradually grad-ually exac:y. without jerking, and without causing the scam to pucker, or straining the tb.re.id so as to endanger its breaking; eorr aequently, veiy fine threads and light iabria can be u.-ed. Besides this, the 'Florence" in all bu the cheapest style.-) alo makes three additional stitcher a double lock, a sinsle knot and a double knot whi h ore stronger rni more elastic than any other stitch, and whirh arc made by no other machine. ma-chine. The "Florence" is the only machine that h-i3 a reversible teed, whereby the direction di-rection of the sewing can be instantly changed without stopping the work, thus enabling the operator to quilt or emhroider with unusual tacility, to sew backwards and easily strengthen a seam wherever desired, and, finally, by a few repeated stitcha. to fasten ends in tho rjuicke.-t and stroDgen way. It is the only machine that has i pelf-adjuptine pelf-adjuptine shuttlo-thread tension, whih works so perfectly that the operator can run n crosp the " caviest seams and sew the finest linen and the thickest broadfloth in immediate imme-diate succession withont breaking the thread and without changing the needle, stitch or tension. The "Florence-" draws the thread into tho cloth with uneualod precision and certainly, by means of an ingenious automatic auto-matic "take-up" wheel, which dipoes of the slack thread left after the stitch with an accurate promptness that prevent all snarling snarl-ing or dropping of stitches, and allows th operator to sew backward, or to run offth cloth and on again, with perfect impunity. It has an improved elastic hemmer. exclusively exclu-sively s own, which ia managed with uo, and will make a hern of any width od any material Itnoton'ymakcaa perfect gather and sews it to a bund at one operation, buk it hems, and binds, and fells, and quilts, and curds, and tuchs, nnd gather", and braid without batinK. bach special provision u made against injarioui wour that the "Florence" "Flor-ence" in claimed and guaranteed by theCutn-pany theCutn-pany to U?t twice as long without repair as any other shuttle mnchine in the market, without the sli-htost difficulty. Every part of the "Florence" if ho perfectly and permanently perma-nently adjuf ted, and it ha so few joints and points ot friction, that it runs with the utmost ut-most ease. 'ihe needle is act and threaded, and tho ctitch is lengthened, shortened, or rovcrrd with tho utmost ut-most ea.ue. In using tho "Fkrenco" neither the work nor the operator's dreM is liable to be soiled. Tho "Florence" with all tliw ciaims to superiority, eelU at tho name prio ;is other first-class machines These advan nitres : Liberality in manufacture; Simplicity of construction; Facility of ninnugeiuont; , Variety of ri t itches; Kevcreiblo lecd; Self-adjusting toraiojj; Automatic t.ike-up; . . Improved hemmer; ' '- Provision fignin-a wear; Perfect and p nnJinont nljustmnt- P.iisy rcgu atton ot needle and stitch; Cleanlinepf an'l clie;i; nepj The beauty and hih fininh orthe machine .Make the Florence," modnratoly denk-juk. denk-juk. a miMjhine which to bo vitluod, ncodtt but i to bu tried. i t No fuihily can nfford to bo without anew-I inr machine, and wo hope that before long one may U fouud wherever "Tho Tribune is woloome. TO THE LADIES Of Salt Lake City, and throiiKh-oulfhe throiiKh-oulfhe Territories of ( tali, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming, We extend a cord in invitation to cull nt our oflice, and rrxmnina tlin Floronc Family ISuwiiig .Machine, . whuthcr de signing iiniiifidiut! purjius or not: it in our busincs and tili'uMiro to Huliml close examination and comparison. Wo have on exhibition, in unh-r tho moiM onsily to explain point of dili'nrehci, In which we claim superiority. tlio ina-cliiiifis ina-cliiiifis of various makers, including thj (irover & Baker, Singer and Whoelar & Wilson, lu making Bitch comparison, compari-son, no unfair advantage- will hfl tukn of rival machines, but on tho contrary thfy will be Icept by a competent mi ch mist in the bonL ot" running- ordoi fnorno of tlioin require a good an Mutineer Muti-neer as ri locomotive.) CHAS. S, HAMMER, " (nrrnl Agi-ut, . .. WAII' UKK CITY, TI 'VA 1 I. Z. C. M. L Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing:, Si.c. AJjo a Full Variety of . GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles and qualities. Vaxises and Carpet Saoks. Carpets,Matting,FIoor Cloths Wall Paper and Decorations. Always on hand and for aalc by tho yard, a large stock of French and English Calmerea, i Doeskins, Beavers. Military Clot ha, Home Blade Tweed, tc. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military Suits, made to order in the Aewet Style of Fn.-hi'jn the shortest notice, t'im-clitsa Fit and W orkoiandhiii Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IX (1RKAT VARIETY. H. B. CLAWSOX, Sltt. PIONEER SHORT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N RAILWAY Mhortot ul (iulckoat limit, from Oinnli to Ciilcii " Th KiiKlorn Kxprwn louvts Omnha Hullv in .gonoctinn with trnim on tho Ci-ntrul nnd Union TiiciSo r.ilroiidi, and mrrivoi It, Chi-owu Chi-owu in aiivunoauf all olhor route. A new and Bplondid line ol" Pullman l'ulare Hold .net sleeping Co.oliee Ua recently boon built for this Cmniw. Tho ChimKo and North-w..i,, I, u,. l'lnw Hallway batwfiflu Oinnha and ctilri.no, tiavliiK lx..n coui,,.u.l ,m,. TIIHKM YKA11S AIK); .in., wht. h ttm., the Mauarxr. haT .ar.d Dllhni paiiLticr eiprniie In r. Lrtlng li, raart-haa and tia. It and eriuipntnn II witli rolling .to. k ol Ih. m.i.tm'Kl.rn imi.iOTnm.nt.; thic, toaaltier wllb L)i, ra.:t of Ita Mnic Iha Hlmrl.at Una, ofl.r. t. II.. Traveling rnhllc an Kart.ru roni uii.n.lk.l t-r Hieed, Comfort .nil Kafctyi lh.KK..g ch.oknd thrnnih to all l.nlol. Kn.l and no.alra rharn. Inr tr.n.r.r at ,,i.h ar Chi. w to ranla.h.l.ilngthmnnh tlrk.t.. Mf )lo .lira aad a.k lnr Tlfkat. Tla Chirac ,,a Nurlb-w..u.rn Ilailw,,, h,h r. )Ur , all the principal railr,,,, and .t..,nht .llr- m ,'.? ""'.'r. .'.""' "" " n m Cal'lT,Tl..k.t ml, II I', wJ"" lm'V "'O". X.niplaHi ' rr aay lafcna.llaii n rotard ta Pr.ltht.apply to I HARRY ROGERS, ,. I Waatara Paa.'r and Kr'l nr'nU I. II. P. HTI'ANWnori, (lan.Tl.k.l As.nt,rht..1!o IKO. L. SUNl,AIMI.Vu,al Knul I W. II. BTHnHfl (l.a.r.l 4,.,,t (,, NX TRTJCKEE AND SALT LAKE LumherYard One Block SoutU U.C. PASSENGER DEPOT. Lumber Of all widths and lengths. Utah Common $32.50 per M Truckee " rough.... 40.00 " Truckee 2d clear, " 50.00 " Truekee 1st " " .... 60.00 " TRUCKEE SHINGLES per M. A No. 1 Sawed, $5.50 per M. L ATMS, A Ko. 1, clear supar pine (IxlJ inch) Four i'eet lengths, $7.00 per M. S HOICK A VALLEY SuKar Pine, Clear Seasoned MOULDINGS TouiicmI V (roove! FLOORING, CEILING.. SIDING, COUNT Kit TOPS EXTRA W1DH, Rustic and Moulded Battens, iVc, A."., A.C, DOORS, DOORS, It., 1,'V JI. '2 K.. With iind without Kodwood Tniiwl. Sasli Doors, (SinjrlD mi,! llimlilo) PRIMED, GLAZED A UNQLAIED. All pizeH constantly on liitnd. Kxtra . sizon iniulo promptly loonier. D, W. PARKHURST, I'roprivliti'. wainticd: Barley, Flouf,;Buttcr& Eggs, I ll Inruit illiil)l ilii a. L:ok Out for fa Ifcn him la::.b! SAMPLES ARRIVED AND CAN BE FOUND AT TEASUlEIa & C'S WHO ARE AGENTS 1'OR T1IE CELEBRATED BLEES tllAOHEE Lintc Motion, Lock Stitch, Straight Needle, and will perform with aocurii.j the Heariest and Lightest Work. MORE MACUIXES TO ARRIVE IX A FEW DAYS. Our Dry Goods, Grocery, Boot, Shoe, Hardware and Crockery Departments Are being daily replenished with a full variety and at pri.e to tatiify all. 1. & W . LUl LUi HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES! , Cheaper than ever Sold in the Territory. CALL AXD SEE THEIR Splendid Assortment of New Goods! THE AVEMLL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS, Embracing orer A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared for immediate application and requiring no mixing, just received and for sale at the DRUG DEPARTMENT E.w Oa ElfiL la The ingredienta of these Paints ar simple and indestmetible. The qualities quali-ties with whieh they recommend themselves are: Cheapness, durability, rope-rioiity rope-rioiity of color, an unusually smooth and glos-y appearance, le labor required in laying, no trouble of mixing, wiil stand fire or rain, and does not erak or E eel off with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. They are the est, cheapest, Most durable and most popular Paints in ue. The AVERILL WHITE PAINT is a ZINC PAINT, tv,ntainig b ead, and is of equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN AND PURCHASE BY THE GALLON. A full line of Foreign, Domestic and Case Liquors. At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. L H. W. C L A Vsn. fnpt. Sion'sGooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY A"D t'OUXTRY CO-OPERATIVE STORES And the Trade generally. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) WINTER GOODS! Long Shawls, Nubias, Hosiery Mnglc Shawls, Hoods, love. Children's Shawls, hearts, Flannels, Hlankeis. Counterpanes, .leans, Cassi meres, Linseys, DOMESTIC GOODS' IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. ISoots cV Mioes,lIul)l)ers V Arctics, Men's, Hoys and Children's Hats. H. B. Clawson, Supt. Zion's Co - op erati ve Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTr1tfJT, r.i,i)iu:ix.K aV ci,avm). m n.nrAr,. Vou ran tin,) t tlti.t IVpartmont of 7,. V. L I. hettrr ncrk .f LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STT VE5, MIMNK TOOLS, lUi.VSTirSO roWDFK. staple, and Fancy t.roccrics, V.tf' And ran Get, More for your Money and Orders tlnn you can ?t any other House In Utah. II. H. CI. UTOK, -rK |