Show ANARCHYS FLAG The Chicago Anarchists Demand the Return of Their Fiags A DYNAMITE OUTRAGE IN LIEGE Salisbury Refuses to Receive an Eight Hour Delegation Carpenters and Plumbers on Strike May Day in Inrojj CHICAGO May 2The redflags siezed by the police yesterday promise to become a subject of controversy in the courts A delegation representing tho offending organizations or-ganizations called upon Chief of Police Mc Claughry today and demanded the return of the flags but received instead a tart lecture lec-ture They promised to reiterate the demand de-mand tomorrow and if they meet with a refusal to swear out a writ of repleviu I 1 LIEGE May 2A dynamite cartridge I was exploded at the threshold of Count Minottos residence this evening The house and the building adjoining which was that of General Loudon of tho civic guaad for whom it is thought the dynamite dyna-mite was intended and the contents of the room were partially wrecked The flagstones flag-stones wore torn up and all the windows within a radius of 200 yarde damaged A German who fled just after the explosion was arrested but denied being the author of tho outrage NEW YOUK May 2The United Gorman Gor-man and English carpenters struck today because of tho failuw of tho bosses to sign an agreement fixing the schedule of prices for the year By noon however tho bosses came to terms and all signed the agreement theugreement but six LONDON May 2At a meeting of the workincmens delegates letters were rend from Salisbury and Balfour saying they could not receive a deputation setting forth claims for an eighthour day A letter from Gladstone said he would carefully consider the views of tho trades union but he considered con-sidered the question not yet ripe and honed to be excused from conversation HAVANA May 2The masons carpenters carpen-ters painters and stone cutters have struck the two former for an eihthour day and the two latter for a reduction in the working work-ing hours Building operations are practically prac-tically at a standstill No disturbance is feared BALTIMORE Slav 2The nnrnantors nrn on strike here to enforce acceptance of their demand for eight hours Eighteen employers have aceepted the eighthour decree de-cree GLOUCESTER Mass May 2The whistles from the Cape Ann quarries calling the men to work this morning did not meet with any response as a general strike of granito cutters was inaugurated Notice was sent the workmen at Rocknort and Piegon Cove They joined the strikers and some two thousand men are now idle The strikers demand 25 cents an hour and nine hour nstead of ten No trouble is feared NEW YORK May 2The Mayday demonstration of the workingmen of New York to celebrate the anniversary of the inauguration of the eighthour movement I in Union square tonight was uneventful both in point of attendance and exciting features Speeches wore made by various I Delegates and the usual resolutions offered and adopted CINCINNATI May 2Two hundred menthe on men-the Kentucky Central and Louisville 1 Nashville roads including transfer hands switchmen yardmen section hands and laborers struck on account of a reduction of wages and predict all the men along the line will join CHICAGO May 1Notwithstanding the orders of tie police officials prohibi ing the display of red flags and other anarchistic anarch-istic drapery in thb parades which were a feature of the May day celebration here threo sanguinary embloma appeared and their beurors were promptly arrested and the offensive emblems confiscated At the head of two dozen men from the Arbciter Zcitung office a red flag was carried Debating De-bating clubs numbers 1 and 2 also carried flags which were so red thnt thfiv met with thn Hinnnnrnvnl of n Superintendent HUbbardu After watching the procession for sometime some-time the Anarchist emblems caught the eye of the superintendent who immediately resolved to capture them As the procession pro-cession approached Madison street on Clark the officers broke into the ranks and seized the men in the debating club contingent carrying the forbidden flags The prisoners were uncerimoniously hurried hur-ried into a patrol wagon while the crowd oheored wildly A fow minutes later the Arbeitsr Zeiluno employees camp up and wore quickly placed in the waiting patrol wagon A young man who was decorated with a bright crimson sash made an insulting in-sulting remark and was forcibly placed among his redbedecked comrades When the men and flags were taken from the ranks it did not cause any particular commotion com-motion PARIS May 1May day was ushered in with the police on the qui vivc and the strongly enforced garrisons of Paris ready for instant service At an early hour the processions began to form for the march to the Salle Favie Instead of 10000 men toking part in the demonstrations only 2000 wore present A number of speeches wore made and Vailleant declared that this was the last time that the claims of tho workingmen would be argued in this formAt form-At Lyons tho police removed a number of inflammable placards and found cartridges in the police station and town hall There was no damage nor any disturbance LONDON May 1Slay Day demonstra tiods were held today in most of the large cities of Great Britain and the continent con-tinent and in the various manufacturing and mining districts advices thus far show that the day passed harmlessly i not quietly Demonstrations were hold in Dublin Mnnchestar Glasgow and most of the large towns of Great Britain and Ireland Ire-land They wero modeled after the Hyde Park meeting but on a smaller scale They wero attended with no disturdances ST PAUL May 2Th plumbers of the city went on strike for less work and tho same pay The master plumbers are beginning be-ginning to weaken I is probable the strike will be settled and all tho men to work tomorrow having secured their demands de-mands CHICAGO May 2Four hundred lumbers lumb-ers struck this morning for nine hours and minimum wages of SOM cents an hour |