Show WAR IN COMMITTEE The U P and E G W Once More at Loggerheads The Utah Central Between Them Tho Little Road Figures as tho Meat of the Sandwich Cheap Rate to Portland I Tho street committee of the city council is having a lively time and music is made by the Rio Grande Western and the Union Pacific the cause of it all is the traffic to the new city and county building now bo lug erected on the Eighth Ward square Some time BRO the Rio Grande Western laid a third rail on the Utah Centrals ties for a distance of several blocks east from Fifth West street Later rails was laid j from tile Utah Central track on Eighth i South to the Eighth Ward square in order to save drayage on the immense quantities of material that will bo needed in the building I build-ing and the Rio Grande Western has used the track of the Utah Central Now it appears that the Utah Central is willing to make traffic arrangements with the Union Pacific in order that the big road may also deliver material to the square This the Rio Grande Western objects to and the result is the whole question has been placed before the committed com-mitted on streets as the track to the square cnn be abolished at the pleasure of the council and the representatives of each road have been given hearings The street committee will probably make its recommendations to the city council this evening Crossing the Continental Divide One of the largest photographs ever seen in Utah is exhibition in a Second South street window It is called Crossing the ContinentalDivide and is a scene on the Colorado Midland A Cheap Rate to Portland The Union Pacific has put in a rate of 3650 round trip between Salt Lake and Portland tickets good lor ninety days from date of purchase Personal and General F F Eccles excity ticket agent of the Union Pacific in Salt Lake has returned from his extended trip to the coast whither ho went for his health He is much improved im-proved and his friends will be glad to greet him again Mrs Eccles came with him The fast mail train on the Rio Grande Western from Ogden to the east was fifty minutes late in this city yesterday having been detained in Ogden owing to the Central Cen-tral Pacific being behind time |