Show Deputy Sheriff M Fish Suicides BUTTE Mont June 22Special telegram tele-gram to THE HERALD The people of this city were horrified about 5 oclock this afternoon by a report that Deputy Sheriff J M Fish had committed suicide by shooting shoot-ing i himself through the heart = He had been ill for some time and was thoroughly despondent though none of Ms friends feared he would take his own life At the time of the tragedy Fish and his wife were alone in the house and when he got out of bed to get his pistol a terrible struggle ensued en-sued between them to prevent his accomplishing accom-plishing his purpose Finding herself powerless and assured from his conduct and talk that her husband had lost his mind for the time being at least Mrs Fish ran to the neighbors for help Upon being left Fish secured the pistol und coolly turning aside his shirt to be sure of making no mistake mis-take shot himself directly through the heart When his wife returned the unfortunate unfor-tunate man was unconscious and soon breathed his last Fish has been a resident of Montana for thirty years toe early portion of which time ho was in Virginia City He has been an officer for most of that time and has been known over the state as ono of the most efficient and fearless within its bor ders He was held in high regard and his sad death will cause universal regret Mr Fish was ubout sixty years of age and leaves a wife and two children |