Show lil RAILWAY CIRCLES Jeff Chandlers Views on the Salt Lake Los Angeles Line THE NEW BIO GRANDE BITES A Day at the Hallway Camps in Southern Utah A Railroader With a level Head Colonel R C Kerens Colonel Jeff handler and the St Louis Jeffm I capitalists interested in the Los Angeles 1 erminal scheme have reached St Louis f rom the Pacific coast Colonel Chandler speaking of the object of the trip said The Los Angeles Terminal railway company com-pany has concluded all arrangements to complete its terminal system at Los Angeles An-geles by the 1st of September 1891 This system embraces about eighty miles of railway rail-way and large and adequate grounds in the city of Los Angeles for yards and switching purposes and the general business of a first S class railroad system The company has I also about three thousand acres of land commanding one entire side of San Pedro harbor and the approaches thereto This harbor is about 450 miles south of San Francisco and 120 miles north of San Diego on the Pacific coast and the only intermediate inter-mediate port between them I has about eighteen feet of water at low tide now and is being improved by the government with a view of securing a uniform depth of thirty feet to accommodate vessels coming to the Pacific ocean through the canal across the isthmus which is now in course of construction San Pedro will bo the shipping port for southern California A high range of mountains extends east ana west between Los Angeles and San Francisco over which al 11 north and south railroads mus t I I forever climb This rugged barrier to heavy traffic by railway the trfc raiway guarantees supremacy su-premacy of water transportation between the northern and southern Pacific Coast points for all time to come San Pedro is the most eligible harbor for the collection collec-tion and distribution of heavy commercial substances of the southern Pacific Coast and is twentythree miles distant from Los Angeles The prosperity of railroads in the region including and tributary to Southern California is assured by thi creation and reconstruction of Industrie therein The speculative era in town sites has passed away and the growth of the country now rests on sold principles The agricultural lands are being steadily occupied occu-pied and improved under a constant increasing in-creasing valuation Much has been written of Southern Cal I fornia and the adjacent country that to those unfamiliar with the subject has the appearance ui exaggeration I howevl ran r-an estimate of the future of railroad property there is measured by the capacity of the country to furnish tonnage it will be seen that no overestimate has been made It requires about thirty acres of ordinary farming land throughout the west to pro duce one carload of freight while in the fruit regions of the Southern Pacific coast one acre has produced within the present year three carloads Much of the orange and other fruit lands pay a net annual income in-come of from 3000 to 5000 6000 and up to 12000 Thousands of acres 0 trees of various character are being planted during the present year and the fruitgrowing limits are being constantly extended What that country demands is additional railways This is also true of the southwestern south-western mountain region near southern California A line of railway ought to be constructed from Los Angeles to Salt Lake city there to unite with the multitude of roads spreading through the intermoun tain region and the northwestern states This vast region would eagerly take up the production of southern California and return re-turn to the fruitgrowtog country an abundance of coal iron and timber Salt Lake city is developing into one of the most beautiful aggressive and wealthy of Amer lean cities I is situated in the midst of the richest mineralsubstances existing in any part of the American Union I is sur rOln p nv n mnh lnrOnt nt Y bW v UUI tural country than is generally supposed to be tributary to it I will soon be the seat of great commercial manufacting and smelting interests I is far enough removed re-moved from all competing cities to draw to it immense wealth The distance between Salt Lake and ban Pedro harbor is 100 10 miles shorter than from Salt Lake to San Francisco The grades along a line of railroad road to the southwest from Salt Lake to the ocean would not exceed fifty feet to the mile while they are much greater on all present lines of railway A line of fast seagoing ships plying between San Francisco Fran-cisco and San Pedro would enable railways operating to San Pedro harbor to reach all points on the Pacific coast including San Francisco as expeditiously as those points are now reached by the present lines of road rondohe The Rio Grande Western is slowly but surely building down lo the southwestern sea coast Ttie terminal system spokenof above prepared to unite with all roads coming into that region and to furnish them ample facilities for handling any quantity of traffic The construction of a line of road to the southwest from the terminus ter-minus of the Rio Grande Western would open up to southern California connection with the Chicago Northwestern the Chicago Rock Island Pacific and the Burlington system and indeed all other northern lines Salt Lake city and Los Angeles have in their power to secure se-cure within the next year tho completion of this line of railway by contributing reasonably reason-ably to that end It is believed that this Will be done and that Southern California a year hence will supplied with as gsod railroad facilities as any section of the Pacific coast las a Level Head I is the duty of every railroad official connected with a railroad when an accident acci-dent occurs to use every means within his power to give as correct an account as possible pos-sible of the loss of life property cause of accident and all other details within his knowledge to the representatives of the press said a prominent railroad man in this city yesterday There is no use lying about it The truth will come out sooner or later and the best way is to give the facts at the beginning and then there will be no chance for any misunderstanding misunderstand-ing later on The New Rates Today The following rate circular recently issued is-sued by the Rio Grande Western is etfec tie today I effect May 1 1891 and continue until further notice agents at Ogden Salt Lake unti Bingham Provo and PrIce will sell tickets to points named at rates as follows New Fare Glenn ood Springs Col firstclass lim lm ited old fare tIl Sis 00 Aspen SZ Col firstclass limited old fare 0 h 18 OD Leadville Cl firstclass limited old fare idi 20 00 Glonwood Springs CoL and return limit 2 SO days 3 23 00 Aspen Col and return limit 30 days 2 0 Leadville Col and return limit 3 days S 0 Pueblo Col and return limit 3 days 35 OQ Colorado Springs Col and return limit 3 O 3 days lmit 35 CO Denver Col and return limit 3 days 3 C I J H BENNETT I lENNE General Passenger Agent i Attempted Burglary of n Depot An attempt was made to burglarize the Ephraim depot on Saturday night about 930 Agent Clossin and Mr Parson were up in town but arrived at the station in time to prevent it from being burglarized The wouldbo robbers had cut nearly all tho nails out that were holding a back door in place and but for the timely interference would have succeeded Marshal Pherson was notified and came down to await another attempt He had not been there long when a man raised the window and peered into the room but evidently smelt a rat and did not try to enter Agent s y Clossla says tIer were two suspicious opking tramps hanging around in the fternoon who he suspects are the parties who made the attempt Our citizens cannot Rei8tr can-not be too careful of tramps now a days A Day at the Ballroad Camps Yesterday a correspondent of the Scull n el went in search information along the e intension of the Sevier Valley branch The road for some three miles south from anti is all completed and Mr Hoggan In ormed us that by the close of the present week would have finished his contract and be ready to move further south We noticed that his men seemed very c iheerful and learned that they had just r eceived a raise of wages all round and as I t had been dono1 without the solicitation of hose employed was appreciated all the more Mr Hoggan is no believer in strikes and if he follows out the policy of dividing up his profits with the wageearn ers will never have any trouble with his men on that account WQ were pleased to learnt l further along that Mr Hoggan would be likely to make more out of his contact than some of the others Hoggan has a force of twentyfive teams and forty men at work Huntington Crandall who have the con tract to complete the large rock cut about four miles from Manti are working night and day to get the job completed The cut is 43feet deep in one place and notwithstanding notwith-standing their endeavors to hurry up the work it will be impossible to finish before May 20 A little further along is located Sump sions camp Ten teams are at work here completing their grade and they will move to Salina in a few days where work will be commenced near the Salina depot C A Crandal has quite a large fill but will finish in two weeks and move further south Mr Crandall has been in the railroad road business for years and is well qualified to give an opinion on the subject He thinks the prices paid are too low t allow much for experimenting and a man must have but few losses in order to make the work remunerative At the mouth of Six Mile creek three camps are located and work there will soon be finished Most of the grade is built a far as Gun nisOn and by the time the big rock cut is finished the whole roadbed t Salina will be ready for the rails There seems to be quite a fatality among the horses as but few of the camps visited wore without their report of losses in this way So far no work has been laid out south of Salina and there is every reason to believe that the terminus will remain there for a year at least The work below Gunnison will be very light and July 1st will see the road completed Sentinel Car Pilferers The night watchman in the Union Pacific freight yards at Ogden had quite an exci ing time with a gang of tramps early yesterday yes-terday morning He discovered them in the act of pilfering a box car and endeavored endeav-ored to get the rascals cornered They however were in possession of six shooters shoot-ers and exchanged several shots with the watchman none of which took effect The tramps escaped but as far as could be cu i nn car u t 0 Juuuu 1Ituug 11 IUO The Utah Central Wreck Major Dailey who was injured in the Utah Central wreck on Monday is slowly improving Miss Knowles his stenographer steno-grapher who was also on the illfated car wasreported last evening as being much bettor Jay Gould Will Buy the Collateral Bonds BOSTO April o1t is understood that Jay Gould and the Equitable Life Insurance Insur-ance company will take all the new 5 percent per-cent collateral trust bonds of the Union Pacific that may be necessary to cancel the floating debt Unification of German and Austrian Hallways BERLIN OBaron Wettek undersecretary under-secretary of the Austrian ministry of commerce com-merce has arrived here on a special mission mis-sion from his government His object is the unification of the German and Austrian railway systems by the enactment of common com-mon laws and theadoption of common regulations reg-ulations I the negotiations t be undertaken under-taken special attention will be devoted to the arrangement of military and strate getic lines with a view to the rapid mobil ization of troops in both countries Polo tininnn Kpnmnst important results if this negotiation is carried to a successful conclusion c con-clusion It will bind Germany and Austrian I Austria-n closer union and insure the permanence and greatly increase the strength of tho triple alice NQ New Railway Employees Federation TESHB HAUTE April 30Speaking of the dispatch from St Louis about the newly formed federation for employees organizations organiza-tions Grand Master Sergeant of the locomotive loco-motive firemen said no federation was formed last Sundays meeting An effort was simply made on Sunday to induce the order of conductors to enter the federation whichalready exists I S The Mexican Central EeportJ BOSTON April 30 The annual report of the Mexican Central railway for 1S90 shows a 495779 surplus for the year over all charges of |