Show The Indian War St Louis 28The latest from Indian Territory says The Chicotee party in the fight on Sunday last had seven men killed and it is thought that the Spio chee band lost as many more Spiochee and party have gone in the Cherokee nation but he is exccctei to return again and keep up the disturbance Reinforcements Reinforce-ments are hastening to Okmnlka to protect pro-tect the capitol Captain Bates with A detachment of United States troop is also there and soldiers have been ordered or-dered to Enfanta where there is a good deal of excitement and many ef the woman and children have been sent away for safety Spiochee is BOW at the head of the loyal party or what ha been known as the Sands faction end Chicotee is the principal of the nation and of course at the head of the party in power Ha has some 800 armed men under him and Spiochee is said to be nearly as strong Both parties are armed with all sorts of weapons and seem to be in an ugly mood out it is thought the United States soldiers and Major Tuff the United States agent will succeed in quieting them and restoring order I L |