Show IBt kURELY a vegetable compound PURELY entirely of roots and herbs JL gathered from the forests of Georgia and has been used by millions of people with the best results It URES c All manner of Blood diseases from the pestiferous little boil on your rose to the worst cases of inherited blood taint such as Scrofula Rheumatism I Catarrh and I SKIN CI ER z r I Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC Co Atlanta Ga I XOTIC11 ALT PERSONS AUK HEREBY WARNED 19 under the penalty provided by ordinance I I not to remove the body of any dead animal or i offal or filth of any description without lust 1 notifying the city btai enger who will issuu directions di-rections for its disposal WILLIAM SHOWELL City Scavenger room 17 city hall April 17 Ibbl 7 I 7 I rr < + t f Uy ARC A 7 i t N HENRY WAGENER Salt Lake City Utah California Brewery Lamer Eger Ale Porter I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Secccfl South Street Three Doors East ol I Main Street i < H < 4 4H The Famous Cocoa of Europe The Coming One of America Van Houtens has fifty per cent more qL the fleshforming elements of cocoa than is obtained by the best processes of other manufacturers VAN HOUTENS COCOA II BEST GOES FARTHEST Doctors and analysts of the highest standing all over the world certify to this immense saving and by VAN HOU TENS special process only can this be attained 1YCr HOUTENS COCOA once triid nlirays used possesses the crcat advantngo of leaving no injurious effects on the nervous system Ko wonder therefore that in all parts of the world this inrrntors Cocoa is recommended by medical men Innteutl often > and coilce or other cncouc or chocolate For tliiily uc by children or adult hale Bml1ck rich unclloor Ask for VAN HOUTEXS and tale no other 51 SiVNMB WKrtY f 6 38919P8SdL N 7Apd + ll BiV O IIPEOPL S FORW RDING CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN F10111 Grain Ha yr and Feedo Q 24 and 26 E SeoOl1d 8011111 Carloads Supplied at Any Time on One Days Notice SAI4To Largest and most convenient beds on the shores of the Grea Salt Lake Orders received for any amount E E RICH lVlanage1 J J 5 TURNERS Fine Shoes for Gents 9 Wear The Turner Shoe requires no breaking in It leads in accurate styles firstclass workmanship workman-ship and durability These are points which commend themselves to every gentleman wear 4 in g a fine shoe Perfect in Style and Workmanship 1 N EASY FITTINGS FITTING-S Rl AND DURABLE Z E C M i1 L Sole Agents for Utah JNAT f HAN Is Letting Down Prices Again We would adviso every man and woman to keep themselves posted and attend oar c I SPECIAL SALE i DttriJtJlg rhis Wee 1 You will find every article as advertised If you are in doubt bring this paper along with you and judge for yourself the truth of these assertions Mens French Flannel Overshirts 50 cents each Mens Unlaundried Shirts 45 cents each Kens 9oz Blue Denim Overalls 45 cents a pair Mens 9oz Blue Denim Jumpers 45 cents each x Mens Check Jumpers 40 cents each Mens Undershirts and Drawers 30 cents each Mens Brown and Gray Linen Dusters f 100 each Mens Coats and Vets 105 each Mens French Flannel Coats and Vests 135 each Mens Black Alpaca Coats 150 each Mens fine 12thread Balbriggan Shirts and n n t CIO nn 1 25 bulb Drawer s worth i UUj o a iU L Mens Bathing Suits 2 piece garment 150 per suit Boys Shirt Waists 15c each Boys Knee Pants 25c a pair Boys Suits 4 to 12 115 each ALSO A FULL LINE OF Mens 1 Youths and Boys Spring Suits In all the latest styles in Worsteds Cassimeres and Cheviots Also a fine line of French Flannel Coats and Vests Pongee Silk Coats and Vests Mohair and Alpaca Coats Also A FINE LINE OF SILK OVERSHIRTS At 25 per cent lower than any other house in the city 151 Main St S J NATHAN Propr lyYILLIAMS 3 HOYT GOS ROCKY 1tJOUNT AIN Boys Youths Misses Childrens and Infants I a 4 SHOES efr t I ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS I Ask Z C 3kC I for Them r h FOR SALE JJ I w 1 Bicycles Tricycles and Sporting Goods of Every Description J tf fi j WESTERN AGENTS Gormully Jctferys American Rambler Safety 1JJ w h 1 Bye cleo Send for catalogue Wright Ditsons Lawn Tennis Spald xj ngs Baseball supplies DuPonts Sporting and Blasting Powder Atlas ititaYnYr Giant Powder Etc EtcI Geuit9 Rii1es IetoXs Aoo XX111X1itiOX1 Fishing Tackle Cricket iGoois Tents Oars Hammocks Hammock Chairs Pocket Cutlery Fencing Foils Etc Wholesale and Retail lllustrated Catalogue Fee I BROVNING BROSe9 I 155S MainSt Salt Lake City Utah 2451 Washington Avo Ogden Utah 13 NOTICE We do not offer to sell guns at cost or below cost but we will guarantee to ell them lower than parties who seek to deceive youby avertisinjj to this effect I USE l I i MOKASKA a COFFEE J BEST ON EARTH h a A l C c Z + O f M 8 I f j i I f = t To Reduce Stock welDffer t Fop One Week Only SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MUSLIN UNDERWEAR I j f r ff I Skirts 60 cents to 225 Regular Prices 75 cents to 300 Night Dresses 40 cents to 350 50 cents to 450 Chemises 20 cents to 225 H 30 cents to 300 n Drawers 20 cents to 120 30 cents to 175 A small lot of Ladies Challie and Calico Wrappers 75 cents 1 and 250 Regular Prices 100 150 and 350 T o G WEBBER Superintendent J e Have S11bdiVided 00 F LA2 r H r FO o r9 r AJt1BD1YSIoN o j > 1e t t aq o 8 a a yt Y 8 CD t 4 r hF 4 iSs + r ti S kl Ir 1 0 eDS eDg CD i 1 1 A 2 CDM CDla la OO I r coo r r1 I SUavR3Ar t RrSID1NC F o A la e ld n TRie 4A 1 l Yfitr C Arrangements have been made to have Electric Cars Run to this Addition Fourteen Hours a Day Splendid view of the entire city and mountains on the East Water right one of the oldest in the county NEVER FAILING SPRINGS Artesian water can be had on any lot No new location I but one of the iCHOIOE SPOTS OF THE VALLEY i With a Forty Years Growth of Magnificent Trees if GEORGE IMC o1 1 TNON L G5 HARDY ° George ID1 J oluJ 11 eVis M I CANNONS REAL ESTATE ISTo OO id aim Street t BUSINESS PROPERTY AND ACREAGE IN ALL DIRECTIONS For Homemakers we have Easy Terms and Low Prices I Lots to Suit all from 65 up Lots on Capitol Hill Lots near Denver Depot Lots near Liberty Park I I WM LAPHAM I I Real Estate and Mining Broker I I Invites the attention ot Investors to his choice list of Acreage Property the vicinity of and Lots In different parts of the city I The highest market price paid for Copper Ores at his office No 109 West Temple opposite Continental Con-tinental hotel Salt Lake City I d = R a CREAMERY PACKAGE MFG CO N JOBBERS OF Berry Boxes Egg Cases Creamery Supplies AND VOODENV RE h E R KIMBALL MANG 1408 WEST 11TH STREET KANSAS CITY MX p1 j 1t < G IIf 4 u < r e |