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Show Medical F. I). 15 1 : NEDICT, SURGEON AND PHYSIDIAN. Office at Residence, roar of Sorenties Hall. W. F. ANDERSOJV, M. D., SURGEON 'AND PHYSICIAN, Offl'e at Renidencc, In the Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. ORMSBY, rnysioiAN, sukgeon ajjd DRUGGIST, BIllGIIAM CITV, UTAH. LEGAL. M. Kirkputriok. B. A. Mann KI3KPATR1CK MANN, Altorn(i3'M-n t-Luw, 0tick First South St., Ponrtri door ea.t of llowper, EklroilKO A Oo.'s Hunk. Z. SNOW. E. D. flOOE. SNOW S. IIOCSF., Attornoys and Connsolor at Law Salt Luke City, Utah. Office ut Snow's corner, IstKastSt. i i HOTELS. Salt I, .ike House, BAHT TKMl'LE STREET, SALT Lj A JC K (JITY. 1II,UK. i, LAU'HKNCK, Prop'M. 1 BANKERS. FIRST A ATI ON A L li AIV K j Ol'f UTAH. I Sail Luko City, Utah Tor. Win, II. Hooper, 11. S. KhlredKC, 1,. S. llllls. Huoypr, Chlrcilr Co., BANKERS. 'r Temple St., Salt JiAK.K Crrv, LV.ilera in !old Past, (Join, UsohnnRc, Land Warrants, Ktc Colloetions made and promiuly re-mined' re-mined' CORRESPONDENTS: !' Co-. New York, 'V"k of Calil.Tiii i. San Franeisco, 1 ,"t National Hunk, Cliieaco. ;;50ii.ini;o Hank. St. I.oui.'. Jir-i National Hunk. Omaha. ' s- Mor.can &: Co.. London. WILLIAM F. CALTON, I V hool-ho.i,. .,11,1,, V,1I,. to rHrr on the ""I notu-s nn.l i i, tuolnry jiyl,.. COAL I COAL ! ( OAL in ny d i r-i quantity, fr st v tlieL'. Lp.l. or aoiirervl m rut n-t o iiio cit 'f'Urs can be I cf a th Cn-oporntiTt Prnr ';r, fir at R. Kirkwo(i. oiipotite Suit linn?,.' t J.t m: it him, ,v, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ( ami -40 ( allforiil St., v t I'''n1o, - - Callloi ina. ,.ii,u'"r ""lo r-''t t h filling-of ' l.i very iltri.tioi ol moiliJa-ii-, .. of OlM, A... CALIFORNIA TRADE. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 210 BATTERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer to the trade of Salt Lake an 1 vUinny LEATHER, of all kliula, HAK.VESS. C4J.1FOKMA 4DDLK. COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general aiortment of 8ADDU&Y SDODii AT N!W YORR PfilCES. Send fr Catalogaef and Prices. WH1TTIER, FULLER & CO. SUCCESSORS TO Cameron.Wbittier i Co. and FalierAHeatber IJ.P0ETEB3 A5D DEALERS IX PAINTS, OILS, AND WiNCGW flASS. SOLE AGENTS FOR FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLASS C0'8 21 & 23 FRONT STREET, Cor. Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. C. AQOLPHE LOVY & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. , Importeri of I TEAS, COFFEES EAST LNDIA PRODUCE Of which they keep stocks constantly on hand for aalo to the t o J i j ii rv c w -l' K v nj I-: . ALSO AGENTS FOR La Vluda de X Harm onyB, ofCaalz, SHElllHEs, Bartlett WHITE LKAD CO.HPAN V, of Sew York, AND PRAT T'S NO. - EXPLOSIVE. ASTRAL OIL. JameaOtis. W. A. Macondraj. F- V. Macondray. MACONDRAY &. Co., mum & comhissios MERCHANTS. IMPORTERS OF cHiNA ANO JAPAN TEAS And all descriptions of E A s T INDIA PHOlivoii, SAN FRANCISCO, - - CAL. A. J. GRIFFITH, Poster in JS all kinds or PICKLED db lSMOK.r-":r SALMON AND HERRINGS. 123 Washington Street, Below Davis. SAN FRANCISCO. All kimlu of Dried, Smikptl nml IMcklnl Fisl coDoUiiiily on hau l. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., m porter? ami Jobbers of nil the varieties o' FOItEIO.V AXD DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. Wh.ch we offer fir palo to tho t title iu 1'tnli. at low rate- in excluiniie for n:it in:i 1 curr,encj "eii.-U d-iwu" nr appro v;il crotlit. 311 Clay Stiert, San Fi'AIIcImco, - - Caliloriiltt WILMERDiNS & KL10G8, rmporter? and Jobber? of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 21C FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Jiutie. Sn imiin1, Juhn iSpruiinc,t C. C. Chapman. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Import ami Vholi'ale Dotlr in WINES AND LIQUORS, 415 Front Scrcet, SAN FKANC1SC0, CALIFORNIA. Mm. EDSTETTER & H Importers ami Jobbers of FOKKIUX AD DOM F.ST1C DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Kmf lul Otl, lium.. Root. ScfH. Klowrrn, S ionv c n, Skins. Poiuntlrs. Jtc, And ail oilier St.tplo; f v?no."rl ;hc U' hoi ci a i o Riui ij:.:1 l'l.:: Bum.-. Constantly in re?itt. by il x root Imi-sTtation, cf Euroj-e.in aud Asiatic rrodut't. Kxolusive Aironts lor QaLoLUver. , UostettorV Ditiere. Drtike'. i'i tni :i'n Bttt rt. Wolf? h.s.i.iir. .-;;:;:M-:-. i iNewolI s Puhu. ;ij -.r j ni; And all the lM.li I'r.'prior.irv M .licmo bo;li Aiueruan aoi Kurvpcin. Orders rroiuptly and Carefully Kvuud. Ofta "19 anil 331 flnrRrl Strrrl, Between First nd SivfonJ. SAN' I'liANTlSCQ, CAI.II-OKNI A. EINSTEIN 3RGS, & CO., Importer; and .Manulaotarcrs of BOOTS AND SHOESI J1.1. IIS. nit in Pine Slrr'cl. I AN l-K AN CISCO, j CAllF0r,M MADE G3:DSl! "hioh in point of fit .m I dor.lMl;-.y sro -illl lo i ho hen fn-t. m,ir e.-.,'.,ij, MOKE LlbHT! AEW LLiHT! Cheaper, more Cleanly, and per.'evily fret Iroin thedaiigr of Eiplueiun. THE d a:fokth 0?f-EiPI.OSIVB; PETROLEUM FLUID 1,000 Galiona Just Reee'-red, Only 75 Cents Per Gallon! - E. HEJ.SE cfc CO.. Sole asents for Utah Territory. Depot at torner routh of "Walker Eros'. DIEBOLD & KIEN2LE, Successors to Diebold, Babmann & Co., CELEBR TED CENT' "N ATI FIRE AND BL'RQL.'.:-. I ... '.-' And Sargent's Miornetio and Automatic Bank iLi etz; .b. riATT TOVF.BT. -,-ri Agiuls, SG Washington St.. Chicago. H. B. LAWSOV, Supt. Z. C. .11. I., Agent for llali Territory. VICK'S FLOP.i.L C-UISS Ior 1871. Th Fust Edittov op Os'k HrxoRKn ivo Firry In-ifsiyn copies of Vick's Illos-traled Illos-traled Catalogue .if Seed, aud r loral Gnlde. j. published a -il ready to fond -o KM putres. anil an Engiavmg of airjioet ererr i.-irableFloaer ,i d 'fcel .b o. I if elegantly p inTed en tine lin.-d pai-er. ilhis-tmted ilhis-tmted wiib I hr e Hundred line Wood En-grarings En-grarings ,nd Two bcutilul COLOR KD PLATES. TliPt moM betutitul and the most in nKfirn Klom I i id-- -oubit.-hed. A GEKMAN editiox pub isho I, iu all other respecu similar io tho triRlif h. bent f:f-e to all my ru-"tomer of I-", n? r.ipidly a? i-u-ciblf. without appl cMrn S- nt (a M Mers who nrder tji- tu fur Tn Cents, which i not half the --oit. A-l-lrtsi- j JAMES V1CK, IP. PRE-EMPTORS. We Hro cow prepared to fnrnifh Agricultural Land Script Tor the lf ti0n n UuTernmnt Lund nt SIni pftr nuvMr seoti'n. HOOPER, ELDRiiLK'E 4c CO. Pull Luke Citv. Nor. 3". ifcTo. mMt MANUFACTURE ! W e hve bnu,.iitout thtetoek and Hifcohiaerr of the "BIG BOOT" K ST A BLISItME. X, Andcuii., sappij- a trj: .:!aw irtioie of . OMi; HADE BOOTS AHD SHOES Wtrrt tctl B n pr lr l Imported Tin; -ALr.sitoo.'n I arrwr.rr I r r :l . r " :i a. : r: iud eor-t:,.. eor-t:,.. n-e .,; : . e- w m .. rt t -. Prrhf or k Flltf it to OrilfT. SHOS FINDIf'CS I.-. :-.-k f-r tm-i. A.-- . Ij E T XX H3 XX L.I.AT11F.M. LF.llir.R, '1 a, k ir. f.n mlH. Be mre and itAllrc the of th " BIO BOOT." H, B. CLAWSON Sucu H. T. HELMBOLD'S GEXUIXE PREPARATIONS 'Hlgh-ly Concentrated" COMPOCND PLl'lO EXTRACT BUGIIU, A. positive a"d piSc remedv for di-ees of the B sadtr. K drey-, vt-svei and L'rp.-i.ai Swedii.ps, This medi ine increase the power of di-ee'tioH. di-ee'tioH. and excites -he abs.rben;. in:o heakhy action, by hich the mu ter of ca!-ear-ous deposili-n-. and al; unnatura1 en-liTemen;. en-liTemen;. are revluced. a, well pain and in dam in 'tion. and is good lor men, woicen and children, H H. T. H IM3 tD'S X'Rl T B'J HJ For weakness ari-inp from nfwej. habits of dUsipaun. early inji-cretion, a1 teuura wuh the following iymptoms : Icdi?ro!itio" to Exertion, Losp of Purer, difficulty of Breathing, L ss of M euiory. Horror oi Dit-ea-'e, NVakeiu.ntp, Dimne8 or Vision, P. no in the Back. Flushing of the Bo iy. Hot Hand?. Erup-ion.- of the Face, Weak -S rve. Dryne? of the Skin, Trembling, Pallid Countenance, Law itude. Of the Muscular System. These symptom f, f allowed to go on. (which thi- medicine invariaoly remove-0 iioon folliw Faiuity, Epileptic File, Ac, in one of hicQ the p.'tient may exp re. Who can pay they are not frequently followed fol-lowed oy those "direful dia-e. Insanity and Consumption? E Many areaware of the cause of their f-uffer-ing, but none will conf ss. The records of the insane asylums and the m-laocholy deaths by eonsumptiou bear ample witness to the troth of the aj-rertkn. The Constitution, once aJeotod ry organic weakness, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the ?vetem. which 11. T. HELM BOLD':? EX TRACT OF Ul'CUU invariably doej. A trial will convince the most sceptical. In many affections peculiar to Females, th e EXTRACT BUCHU if unequaled by any other reu.edy, mu' for all cum plaints iuciden t to the sex, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE, L SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. No Familv should be without it. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant and dangerous dis-sases. dis-sases. H. T. Ilelmltold's Extract of Bnchu IMPROVED 'ROSE WASH Cures Secret Diseases iu all their stapes at little expense, little or no cliauge of diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. ! EV3 ; Use Helmbold;s Extract Buchu i Fnr all affections and die,'.. of these or cane whether existing In Male or Female, from whatever cause origin;. ting, and no i matter h-w lone standing, l'isea es of thee j organs require the aid o. a diuretic. H. T. Hfhnbtlil'i Extract of Buchu IS THE GREAT DURET1C. And it is certain to have the deired effect in . all diseases for which it is rec tmuiouded. i B BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! j - KHjMBOLD'sl I Highly Concentrntcil Cem pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For ptfrifyinir the Bh-od, rem-iving -ill chro- nic constitutional di"aei ari-inc f'r.un an impure ntu'e nf iho Bl"0l, and tne only Teiiablp Htid effect nil known remedy for ihe cur oi Scrotula. 'cald lletid it" Rheum, 1'iins and ww.llingii of the Li n-w, llcorn-tiois llcorn-tiois of i he rhrnriT and LfKK, Bint ' he-. I'im-ples I'im-ples on the Face. T"tter, Krysipeias, and all scaly Kruption of 'he rikin. ! And Baa.lf-li.g th Complexion. Two tablespoonsful nf the Kvtrd-t f Sr- '' I fparill added to a p;nt wnlr is tqu A to fie Liabon Diet Drink, and "lie boitiHful jp fully eiual toaffllon ofiheHyrtipif-.Hr a-1 a-1 parill. or the decoction u uuaiij Lude I O j H. T. HKIMDOLU'S HOME XV A N II , Aj iitellent Lotion for di-ease ari ing , from habit of 4is-.patiou, u-e-1 mcor.nnc-. tion wuh the Kxtracis Burhu and -rtf4,,a. r I la in such di-.-rison a rec muipnde hsideneof the niot re-po mi hie and r' i.-.ie 'baracter will voinpr.y the lb - i-1 n " A i explicit direct ioca (.,r up, with nr-I'RRDa nr-I'RRDa or THot-gAvm ivm( witnftP--. and upwarde cjf vi.'rn un'.iii;- i rf,r;-fi.. an and rorommtti'iat'.ry lett-rs. m:.ny of whi- h r tT-itn hehighe-t courcn, inrl uding ernwir- nt Phyajrianp. Clergymen Ht-ilflMu-n, T(l6 Pr"''"riet'jr bos never resorted to thfir puVl-raiif'n puVl-raiif'n in lb- nem xrr ; h not do this imm the fnrt that his hrticl? Tm k hm Standard Prepara t nut . h rid dy not nfed to be pp'i.i'H u(. by '-rt ifi-aicft. he boiwooa of XvlirilA, lik the D.rjr ColuLUU. L-ui J S ' h L d BlUlpIe. plir rL,;,: ,r naviug F:t for n, i,k.,,. j.l(iunr,D ,,r Mi..ar. fciid Iruth al-.ce lor il Cpjial. I My ExTict bar'finil i a Bl-J Purifier Puri-fier : thy Lxith'-t L t'ljij is a b.um'.ic, and will ii "i a- t-wh in nil h u are pr on vurrlj cinti,,c I r iu z ;', i:j -uo - hi, i a-e : :. e a,'., - t, , iBu - r,f .:;,t.r t ;, -1 r, u.hj. A r- n-iy kL'i c-j d r I. i v e t t w 11 l.p r-,rr ruti. 1 ' ; l--"d- "liH tuofe Nt f'-na in th f-!"!. w.r'ki, I f p L-a-'.ry ..f ffc T'r.it F:hi Vr.it4',r urn rn" T;u.ie f,m r-n IXi'; Hr' ( re iT k.. f rwmK- ilmi tv tL cer,,-a:- l br P(T-;a i'l-k Ke roniti'lt- m.3; hy J,r. ErBH.rtf Mr- i)'Wi..x a f.thrn,. J 1')',' jri n i X -:;,?, r . olthk'iV(. r,: j-.-.. j.,, . ,j 1 i ana r-o b.'ji :.d - n i t raniov tin. ut K u,w and i-n-nti J nrr-i. M I,- --, l.irurg r.J p.,-. J( .,.,. . j ' ' or.-y 7n.vr.k-. t-e.t-w .f h- .hl ' ! 'g- r,fH-;fl w. I r-e X-,.: oi ir(, j4l, tiMUtri w.Tk Ob -s'-'a' 'y i'! I.) '--'"j i' h'T0, j Anrof!.:;.;. f r , . f u ,lt L. H. T. HELWBOLD. Ct-lLUafL. ' -' IT ILJ-'j 'i 1 . j H.T.IUlmboid briifimuihimlci HtrttiukttSjill iJ r o cl v , it ' u H T..t)rabolrPi Irfin1 I-pot, JO boo iu Ieuitt m., -blla.iplia. ' Beware of Connterf ..it I A5K FOR H. T. IULMEOLD SI TAKJi. NO OIUKKI I I CALIFQSKIA TRACE. BHUTAN. HOLBROOK & CO j Importer? and Dealers in Stoves Sc Ranges, SHEET IRON i Tl PLATF, Copper. Zinc. Sheet Lead, Wire, tumps. Ijcaci Iron 27iiro. TI KKH .4litlN Tooli and M-h;ne-y and uea- ral HOUSE FURNIShlNC H T W Embraciag Plain. Japanned. Planuhed and Mumped V are, So. Ill 113 t allfornla aud No. 1? Jfc lv 1U Mrtfd, SAN FRAaMbat, CAL. S. F. Hoiden. ,1.V5 MovreJ S. P. HOLDEN Sj u ., Iuipor ers uf FOREK.N DRV GOODS, Linen-, Oress Go-d Hosiery, &c. 2S 4 30 SASSOM E ST.. SA fRSCISlO. London; 7 Le&denhall u. K.C TOBIrt, DIXON &, DAViSSO.", lmroriri of ENGLISH, FRENCH A GERMAN Fancy GmJjs MUlinrry (JiWjc. Yankee Son'on, White (i.t-tii, Pocktt Cu(l 'try , I ion', r y , Perfumery, Linen IIikchfs. HiTiag rvhi.lfiit rartnero in Eircpe, M.t U-iv in direct comm tin iration with th.- uianutrt. turem, we are euablnl to execute all oriiem, ami Sell at a Low Knte aa .t York Importer. We invite the attention ol BIYERS FOR V T A 1 1 TKRUITOH T To onr 8to-V, which is the largest and most raneJ en the Pacific Cwt. TOni.N, DIXON & DAV1SS0X, laii Kranc itco, ChI. - T -A- 13 H I S U H I) moo. CASTLE BROTHERS, IMPO II T7 HTIS WHOLESALK GKOPFRS, S13 ami 'ilS Front Street, San Fran. Into, . - h 1 1 loin I , MURPHY.GSAfjT&cS CAL1FOKM , Call attention to tlirir U-e" and well --nne.1 Dress Goods Cumi-naiiiK FRENCH PLA'D P3 L KS, Kliiprrss ( IoIIim, I amis.. ( loth, la 111 (olor., FRENCH AND ENGLISH MER1N0ES. ttTCJ. J-1TC. 3 VI TO. -A I-.. (u ln. ii o s l k i; v, While (;)kIk, Miii hk, TABLE DAMA8K8, NAPKINS, Tow H iiiRH, All "I whl'h they offer t th -,w murkel I t. JCliTL I'M!, t rupriftornf i b h tn,g bnn n'l .m A t,:-, U. ,( - NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES Jt. K F.I, X, Kit . C ., TV-' rter r,f I- ( i . y , , , M B-MTJi,,ri htiwi, Man Vrmnrlmrn, . - . ( 1 1 for n I , A ng'llra Wtnr, P Plnritfln Win, UI.H V..(.l . I'ort Win. Mittrra, A ) '.t,r Wr.- ut.-1 v t ,.. r. Jlr(l ;.,. ' ' 4 -I, -I, e ,,,,,. S. - . I U I.!.' f, I, 1 A (',.. , I f , ' -". -i I .. ..,..,' i . .,; Wio-.ft.iu 1(11 tl AIM t.'MtDII M, WEIL & CO. Cigars and Tobacco II ' V A s 1 1,, , ; S, AN , p A ,-,,, y al. 3 ....I aaj M., S'.u-we.I ern-T I fir.: i m,,,.,,,,. ;., v w a"... a r r - , . J. i.t iiki'i.m; a ., COMMISSION M:3HANIS 4 tUyhl., Han r ranrUc n, I'KAi KKh l. HK(, I'KOIitt K. Ar 'x.ifc,i::j m i"- ij.t .( !, ,tl ii,il bai, htarcti, f far wrj t-t.ru uaiiul tury J H) L-.h'l. |