Show Wash That I I Itch Away We We know of ot no from wb eTer cier u used ed j the wash D. D D. D D. D and nd did not Dot feel teel immediately that won wen If calm aim cool that come com when the itch If I. t In nr wa wash h penetrates penetrate the tho pore por giving Instant relief from the most mott Ala dl diseases Ask Aik ui u. about it today todar I ISe soc and t D. D d fla m lotion r Shin Disca Disease Schrum m-Johnon m Drub For Sale SaIe SaleY 1 Y YOUNG UNG JERSEY COW 2124 M McClelland Clelland I Hyland W J S Stairs Store e f 1 II r I Send Your Mail Jail Orders Self June Peas Grocer Grocery Sweet ct Department Corn Th The iThe e Men End Mi-End 1 E n d Sa Sales Sale e s They will get prompt and careful attention String ri Beans Benns n i J I Ripe T Tomatoes o i l Hundreds of sp special sale sac ite items s I no These goods will be sold as long Ions as stock on hand hond f listed in ill this ad Hl a can be h found in th lasts Limit 3 cans of at each to a customer Greatest G Item I It tern 64 department Save on Soaps Soaps t F Please note that wo we do not noI rise nse comp comparative 10 cakes Silk Laundry Soap The Tho values alu s speak for themselves 10 cakes Goblin Toilet and Bath Soap W See Sec the tho o window w displays splays of these J R d f fO unusual to W Women Ci Ii J Limit 10 of each ch to a n. customer ea Y ear 0 r omen Sale n 0 Bargains a r b On Sale 9 to 12 r White T Wash Waists at a almost I mos t give away prices I 5 cakes calces CS Cl I 0 of f C Crystal t 1 WI White Whit t s Soap Nice r. r quality voile and organdie in In snappy models 5 cakes of A. A B. B Naptha Soap linn Hundreds d rc d s and arni 1 1 hundreds 1 re d s 0 of f new ney garments t s en cut t t to 0 SHe such I 1 1 low ow prices 0 They are arc f fresh reg h and 1 crisp S Some ome are ae trim trimmed LI Limit m It 5 of ot each to a customer WI with th 1 lace nee 0 others th ern are nIce nicely 1 y em embroidered b rOl d ere d ot others en 5 J that it has heen years and years since our our customers had an opportunity L have a touch tonch of color All sizes can be had from from L. L D. D S S. S Garment Customers Attention Please such for 36 to 44 trinity to buy splendid wearing apparel such little money 4 j. j S le Pure White Approved Style Conic Come to this tIlis sale expecting the greatest bargains that have been Garments 18 found in years in this department S Three Splendid 0 1 Items i c We fit all nIl sizes to 44 bust in this desirable garment arment C can Be sure to up supply your our spring In and summer Bed Boo Sheets Snoots 0 0 needs while this special price prevails Huck Towels nice size SIze and gra grade grade- o 3 3 for 39 I Turkish Towels pure puro white good ones 3 for 8 6 Mill End Sale of Exceptionally Spring White End Mill Sale Prices On Good P Petticoats i Coats J Bungalow Aprons Black High Luster pretty flounce Jersey ersey Pour Four Pine Fine Lots Flowered Flounces black tops fine grade These Are rc special S that aro am especially y goo good In in black nc Real Bargains s Sport Port Wo We advise the trade to take advantage of ot this this this' g while and rose S sale price It has been some time since SInce we offered of Dresden esden Patterns in In colors and black 1 D e such good aprons at these prices Also a I asale Silk special and Silk Flounce in many colors sale on band and bib aprons 49 I We would like our Down Stairs patrons to Investigate gate this offering and take advantage of at it 1 O f 1498 1 Boys' Boys and G. G Girls Girls' lr 1 s PI Play Suits Sot III S 98 C Here Is an Item Itom of Real Interest Made w well weD n of ot and ginghams gins In sizes 3 4 This TIns price is IS about one- one F Fabrics la b are aro UJ wool all 11 WOO 1 an and d thi third d of f tb the regular I price 6 6 8 Many colors to choose from tram This L Is I. I I a a. real bOO good d ar Splendid Silk Blouses the colors the tho best besl regu are In this wonderful lot are aro value alue 4 S 'S 5 v vr Its It's a great chance to cret et t 5 splendid styles and all aU 98 coat spring prig awfully sizes and Girls Girls' Overalls 4 r cheap Boys Boys' Boys and Play Pongee crepe de do chine che and georgette georgett otte in exceptionally They can be h had In plain colo colors and md ch checks Sizes zes 8 I. nice styles All are especially well made and the Many ny colors all gt good od ones Think of ot the price per yard I styles tyles and color assortment will please you ou Sizes aro tro JL 11 IJ of ot ginghams and then think that these are only 4 lOc c I 30 36 38 40 42 44 M S 5 Ju i |