Show I DEMOCRATIC CLUB I t The regular monthly meeting of tho Salt f I Lake central Democratic society will be fl bold on Tuesday May 2 atS p m A full attendance is requested H C LETT President J R LETCHER Secretary HOUNT GHIFF1H Peacock coal Are xclusive agents for the acknowledged by nil to be unsurpassed for domestic and heatiue purposes S1LTZR BROS mON WORK tS 0 10 149 West North Temple At Cost Cost m 4 g 1000 Pair C U 5 Misses Spring Heoled Shoes I d Plain and With p Patent Tips g t Narrow Width P g I I ABC 8 I A i Reduced From c I 8 200 and S250 To r i U S125 and 150 ELYEll Tho new Chicago limited via Rio Grando Western on and after May 1 will leave Salt Lake at 8 am reaching Denver at 030 am the next morning and Chicago at 4 pm the following day Through Pullman palace sleeping cars Ogden and Salt Lake to Chicago without charge An elegant train throughout The Atlantic express leaves here at950 pm as heretofore Improved Im-proved service to Eureka and Sanpete and Sevier Valley points t Dew Drop Canned Goods have no aqua Roars Co A CLOSE CALL Mr J P Blaize an extensive real estate dealer in this city narrowly escaped one of the sovercot attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part of the state during the recent blizzard Mr Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was unable to get warm and inside of an hour after his return ho was threatened with 0 severe case of pneumonia or lung fever Mr Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlains cough remedy of which he had often heard and took a number of large doses He says the I effect was wonderful and that in a short time ho was breathing quite easily Ho kept on taking the medicine and the next day was able to como to Des Mones Mr Blaize regards his cure as simply wonderful wonder-ful and says ho will never travel again without a bottle of Chamberlains cough remedy T7ie Des Moines la Saturday Ifeufcti 50 cent bottles for sale by Z O M I drug department AUCTION iAUCTION At tho Clif house corner Main street and West Third South stroet Largo lot of unclaimed baggage o of nil kinds trunks valises etc Sale Monday May 9 at 10 valses am Terms cash no reserve t DAK J COLTON Auctioneer appreciated by the Indies of Salt Lake An expert and stylish hairdresser has been engaged en-gaged who will bo in attendance from 8 to B oclock Ladies needing her services are t invited to call and satisfaction is guaranteed i guaran-teed ONLY 533 CO TO PORTLND AND RETURN The Union Pacific will sell tickets from Salt Lake to Portland and return ac one fare for the round trip Tickets on sale May 9 to 14 inclusive limited to ninety days from date of sale For any additional information apply to D E Burley general agent Union Pacific System 201 Main street l Jr f AUCTION AUCTION I > At the Cllfc House Montlny May 9 at 10 am anil at 2 p m The entire fittings of the dining room office ana kitchen furniture one van range and steam table good as now large lot of dining chairs tables dishes etc also large lot of beds ana bedding carpets etc one fire proof safe Terms cash sale positive no reserve DAN JCOLTOX t Auctioneer Auctoneer NOTICE TO CONTRAUTOES Sealed proposals will be received until 12 oclock noon of Saturday May 7 182 for tbe erection of retaining walls to be bout of concrete and stone masonry at the head works of Parleys canon conduit near the mouth of Parleys cafion The contractor I con-tractor to furnish all material and labor Specifications can be seen at my office room No 1 city hall building The bids will ba opened and the contract awarded by tho board of public works The right is reserved to reject any and all bids A F DonEMC + I Citv Engineer c AUCTION AUCTION I At No 261 south West Temple first door north of Metropolitan hotel at 1 oclock Tuesday May 2 lSD2 fine bedroom sets Brussels and threeply carpets parlor cook and heating stoves lounge fo ding bed fine rockers and other chairs mat trasses and springs and bedding as good as new J BOYLE Auctioneer t4d a W41 tiEli i i I I AN IMMENSE VARIETY OF 4 BABY FROM I I FOURTH CAR BABY r AR 425 I JUST qp UPI UP-I t from 4025 Up I RECEIVED BABY < < l < IENRY BINW FURNiTURE C1VIFANY I r d i P S |