Show FREE TO THE PUBLIC IAn I-An Unreserved and Unequivocal Offer is Made DRS MANSFIELD AND DE MONCO Offer to Treat and Supply With Medicines All Who Apply Within Two WeeksFree Absolutely Without Money and Without Price For the purpose T > f Introducing Drs Mansfield and De Monco in their methods 1 of treating diseases to the people of Salt I Lake city and vicinity and giving at once practical and substantial proofs of their skill they make the following offer which will hold good until May llth Up to and including this date they will treat all patients who apply to them at their office rooms 200 201 2Q2 and 203 Pro gress building South Mam TREE FOR TUB TERM OT TWO WEEK FURNISHING ALL WHO APPLT WITH ALL MEDICINES AND ADVICE FOU THIS LENGTH OF TIME ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT COST This offer is absolutely unreserved un-reserved and entirely strightforward and is made simply for the purpose mentioned above of introducing themselves and the methods to tho people of this vicinity It is not at all like offers that are sometimes made by advertisers who advertise free treatment and then charge for tho medicine med-icine or advertise free medicines and then charge for the treatment but means just what it says nothing else Drs Mansfield and Do Monco will positively treat and furnish fur-nish medicines free for two weeks to all who apply on or before May llth I is their way of introducing their methods and NO ONE EITHER RICH OR POOR NEED HAVE THE SLIGHTEST HESITATION IX AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THIS OFFER For the accommodation of those employed ton ployed during ihe usual working hours the offices of Drs Mansfield and DoMonco are open week day evenings from 7 to 9 oclock and Sundays from 9 am to 1 pm |