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Show 0 S it I Oi A L. SENATE. McCreery asked leave to iutroduce a resolution, notice of which lie gave yesterday, proposing an investigation with a view to the restoration of the Ar ington estate to the widow of Gen. Robert E. Lee, the removal of the graveyards on the premises, and the geneial restitution for any incumbrance placed there, in the interest of government. govern-ment. A lengthy discussion arose, which assumed a wide range, and occupied several hour. At three o'clock it was still iu progress. The Republican senators took very positive ground igainst the disturbance of the boues of the loyal dead at Arlington. The assertion by riumncr, that the resolution was representative re-presentative of the sentiments of the Democratic minority, was met by McCreery Mc-Creery w'uh the assertion that he alone had originated it and was responsible for it. The abstract question of the right to prohibit any member from introducing any legislation whatever, formed a feature of the debate. After further debate, the Senate, by a vote of 4 to 54, refused leave to McCreery Mc-Creery to introduce the resolutions. HOtSK. The House resumed consideration of the bill to consolidate the postal laws. Pending the question, an amendment was offered by Hill that from the 1st of July, 1 ST 1 , all laws allowing the franking frank-ing privilege be repealed; and an amendment thereto was offered by Walker, allowing newspapers, periodicals period-icals and magazines to be interchanged between publishers, and a copy ot a weekly, semi-weekly and monthly newspaper news-paper to be sent free of charge to aolual subscribers within the county where they are published ; adopted, by 73 to 50. Hill's amendment, as ihu-amended, ihu-amended, was then adopted, bv li3 to 65. A proposition was inserted, authorizing author-izing the Postmaster General to ruake temporary contracts fir postal service over Dew routes, which ure to e-a. unless confirmed, with the subsequent session of Congress. An amendment, prov,d;ng that the I franking privilege should not be taken from any person to whom it has ben heretofore granted by sper.al a-t of Congress. was afp'of. YaHiu amendments as to details were din- pood of. and the Liil was then pas.j without division. |