Show I A AI I A FOR MOTHERS MOTHER'S DAY DINNER brick brick brick- V er ere nm with Wio flat finor or ff Cremo Rich va tee Ice cream cani 1 ial- ial day Only SUe 90 Quart ia in i lee and delivered free Ii I II 1 I i I g I i tI I t j 4 a 4 I S v d FIFTY DOLLARS S. S t CLOTHES I FREE INSURANCE I I I i J I IN N VIEW TIEr OP THE IE PRESENT HIGH I PRICES OF OE 1 CLOTHING TilE THE MYERS l CLEANING NING e AND DYEING OOl IP COMPANY l WILL HEREAFTER INSURE IN IN- I SURE ALL ALIJ GARMENTS SENT FOR FOE OLE CLEANING I UP TO 50 50 WITHOUT EX EXTRA CHARGE 5 l f Dryers reis rei's Insurance of Cl Clothes thes has been boon a safeguard to customers 7 for many years but the old policy of 25 free frae insurance is no Ino longer sufficient protection protection therefore therefore until further notice the amount will ill be raised to 50 Can afford to risk valuable with you clothing irresponsible concerns concerns concerns con con- cerns when a Cleaning Plant offers you protection q against fire loss or damage absolutely free m L WORK GUARANTEED 1 C 0 When Myers says Bays Work Guaranteed d it means something because behind it stands the plant equipment skilled c experts 1 erts and financial ability to mak good 1 A Guarantee is like a a. check only check only as good as the maker When you JOU send your our clothes to Myers you eliminate guesswork risk and worry www Myers Cleaning Hat Department Parcel Post Wo We r 0 clean per perfectly r I Y S Suits ro Coats Hats cleaned must before be thoroughly If you dry ex expect ex- ex Cleaning by Mail Myers j Myers' Myers way is S D Dresses Waists us t s Silk 1 S Sweaters ea t. t er poet peel a n. fully lully them equipped to ped look Cl Cleaning like new Plant Only can cando simple I e an and d sa satisfactory t. t IS f ac t- t Or f Merely cl y I Silk lose Lingerie Delicate Laces do do this work wort as Jt it should bo be done wrap up the article to be cleaned Rib Ribbons ons Men's Mens s 's Tics Ties Fancy ancy V Vests Myers' Myers Hat flat D Department has this advantage ad ad- or dyed with instructions In same B vantage and arid then Jhen hen too we have the parcel address it to Myers have ii C. C Pillow Tops r ops b rg Covers Cover of ot blocks In Sri largest assortment nt new your our postmaster r insure suro It and and in fn a afew Throws Curtains Portieres Comforts Com Corn tho the state and tho work is done b by few days das It Is ba back k cleaned perfectly per per- Professional Hat Makers Send and Insured until It reaches f forts or t S BI Blankets an k e t s an and d r Valuable n I un bl c n Rugs gs allow straws and Panamas In early allow early you ou Out ot or town ton work at Salt Estimates on the entire house free us ample amplo time for quality work Lake Lako Prices MYERS Rc Re or as some of or our customers call it de luze d dyeing eln originated d at Myers ers It is the result of or a determination deter deter- ruination to make dyeing at Myers as far superior to ordinary ordinal dyeing as asIer Myers Myer's Ier B Cleaning is ahead of ordinary cleaning Wo Yo guarantee guarante fast colors can give ho you any wanted shade reduce shrinkage eliminate dye dyc wrinkles and give biTe a a. finish equalled only b by tho the original mills Bring your our dye Jobs direct to the tho pla plant t when convenient It is Ss better to select your our own colors and give instructions Instruction In person O Of course well we'll call can J If you ou prefer r. r Take No Chances Get a Myers Receipt I I Every Myers Agent Ag carries the ho official Myers Receipt Book Hook Ask sk for It before delivering your our clothes t to the man at tho o 0 door Its It's your our protection against loss 1053 and disappointment l r- r Phone Phone Phona I Wasatch Wasatch 9 9 9 7 4 7 7 a Zi 4 Z 4 k S 4 C. C S 1 v c. c el pt |