Show COURT AT HA1LEY Madame Medini Obtains a Divorce from Henry Boven for Failure to Support Her HAILEY Ida June 23fSpecial telegram tele-gram to THE HRRALP4u the district court in the case of Bolton vs Egan the plaintiff was prohibited from running a ditch over defendants hot springs Roena F Bowen a prima donna well known on the stage throughout the country as Madame Medini has obtained a divorce from Henry Bowen a resident of New York for failure support Governor Curtis Cur-tis was her attorney L W Walters recovered judgment against Mary and W H van Dusan decreeing de-creeing him to be the owner of a half interest inter-est in the Idaho Democrat and Marcus mines Mineral Hill district near Hailey Plaintiff and defendant located the mine together to-gether in 181 Since 1SS4 defendant has worked the mine alone taking out some 1 large quantities of ore Plaintiff failed to pay his share of the assessment workbe fore and after notice of forfeiture was served on defendant and worked the mine continually under an arrangement to appropriate ap-propriate the ore as his own The court held the plaintiff was not bound to pay the assessment work as the mine remunerated the defendant for the same A motion for I a new trial was made |