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Show New Yim k SwiNiu.r.tts. We have Live lately been shown Severn! circulars circu-lars front New York .-windlcrs, ofi'oiing 'o sell counlerfeit money a: iioininal raio-: and wo have been requested to call attention to them. Our opinion ''in be brictly staii-J. Anybody who is dishonest enough f wish to cn.cag m robbinji the c iiintry. or individual rumens, l,v pa-inK c.niiucrl'eit money, deserves to ,v swindled; and we wouldn't be sorry if every such person who receives a circular were to send on heir money and lose it. At. the same lime tin- New Vork s.-,,uh liels will not tnd Salt Lake n productive Geld, so 'liry nii.clu save their po-tace slumps ind circulars. As h r tluse Uigue r.eiicy-ellcrs. it i-- the l.'asines- of the V'li Vorl, poii. o io Jcok after theru. 'ml inl'orm.itii ii is not lacking there of 'heir doinc. One "firm'' was sent the prison on JJinekwcll'i Island Inst M-k for aix mon:h |