Show TIlE THE i alt irai 1 i Established June 6 6 1870 PHONE WASATCH V STREET SO MAIN Company Publishing The Republican Herald Published b by In t ilLAT I. I G. G I T A. I FISIT Editor MannoR General Mn er addressed sed to should be AU All business correspondence V The Tho Herald Salt Lake Lako City Utah The The Herald Her Is a member oC of the Associated Press th the uso use USO for fOZ to entitle Delusively oly Is A Pr otherwise republication of nil news credited d to It or Gr not credited to this paper TER tS TO SUBSCRIBERS In Ss Salt Sait t Lako Lake delivered by carrier SUNDAr SUNDAY DAIL DALI A AND D City Cit and suburban territory 65 cents a n. monti t Ono advance Ont One DAILY DAlLY AND SUNDAY Y by b mail mall In month i 7 75 cents ono one year ear SO One year ear WEEKLY SEMI b by mall mail In advance One advanCe SUNDAY nAY by bj mall mail In advance OnO Ono One year 2 Lake ke City as s Salt lIt Entered at the at class matter D ADVERTISING G BRA BRANCH OFFICES Cone Lorenzen Woodman Representatives V NC New York Cit City Citi Fifth lith h Avenue Chicago j 72 W. W Adams S' S Street t Detroit V American Building ity V Victor Building Atlanta Chamber of or Commerce Building I V SUNDAY SYiDA Y MAV I. 0 D. D WO 1120 |