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Show "Ta Pioneer." Edited and pub-j lished by Emily Pitts Stevens, at 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Ihe Pioneer is a large-sized and ably-conducted weekly journal, devoted to the 'Woman's Rights'' question. The paper is conTo'lel entirely by ladies, and had we had any doubt as to their ability for the work, a glance through TKt Pioneer would fet it at rest. But we have never had any doubts on the subject, and think there is great need for journals to advocate the rights of woman. Throughout these United States woman nominally quec-DS it over man. She has the choicest seat everywhere. every-where. Vet the is pampered and petted and trifled with Jike a sick baby, and as if her highest aim and atnoition should be to possess a wasp-waisted wasp-waisted figure, have a consumptive physique, and be the owner of a dolllike doll-like face, the whole to be used as a means of displaying to the best ad vantage the skill of the milliner and modi.-te. Woman is treated we apeak in a general eense as if she were a thing with no soul, no brains and only an object for the gratification of man's vanity and voluptuous desires It is time her true position should be recogniied the help-jaeet of man, more worthy to enjoy the ballot than thousands who possess the right; and at liberty to pursue any calling for which she has mental capacity and physical ability, the same as men and receiving equal pay for her work when it is as well done. At the same time, we are just as much opposed to the wild and extreme course of many would-be leaders in the "'Woman's Rights" movement, who seek te unsex their sex, and instead of having a race of high-minded, intelligent women, qualified in every sense to fill the noble positions of wife and mother with their great responsibilities, would make them into a race of viragos more masculine mas-culine than men, and the very antipodes anti-podes of what nature has formed them for. Miss Pitts Stevens is a talented little lady, and we wish her paper every success. |