Show I SLAWS DEBUT He Makes His First Appearance in America At 1rrlQnn lnl n qw1AnT thA hl1 Bound He Wins the Favor of the Audience Audi-ence Mitchell Hissed NEW YORK April 30 Frank P Slavin the Australian champion pugilist made his debut at Madison Square tonight before an audience of 4000 Upon Billy Madden introducing him as champion of the world cries came from all over the house No no Sullivan is champion Slavin gave a boxing exhibition with Jim Daly of Philadelphia Phila-delphia In the first part the crowd was not greatly impressed with his work but in the third round when Billy tried to get in stiff puncheSjSlavin woke up andknocked him down with a left hand smash on the breast The bout was then stopped Slavin movements changed the previous impression impres-sion of the crowd He exhibited much skill in a bout later with Charley Mitchell proving himself to make short arm hits cleverly but no idea could be formed as to their force Jack McAuliffe and Charley Mitchell gave an exhibition during which Jack riled Charley by a severe punch in the stomach Mitchell let go a stiff lefthander for Macs jaw but it missed and the crowd hissed the Englishman |