Show J FftEtfCH FROSTS Play Haroc With ihe VIne in the Wine Districts Something ef Interest to Consumers of the Grape Juice And Seme Interesting Facts and Figures Belatire to Many Things I Special correspond nce of TH HEBLD PAEIS MAY 7TH 1884 The accounts coming in from the departments respecting the late frosts and peraisej cutting northeast winds are poaitiraly heartrending and the moreso since everyone counted upon a good moShereaith abundance and which would be the beginning of the end of the lean kine years It is no exaggeration to state that the damage inflicted on the vineyards of the Bur gaudy region must be estimated by millions of francs Even the nook where beautiful and historical brands of wine take their name have severely suffered The delicate white buds have been burned up and fall aa crisp as autumn leaves In the Ogle anais district the loss is terrible in the FrancheCorate the snow completed what the froat bad commenced Expect Ex-pect a rise in Burgundy and champagne cham-pagne wines In the south of France and in the fie ° doc or claret country the damage has been relatively l small The lucern crop has been killed right oft so the new plan of ensilage i8 already urged upon farmers Sow maize or other fodder and when green lock it firmly firm-ly up by pressure in a trench or silo at the rate of two tons par square + yard The wheat land indeed a 1 the green that nature clothed herself suthjBO early this year is now changed chang-ed to a russet brown As for the fruit trees their duty is finished for the current year Not only the blossoms but the leaves have baen burned up Mr Gladstone will doubtless be eorry to learn there wil be little jam this season unless seaweed jelly and the turnip crop come with extra force to the rescue There is a serious Calling off in the culture of the sugar beet this season Farmers do not find the play worth the candle they cannot compete with the German producers Sugar factories factor-ies are as plentiful in the market as palatial residences in Jtarie The wool clip has also proved defective Thus then the four chief natural resources re-sources of French riches are injured the vine cereal beet and wool crops That state of things ought tli t give the finance minister a headache head-ache The municipal elections that were prognosticated to discount the crack of doom have resulted in leaving matters pretty much as they were Paris remains what she is and what she ever will be advanced republican Some mighty men of Israel have fallen in all the tribes the most remarkable Is JofFrin the reddest of the reds and who embodied all the isms and rots in bis credo A fact worthy to record there were not many absentees at the polls Electoral abstention was becoming be-coming aa great a danger j as the national na-tional roundrobbin to abstain from increasing and multiplying Tne mayor of Oatte in Corsica is the broth of a boy He coolly cries to the Home Minister that he forgot to hold the elections on Sunday as bylaw by-law required because he was too tired having been raking the day before with some friends M Charms gives a Roland blast on his born The French naval commanders com-manders have reported that mounter ironclads are a hindrance not a help The ago of leviathan 13 past the warships war-ships of the fuure must approach in rapidity greyhounds of the Atlantic Atlan-tic and depend on torpedoes and not Woolwich infanta for destroying the foe The discovery is cruel be confesses con-fesses because France had quietly amassed the materiel in her dockyards for building ironclads to the value of one hundred millions of franc equal to the annual deficit say of the budget r bud-get and was on the point of surpassing surpass-ing England in the number of ironclads iron-clads It may be assumed England knows all that ia going on in the navy dockyards here ca well as the French admiralty itself Just as the Germans point out from time to time the defects in the new fortresses erected erect-ed by the French who concluded the gods alone were in the secret Italy it appeara though having the biggest of big war > Hp2CipitRl in time likely like-ly l for coal tendersit a tt very employed em-ployed constructing toe navy of toe future Pulsations are Isss high on the Egyptian question Brands has the air of smelling a rat in the coming congress while maintaining so say we all of us that England must eij plain her intentions about Egypt France feels that she herself must preoise her own The ardor with which the German journals stroke Franca down the grain for her attitude atti-tude respecting Egypt commences to dtfmbTounder monsieur who has taken fo reading up all the homilies on the teit Timeo Danaos et dona fcrentes We rarely include in the benefits of the litany tlibtfe who impose upon us Now the Marquis Tseng has tricked us we fdel i this the more acutely as it is a far eastern who has outwitted us Hedid l dad ub to believe be-lieve that when China pit onthe feathers and warpaint it would be a terrible moment for the Zonvei and the legion etrangere We know the fiasco China is a delusion The question is now being discussed why she ought not to be opened up a la mode protectorate U by France and a European god speed bestowed on the work France < would much pre fer the Chinese to the African Congo Con-go Few but are interested in wine even if it be made at Hamburg it is CIa good familiar creature il it be well used U Aye there is the rub I It is not clearly eataolishecl if Bionys iua better knorfn by his surname Bacchus was a relative of Noahs both were acquainted with the mancbr r of cultivating the vine and also of turning its fruit to account A pretty oriental legend thus relates how Bacchus discovered the vine When a very little boy Dionysme who was a noted traveller was journn eying through Greece to Naxoe Fatigued he sat down on i stone he observed at his feet a pretty creeping plant gay though not so old as the ivy green He wished to bring it home with him He pulled it up but fearing the heat would dry the tendril roots he on looking round for something to wrap the roots in stumbled across the leg bone of a bird which proved a capital sheath Linnsejs fell on his knees when he saw a furze common in bloom he offered up a prayer when he discovered I discover-ed not the milk in the cocoanut but the value of the chocolate nut Young Bacchus found next morning that his specimen was apparently a member of the same family as Jonahs gourd the roots had grown out of the bone He happened to light on another bone this time it was a lions he added it on like more pipe The second Might the roots had shot out of the lions bone fortune cast in bis way the thigh bone of an ass so with the third sheath he was able to reach home and plant his find and the bones together Ii grew rapidly and to the astonishment uf Bacchus produced pro-duced grapes the latter when pressed press-ed yielded a delicious wine But j mark the prodigy when a man drank it he first commenced to sing like a I bird a deeper draught made him as strong as a lion but on augumenttng the potion he held down hid head and resembled in stupidity the ass Thats a wrinkle for agriculturists who sweat by bone manure Norfolk farmers far-mers are employiag cetaceous skeletons skele-tons imported from the Southern Ocean It would not bo surprising if a turnip field looked very much like a whale When Cadmus applied dragons teeth to the soil did not a crop of Sparti or armedmen spring up k upM Lo Heron is to be pitied he proved apharge home of adultery against his wife and she was condemned con-demned to the usual three months imprisonment in the Saint Lszare prison the tour des miracles for the flUes dejoie Influence was brought to bear on M Grevy band he changed the sentence into a fine of 1000 francs Tbis carried coats and the husband one morning was called upon by the bailiff to stand and deliver Instead as ho had taken an action against M Grevy for exercising a prerogative that the code conferee on the outraged husband alone and it is adding insult to injury to make him pay the coat of the chastisement that he had inflicted on his exbetter half M Grevy has a constitutional weakness to lean to clemency it would grieve him to see a rose expire even in aromatic pain But he is accused of another weakness and not unpeculiar to humanity in general gener-al an antipathy to anything like diarrhoa in his purse If President Grevy be called upon to pay damages for pardoning sinners he will be metamorphosed met-amorphosed into a Draco and that will be a bad day for assassins found guilty without the usual attenuating circumstances Diebler the guillo tiner must be egging on M Le Heron It is eaid there are noRomans now Judge A policeman suspected his wifes fidelity he tracked her to the lodgings of a comrade he followed tier home she confessed her unohasti ty and more to the point had stolen and given to her paramour some railway shares purchased by the husband hus-band out of his savings He at once took his moitie into custody and marched her straightway i to the stew tion house r A banker and a native of Tunis came to Paris to spend his honeymoon honey-moon on visiting one of the monster shops he nrigged unconaidered trifles to the extent of twenty franc he and the bride were interviewed by a commissary com-missary ef police and reminded that Bardo treaty schemes only existed exist-ed for nations He was sentenced to pass two weeks of his honeymoon in prison C mp was qlickly t dspasd3j r 11 oclock at night he was placing Caid end finishing a novel in bed The next morningsix hours later nearly he arrived at the foot of the scaffold in one minute and a half his separated head and trunk were in g coffin three hours later the doctors were perimenting if a decapitated head could whisper what than lacIest lacI-est by the afternoon the body had been thoroughly dissected the brain extracted weighed and bottled for posterity the hsarf aa email as an infants the wonder isjthat he bsdany at all when biB afrocious crime is remembered was also put under a glass case and in the course of next week his grinning skeleton Will be in position in the a ntamoy Gallery land zf lecture delivered about him to the assembled Bob Sawyers That metamorphosis meta-morphosis within a fortnight fa leas i iJ time than to receive say a telegram from poor Gordon Paabal j Victor Hugo presided at the annual dinner of the Societa des Gene do Let tree He arrived not in a Sedan that name is unmusical French ears chair but a chaisse a sIt s-It was in that position Marshal Saxe commanded at Fontenoy Hugo refused to wear a muffler or top coat SUCh were only good Jor young people peo-ple he apologized for his increasing deafnes the result of listening perhaps per-haps like B etbovpn only to the Infinite In-finite The aflection stood to him and wag taken advantage of by the chairman proposing Hugos health The Moliere 8hak8apeare Dent Virgil Homer Francais That beats the rolling of two single gentlemen gentle-men into one Ihe gods on Olympus must have indulged in an Homeric broad grin at the encyclopedic flummery flum-mery I meryThere was a sound of revelry the other night at the Palace of t e Legicn of Honor General Fairdher be all wed tbe Polytechuians to give a subscription charity f ball therehe being an alumnus The Polytechni ana are those smartlooking student dressed in cocked hat c urt sword and codfish tail coat to be met with on tbe Boulevards on S3hool holidays They are generally civil engineer in embryo they are proverbially politicians I politi-cians One day after Napoleon I r was crowned on the ruins of the Republic Re-public he complained to Monge the director of the Polytechnic School that hs collegians were hostile to the imperial dynasty Sire replied Monge give them a little time i io only with difficulty we have just made hm republicans The ball was very successful the monster cotillon led by the generals married daughter comprised com-prised 5000 persons its wriggling was longer than the most exact eur veya made of the seaserpent when last seen There were in 1883 46298 persons arrested in France of this number 130 were British and 47 American China was represented by one pigtail Other fctatiatica if the posters employed employ-ed during the municipal elections were pasted endways they would represent re-present a total l length equal to the natural boundaries of France Rnine ward The representatives of Madame Tu33au i wi 1 please accspt this notice no-tice the little caleobe drawn by goats and in which toe late Prince Imperi 1 when a baby took bis rolls abroad with his nurse and governess in the forest of ontainobleau is i for sale It would be a capital companion compan-ion picture alone side the Waterloo landean of Mon Oncle The marriage of General Mite and Mill e Edwards of the Midgets family enables a journal to observe English generals often wed famous actresses |