Show 1 TERRITORIE TOPICS J Witchei Jones May Capture the i i Provo Water Works 1j 1I j a 1EWS NOTES FROJI KAYSVILLE J t t How Thrift Logan is Prounerins and Indulging In-dulging In All the Modern Luxuiies 1 of Life 1 The question of water works has been p agitating the minds of Provos people and tts municipal council for some time NotIon Not-Ion since the council decided to bond the city for the purpose of raising means to put 4 1 in a system water works but now comes I I Hvitchcr Jones of your city and proposes to do that work forms He made a proposition 1 propo-sition to the city council last week to put in Jja complete system of water works on con tdition that the city would transfer to lain all their rights to the use of thp waters of CTimpanogos and grlnt himthe use of the estreets for laying pipes and so on and at the end of twenty years the city to have the option of purchasing the system at the original cost with interest at 0 per cent The council met in special session Tuesday afternoon and after thorough consideration considera-tion acted favorably upon the proposition with some modifications and ordered the city attorney to draft a franchise And so the water works is a go GEXEUAI NOTES The teachers go to the lake today for a frolic The street railway is going to the lake sure The road will be there in a few days Tho district schools closed yesterday with appropriate exercises It was the pupils day aud they acquitted themselves them-selves with credit Tho work done in the schools this year is better than ever before and the people of Provo are to be congratulated on the tone ana quality of their schools Deputy Gleason of Salt Lake is visiting the Gem city and has become convinced that Provo is the most attractive city in the territory for one to make his home After some delays the electric light plant has arrived What with the street railway rail-way the electric light the water works and the building feverthat is rampant I i among us Provo is riding on the high wavo of prosperity I The Provo opera house band are enthusiastic enthusi-astic in their efforts to furnish a fine set of pieces for their engagement In Salt Lake The band is gaining a good reputation for discoursing first class music The ball given by the Mustache club at Graves part was a social and financial success suc-cess The night was lovely and the girls looked as sweet as the June buds but the Mustache boys should have secured larger and better orchestra The merchants are becoming indignant over the delay of their freight at Grand Junction The D R G company seems to have been a little premature in their change of gauge and find it somewhat difficult to untangle the blockade change has occasioned The citizens of Provo have consented to join with Salt Lake in their celebration on the Fourth of July The prospects of a extraordinary time being on at the capital together with the fact that a number num-ber of Provo people expect to attend the carnival at Ogden July 2 induced them to suspend and take in the gaieties of our neighbor cities The joint teachers convention of next month bids fair to be a big thing The county superintendent of Juab county has just notified the county superintendent Here that he willmake this his official institute insti-tute So there will be four counties officially offici-ally present and teachers from many others Excursion rates over tho Giant road from all points have been secured Pitovo June 21 Kaysville Kinks Grain on the range north of here is ripening ripen-ing fast Mr Brassard extrain dispatcner at Evanston has taken a position as the assistant as-sistant our Union Pacific station agent Mr Taylor The Kaysville Brick and Tile Manufacturing Manufac-turing company shipped their first carload of brick last Saturday They have made a contract to furnish from 150000 to 50000 pressed brick for the front of the new Constitution Con-stitution building in SaIL Lake John Hill and John Bennett who have been on a business trip in the north returned re-turned home yesterday They report crops in Cache valley as being fair but rather backward for this time of the year Corn and potatoes have been considerably damaged dam-aged by frost Miss Mary A Works who has had charge of the primary department of the Kaysville academy during the past winter left for her home In ManU last Sunday evening During her stay here she has proven herself her-self to oe a very able and efficient teacher and has won the respect and esteem of the children who have been under her charge M KAYSVILLE June 2i How Logan is Prospering Logan will soon be luxuriating in electric street cars electric lights more generally distributed than now and electric power i variously applied This will be gratifying not only for the good these improvement will accomplish in themselves but also as showing hew we are advancing and QOW able we are to provide ourselves with the adjuncts civilization whenever there is a sufficiency of population and business to demand them And in this reckoning it i should be remembered that Salt Lake hall at least 40000 and perhaps 50000 peopl whcn it indulged in electric cars and that Ogden with perhaps 20000 hasnt got them yet nor even thought of such a thing Logan has now about 0000 people and while it is steadily growing it is doubtless the smallest place in point of population on the Pacific coast to have all the modern improvements of a public nature What we want worse than anything else is an efficient and comprehensive system of water works and these will come along in duo season It should be taken into consideration con-sideration that in a city like ours with so limited a population and those engaged en-gaged in agricultural pursuits with our power to borrow money or otherwise incur financial obligations limited by Congress to 4 per cent of the assessed value of the property and therefore a still smaller percentage oL its actual value as great strides in the directions indicated are not to be expected as in the case of cities of larger growth and greater pecuniary advantages I ad-vantages and to do what has already been accomplished ana What is now laid out is j certainly doing marvelously wellwell enough and the Journal In common with the good people who support it feel to rejoice re-joice with an exceeding great joy at these manifestations of real enterprise l Pretty soon we shall have in lull swing f tho neatest and one of the largest opera houses in the territory and when we have a perfected broad gauge railwayservice and sbme of the mines known to exist in the neighboring hills are yielding up of their hiddcn treasures for shipment or better still tho ores are being milled or smelted right herewhat more shall we require I re-quire in a material way to make of Logan the particularly bright and shining star in the grand constellation which has made f Utah famed among the commonwealths of the Union Journal I |