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Show HoCiS TO Ks.vr and Furniture tvf . Ai'piy tAB5HALL i Cariik. 1 iVi7is-l' l'ent, on ur l efjrs the . 'A wit, a good dweliin bu-e. i .We.ve ruvu.; lurni-he'i boue I r"r" 'j Alu-t tie convenient to l'o-t 1 Willi truit, stable, ic, ue-.iraOle "TddK- J. U. T., Tow-end i. J v r.m paid for Buckwheat t D. rjj.. ; runs A. Anderson. isn JJig Oluve, id isuutu fctreet, tcii "Y''uao oi' iur, u.an ji'ucturcs ladies' ,'Ai-gn' fancy giovei, roues, ie. . t-e.tt" guucu anu moderate prices. - ' adv pot a styiisii pair of Tantd go and see V iiri OiotsOctK rs iiaiiduigs, Second tor-uoi- adv jf,r Kixtivni), a large assortment 0: Li, onto lur lbil, at James blivyer's B,'jU3lore. adv .V Fki-ii Supply of genuine. English A, Gulden Crown Cigars, I'lgs' leet, J.nmU' tonguerf, &e., &e., at Pull. jLrtfelU', otieond South St. adv Paris ii stakvi.ng, the Prussians nj. Ouiightly eo Harris, though, keep t:io Glubu wi.-ll supplied witn Lna lineal bruad, crackers, eaKes, pies and pastry; nil oianuiaelure llio elioiceol quality of pure candies. Try tliein. adv IFi.vn Fk.i-.mi Hoxky in the comb, delicious and cheap, at 11. Wallace's. adT Important! Don i hn-get that Joo Miniiioiitt' Isaluuu aiul Kos-lauraiit, liolel ba-ument, iind boiiih suent. is still well j lupplled Willi Uyslers, Pigs' Peet, 1 lv' Tonguo-i, Sardines, lagcr beer, I Tniumnt'ii AA l'ortur, liarelay & i'ei -kins' London Stout, Slluplou Aiailet l'sle Ale, lirower, lieiims & Co. '8 (linalia Ale, J. C Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Pino Cut jAibaeeo. trroat spoeialty at tins Saloon is Preu Oyslers, large, fat and lu.-cious, sorvod Ui in eTry mylo. A hupply just received. re-ceived. 'I'n lis is the phico to got a Mibstantial Lunch any hour ol'lhe day, and at Tery clH'np rules. auv IK Niw Stock Of ihe linest brands ciilars, tobaccos, pipes, pipe-slums, WHiklng canes and notions generally for I fti'iilleinen, bouglil personally in San I'mBcibco, aud lor sal by Ld. Harris. adv I GaiiT To Tin-. Mill. Bring on your Zrini to t ti o li. V. lo.ver null, which is nn? liitoi up ami tur.is out a No. 1 ar-liel ar-liel (.1 dour ivin tho iargpt ield to 'n '.'h.Ih'1. 1 nin also preparoii to grind W 1. hi-at. ad? Cn ni.i:s "Vh.kisi. do roll II im. -(ieorsie Chandler, clo-'.vininud clo-'.vininud to continue to please the. nuh-Ik nuh-Ik h lie has done heretofore, w ill keep li.e rlioiiv.i meats of every kind, with "'eotniinidatini Mileinen to wait on 'ii'bniieis. Try him. Slall No. 'J, right d, ciitrancp of Meat .Market. adv Matchis. The Great Western Jlatches, manufactured by Paul Lech-teuburg Lech-teuburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the PJih Ward Co-operative store. adv Winter is Comiko on. As that is the (season of festivity you should buy your watches, jewelry, clocka and toy at Carl C. Asinusisen's new jewelry and toy store, East Temple St. adv Pnoi LAUATIO.I- To TDK PUBLIC I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to the travelling put lie: Pai ties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on ihe U.P.K.K., will find it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on the evening train and remaiu over at Ogdon that nigtit, thereby having hav-ing a good nighi's rest, and bo be fresh fjr travel at b o'clock; a.m., when the dailv express train leaven this depot. Al the Ogden idouse we oner as good accommodations ac-commodations as ary house west ol Omaha. Preo busses at evory train to and from the depot, adv Jouk Maiion, Proprietor. Ir TOt; want a No. 1 Suit, go to M. arl, Second South St. adv White House. s. Bamberger & Co. Proprietors; rirst-clasa ra.uiiy hotel and resuurant. reconstructed under ne management. Main street, salt Lake City, Utah. Large and w-ll furnuhea roorni and all ihedelicacies of the season at reasonable charges. A ladies' dining room ate iched to the spacious refreshment refresh-ment saloon. Boardand lodgirg 52 0v per day; by the week, 512,00; day board $8,00 per week. Freh oysters ju:t received re-ceived and served up in every style night or day. Free conveyance to meet ail trains. S. Bambeeoeb & Co., adv Proprietors. THEATRE change: of time. Doom open at 7; Performance to coiumenea at 7:8u. Attraction Extraordinary I FIRST APPKARAJICK op Tns vmm ramiii C1MIY Wednesday Ev'g, Dec, 14, TV i 1 1 N prpsentp'), tho thrilling 0 a-'t Irih inarm. Btltlxf IRELAND AS IT WAS! Mr J St Laujjrlnhc, As Bagged 1'at Mrs Lnngrlfthr, As Judj O'Trot !') (?.'tv-lu ith th na--'lilting l.tKni IliE BENIGIA BOY Lnj(i"i5he and Martiii In their SpTih;t) r-t Benjamin Bobbin Bob Rattles MUSEUM MENAGERIE. Halt a biotk wf-t rf TrU-ion: Ycunt'; Ke.-ilencc. JOHN . YOI NG, fcq., Prop. Alve Bcat, Bird and RtpUlce, WcTtc rinc?, Erv Y-x-. V aniam Der, xport.illt f-'l.Kiifi el" N ;-e M;nerip; riiutvoion, aO cts. Children, 1J " Ora erery d.y ci-.-i i tt dny, ire m a.m. lv r Feeding Time, 3 p. u. J.I,. BAHFOOT. Manapr. SSNDWICH ISLAND SUSAR, Jan receiTM, oirft irrn inn Lai ;nt-U'.b. ;nt-U'.b. a f up(.i7 oi Raw Sugar. fiirT tiac 'i r w f.r roij lOlli AVard CO-OPERATIVE STORE. I A Frosla fcmpply lietelv4 Everr Moatn. fcl.O. AEBIlKIIIt, BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANTFACTUKERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL EES IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Aos. 134 and 136 GB.DD STREET, Corner Crcsbv. ; V rYT VDC 09 Block Hast of BroaJwjy. a l It 1 V I 11 -V . H. WALLACE, xaxttaotttvER or PURE CANDIES SURPRISE BOXES I POP-COh "ST BA-OS Keep Pap -lie.t with ORMOKS, LK.TII.S. Still, Fix V URIICKBIES, B.H11KED TilSi-lKS, UOLO .RA 9ACSAUES, Ac. COKFECriOhERT. PUS, PASTRY, ASD Finest Fresh Brend co-spemtjI ioYEnl'OMs, Jordan Strsst, Ills Wird, Ealf-s-block wefi of i Tabsrnsols, SALV LAKE CITY, Havlmc lh latr t improved Machinery for vorkmi in Iron, Wood & Brass, Can ttfcnufanure all kinds of Machinists' To1b, Turning Lathes, Fan Blowers, Gear Catting and Bolt Serening Machines. Cheese Tats, Cotton, Woolen and GrUt Machinery, Etc., Ktc. Etc. OUR FOUNDRY Has at present, been the Mtet Succemfiii in th i Territory . And w am tarn at "a tines from the tbin-ne tbin-ne of a Stave Plate up to massive one for Smelting and Crushing V arks, at Low I Ignrei, We hare an A No I Model Maker, And orders la that line guaranteed to be saiislat'tory . All kinds of Old Iron Bought. A few more Shares ol' the Capital Stock can be had on application to WILLIAM FULLER. Peereisry. FO' ' S A I E ' A few honored "Tpct"' in the B.wer te the En-ek. Th "Tintic Lode" if d r-ed nf. but Je will e'.l frw fee. 1b t ..e Cr'te . rlrd ' K rck ia-ted. Ijnire of JOK SltMOXS Omh tii'iife ; nJciiunt. Nr a da WILLISTON'S CELEBRATED COMBED SEA ISLAND SIX CO III) SPOOL COTTON. To Arrive. Will be fold whole-ml and retail, at Z.C. M. I. TWO SPOOLS GIVEN AWAY For every one not entirely iMitipfaciory JUf A m E I V B3 B! AT TIIK MAMMOTH SHOE AND HT MORE A Lare. StocK of Wiulor In Every Style I And at Evry P, ice ! CH AP! CHEAP! CHEAP Sow ia your time! Come on and got yourself a nice warm CAT I Don't stand Freenni;, but come on I 1 ln-y aie mi tule til PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPANi. VT. H. FnLOV, Tln. l,ATlMr. Geo. Romnet, u Tavihr. FOLSOra, ROBINEY & CO., (Sonth Temple Stret, one block west of the Tabernacle,) Having added to their already eiteneive stork ol' Machinery, are n"w prrjiarfwi to furnish all articles in their line, a firxt cl article, at frrc'Uly reduo'd rales, from the bent lumber produced in oui own timuniain hutne. We have a complete set of ash and Door Machinery, by which we ran U large or small order with preat dispatch. SASH EMKtDHH We publish a list of sirs of Doors and Windows wliirh air h'mk ki pt '.n hand. Lip or cheek rail sssh and all kinds and Mr of dun mndc to unn r : Bash Hifk. Ioor f-'ws. ilO windows, 2 ft 4j in'x 3 ft ?J iD 2 h e m by t i, , : lrnl2 " 3 r,i x 4 6 2 fc '' a 10x14 " 2 10$ 1 5 2 2 10 . , " 2 m x S 10- 3 leet 7 r, J.I..MN, rrainrg nn! Hot. Min-. . Rollinc, and Ptatiormry Slat Blinds made to oid.-r to fill all kinds of .t-n-inc. Door and U indow Frameh, plain and ai,.l... Havn, ,- ( lay', 8pl-ndid No 1 roorJdtiiir ma, bines, we can furtnfh ir. rv ran. ly -if .M.mldini-a AVOOIJ TUKNJXCi. We hn-. " a No. i Turning lij,e. hod ). riirav i Ki"l. I'bisu r, ihe ben turtier in th" lerritorv, unci wi l lurnili turniio- 0! a. I 'l-kripuia, indu-hnn indu-hnn wbee. I,' s i-, cbairs, l. "i-w d-. and all I i,-J ol ('..) 1 urinnc m ., rsits. I.A I II I.MI'KOViiD M ( IIIM'.K V Our nn' iiiri' rr is tin- v-iy I ' -I ll.al oni.d l.- iit-I. ln ,,,. (.,, -i-tif.jr of a v". I I'lswr mJ M!-l..-r. ..r Mi-tannir ium.I..-i ani .rmuii and tr'KiV.iu' f, r,r'..e '. a lUm' I- 'iah'T. lur jil;,i Ha' i irnl-r ni ,t w i.'l a 'I tu n ins- vs'i;ns ; a y pn.r Mniii-uu' M..I,:,,,., ,-,, ,,,,.. , ',, ,!,,', ( pjowtnf, niskiiii? -a-t.. d .r-.. bl.o i- and iiion.':,,,., ' A" a ifn sl t'ii,'y writ ran ( t:u; 01, t (,.. ,,.a-bi.,r., ji ,-.,.. u, , I rrsi advso'af" tnntra'-'iii aci'l 1 uudin'. ' !" V- VM'M?! " 1 ,d. ,,.,.,. and l-il.,, U-ri.eri'-n'v-l irkiiwi, and l.ax n.,- on l.ai.u all H.e lan.i ..i ,t!. ,,L. ,n f r. par. d t-, n.ake j .a,,-, L,, ,1. iu,..., and -imnt , u, J.t. ' k.n-i-. i . H.eoJ firn r.f LA TIM hi! ,1- T. I LOP lui rl.in,-. l m- n..h:i,e 1 deiniij-ni and in c nm-t-i .mi ,1 1, 1 u'.i.i , u,,,,-!,,,,. n ,,,n . , , ,,t u T msh. and are fT-par.-l to r. ; . I. .afl-. p.ahk . -I: - , .. f, r. j AJ who iiittiid Lo U.uuJ, iniproxt and bui.J up, Hii-I a.m cbp and 1 f "Hi work, call on I f . o. B, m. Folsom, Eomney & Co. |