Show t sor NOTES FROM II The marriage of or Mrs Mabel Snell of ot Spanish l' l Fork ork and l Ephraim lm Thomas of or Lehi hl was solemnized In Salt Lake Lako last Wednesday The couple will re reside re side at Spanish Fork Announcement has been made of or the marriage of ot Miss Estella Cedarstrom of or this city nd Gl Glen in Daniels of oC Utah Th Tim The young oun couple will reside here Tho The marriage of or John Grant Sr of Qt Lehi khi and Mrs Taha df dt I American Fork took place In tho the Salt Lake rr Temple Te Mr lr and Mrs Grant wore were guests of or honor at a a. given the tue same evening b by Mrs Alta AI to Complimentary to Mrs Irs T. T P. P Kirkham Kirkham Kirk- Kirk ham a reception was given Riven Monday cv evening b by Mesdames H uben I Kirkham Kirkham Kirk Kirk- ham and arid Dr Fred red T. T Wonton Worlton ton Two T dozen were viere bidden Basil Varne Varncy Varney entertained at a n dinner party part Sunday In honor of or Miss Verdi Verda Verd Lewis Mrs Mary Iary of ot Eureka Is the guest of ot Mrs Irs William E. E Sacker Hacker Tho The Athenian club was entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mesdames SW S.W. S.w. S. S W W. Ross and A A. H H. Bone 0 Mrs William Wine Wing was tho thol guest of oC Mrs A. A E. E Manning of or Salt Lake during dur- dur InK ing tho week Mrs Airs Annie Tucker of ot Pleasant Grove spent the week-end week with Mrs David Davis of ot Lohl Lohi Junction Mrs Irs Floyd Empey and Mrs Irs Edward Larson entertained Thursday afternoon afternoon after after- noon complimentary to Mrs Francis Mitchell of American Fork Tork Mesdames John Hutchings and lint Hat tie Hutchings and Miss Eva Hutchings guests of ot Mr 1 and Mrs Rollo Thornton of American Fork Tuesday Miss IJ s June spent the weekend weekend weekend week week- end hero with her parents Mr l and Mrs R n. n John Whipple Miss 1 Alice Cherrington and Lon Lonzo o of Bountiful are are chests of oC Miss 1188 M Mablo Diablo blo Giles Mrs William noue has for tor her guest gues Mrs Earl C Condor of or American I Fork ork Mrs Isaac Peck Pe entertained Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- da day evening In honor of at Miss 1158 Dona i Peck Miss Rolla Asher has returned home after atter an extended visit at Malad Ida Tho The first first first- annual Junior High school ball hold holl Friday evening was an elite cUte event of or the week Tho The han hall was v effectively decorated di wit with h a profusion profusion pro pro- fusion spring flowers lowers mingled lcd with tho the school colors The committee on arrangements included Thu Tho Misses Effle Ertle Karren Karron Arvilla Watson and Noell Knight and Byron Bron Whip Whip- pie Mrs l Martha WInn had for tor ll her ir guests during the tho w week ck Mr and Mrs Isaac of oC Salt Lake L Miss Barbara Bush Dush of ot Salt Lake was wab tho the guest ruest of Mrs sack Jack Bush Wednes- Wednes da day dav Falck state organIzer of oC the Service Star Legion was waa tho the guest of or tho the Lehi chapter of ot that society at a n reception given Friday afternoon Misses s Virginia and Orr and Mrs Earle Earlc Chapman of ot Ogden Ogdon are arc guests of ot Mrs J. J C. C Orr SCOUTMASTERS MEEr Deputy commissioners and scoutmasters will hold ld a meeting tomorrow no noon n at the tho scout headquarters ers in the tho bank bankI I building I |