Show C The Chances for Silver In the House Special to THE HERALD Examiner Dispatch Nnw YORK Juno 23A Press Washing vashing ton special says From an authoritative source the Press correspondent learns that the House committee is not likely to r commend c-ommend a bill limiting the purchase qf silver t 4500000 ounces Monthly tho whole to be the product of American mines The buying of such an amount would it i believed insure tbe acceptance by the treasury department of nearly all the bul lon ls produced in the country The provision provi-sion the limited coinage men say ought to satisfy all Colorado Nevada and other Pacific Pa-cific advocates of free coinage According to the tmms of tho proposed compromise treasury notes are to be made legal tender redeemable in coin but the secretary of the treasury will not be permitted to exercise h is discretion in tho redemption of them Such a bill it is confidently predicted can be passed by tho House and in case the Senate does not concur the joint conference confer-ence committee can be depended upon to reach a settlement Chairman Congor will call his committee together to day and be fore the end of the moutli it is expected the House will pass a limited coinage bill |