Show A ROW uViidl SALOON I I A Denver han and Wife Quarrel Over the Fitting up of ti Saloon DENVEII Juno 23 Special telegram to TUE HERALDJ Last fall exDeputy Sheriff Leonard DeLue married an eastern widow of reputed wealth and all went I smoothly until recently when DeLue I bought a saloon on Seventeenth street near the postofllco and began fitting it up in gorgeous style Saturday Mrs DeLue secured se-cured the license and lease to the place from her husband and Sunday morning they quarreled It is repotted that DeLue attempted t recover the papers with a display dis-play of firearms and both made a rush for warrants Mrs DoLue threatening bodily injury He followed with smeth folowet wih something akin to burglary The casd was settled without arrests and DeLue has the papers but his wife is al interested overseer of the work on the saloon For a time sqrae lively revelations reve-lations were expected De > uc is widely known and was a popular and successful attachee of the sheriffs force |