Show 1 Tea by Hundreds I p on pa page pago O o. o t nS Iss Lucilo McDonald Miss scOtt Miss ns Evelyn elyn Scott Clegg M Miss y f Vivian Williams Miss ss Miss Anon Afton Williams inured rf Van Dyke DYk Miss BLISS Lillian I J Id Id and Luelle Lucile Muir the te called t guests so oon 41 Stella Dc whoso marriage 1 ODonnell O'Donnell takes place May Mayas it U G G. G 4 guest J. J complimented as lS t the delightful evening at a a. iy ay 1 E. E G. G r- r riven b by Mrs rs ir rr daughter daus Miss Mies Mary br O ODon Don Don- The living rooms bright white carnations arin arn ar- ar and iz pink Bk basket The supper table In n a 4 Watered entered with a a. basket o of pink num- num The guests and nd roses ff t sixteen B 1 a a. a Friday given party part wa was ball room ot of tho Hotel pf g at tho the l Ladles Ladles' sodality of ot by 7 the Y ung of ot the thc Madeleine A color coloro fo and white was carried o of 0 pink decorations The orches- orches r the behind a a. screen of ot stationed k u 8 f terns ferns rus and pink blossoms The Tho tt 6 at of the evening was a May Mayu u o. o given Elven by twelve little dressed in pink and nt white frocks W lug f ar arm baskets filled with pink pinki i F 1 II Punch was wag served on the tables were Ii me Ino floor and the tho ted ted with wicker baskets filled 7 of ot spring flowers The i a variety arlet on arrangements included 3 orence lorence Collins Miss Stella La Law Law- ws w- w jUa s Lucilo Leah Leahy Miss Margaret i Florence Sullivan Miss Missi i ret et Ro Rogers er Miss lIss Lonore Har- Har l Miss Anna Mario Urfe DriscolL Miss V Hosan n. n Miss Rose ticket l committee included Miss ss erIte er te Scott Miss Justine Pruss Miss Mies Celesta Elsenback t Miss Marguerite A. A Le Miss j s sK K Kalherine Carroll Miss 1 iret rc ret McDonough Miss Josephine Ella EUa McCallum Miss Kath- Kath Mayer Miss Anna nna Giles Miss MissI I Leo and Miss Beatrice Ahern hern patrons and patronesses wore were Mr I Mrs irs rs James Mr Ir and nd Mr Mrs y X Erne Byrne Mr 11 and Mrs Mr rs C. C A. A ley ii y Mr and and Mrs J. J E. E nd nd Mrs J. J P. P Neville Mrs ilia Ara Ar- Ar H. H S. S Bird and Mrs tr E. E J. J OBrien II L' L IJ J J. Walcott Thompson was WilS hosta host host- it t a 11 prettily appointed luncheon da ly ay afternoon at the tho University I fin fn a honor of ot her ber mother Mrs llis T. T hop hop of ot Nc New Haven Conn Bast Basc Bas- Bas c colored rose t snapdragons were I t to center the table The guests I i to meet Mrs Bishop were Mrs ogle lode Mrs In Jan Jam s A. A Hogle Mrs Irs Miss Ida Hanauer Mrs rth nh arth Da gelt Mrs Irs O. O p i P. P Cherdron jEdward r dward R. R Mrs William Jr Mrs I V. W. W W. Fleetwood Mrs Irs e Mrs Union Worthing- Worthing Irs rs r T T. B. B B Beatty tt Mrs J. J E. E CalS Gal Gal- S J J J. J M. M Callow Mrs G. G H. H in n n. n Mrs Irs M. M I. I T T. Bailey Mrs WilI Wll- Wll I liL Bradley Mrs D. D C C. Maturin S Mrs Irs rs P. P J J. J Lawrence Marls Manger entertained t bridge tea ten Thur Thursday day at otel tel Utah for a number of oC her The guests were received In ll 11 room which was effectively ted fated ted with spring blo blossoms Music furnished b by the thc Evans trio A Ait it r filled with shell pink tulips 4 torm formed d the centerpiece for tor ea a. a table At t the thc corners cornera of oC the were crystal candlesticks hold- hold Ink cathedral candles iver ver fer the tea ant and coffee urns were George Walker Mrs Ernest Wooli Wool Wool- i Mrs rs Horace Walker and Mrs Mra In I le Williams One hundred guests 1 bidden it 9 c tG I 2 J J. B. B Bryand entertained at the c ot ofa f a n s series rl s of ot teas at her home on l x avenue Thursday afternoon living g rooms were vere decorated In Inand I sand and d white whito snapdragons and the I ble Ins v centered td with pink I In In a crystal crysta vase Music was furl fur fur- I f l 4 during tho afternoon b by tho the thoy I y trio and harp solos were given Us lBs IB Gertha Farle Parley Farley Mrs DrY Bryand md entertain at the second In th the 80 sc- C tl entertainments next Monday Montay I toon Oon on II f bers of th tho C. C O. O C. C club were I Ined at the homo home of MI Miss Ruth on LJ street Monday eveni even even- i Nephi I It t 1 J.- J. n Pearl Mien Allen ul- ul oi a of ot horne home nUmber her frIends Blends Was Wali S B Spent evening The and In ln sewing and social refreshments were dUring the evening The guest I Leeta Lecta Uby Olsen Lillian ConY Con Con- Y Park JIva a son Jennings Bertha Cs 5 Mabel Sperry Al- Al 1 F. F ra Co Carter Mrs W. W Jr II IrviN Jensen Mrs Mm J. J I and the tho Miss lIss lIssi i T. T of ot Aurora Utah fl lo lOVe gUest iia I s or of We week Mr l. l r and Irl J. J J. J lon lark Parc r returned cd homo home U BlandinG ugh 11 ot t school choOl tho the Utah whore where shu sho past winter Ithe da day program will trill be Sunda the evening e LadIe auspices ciles' ciles Literary ot of th Y club I. I I. I I. I A. A A. A E. E Pace Paco ot of PrIce Ut Ulab In wa aA br Saturday borne orne returning returning- Sunday Sunda Luella Winn visited with n Provo henry iSun Sunday and Monday Painter visited relatives the earl carl early part of or w nd nc Mrs E. E n. n Forrest Mrs a and Mrs rs Henry Forrest visited in Salt Lako for several soy sev I eral oral days this week sc I Social Companion club members en- en I In honor of or their mothers I Wednesday edne day afternoon A fine tine program ram at it Mrs Mr Ralp Belliston's a dinner at atthe the tho high h school and a 3 picture show party part were features of or the entertain entertain- ment mont Beautiful carnations and ferns yere the principal decorations The guest list Included d Della Delia John Coleman Coeman Lester lid Del listen Iston A. A A. A Allen Beagle le John S. S Cowan Clara Chappell Alice Golden A. A V. V Gadd Cadd Thomas G G. Carter J. J G. G Irons rons William am Stanley Art Kendall Unit Unity Mattie Mattic Moroni HO Howarth arth Lloyd Llod Hobbs S S. T T. MaIm MaIm- gren Clara Farnsworth and C. C T. T Bolda Hold Hold- a away CI o C- C 0 I Garfield I Io o 0 0 0 Mrs David Hatton Mrs rs David Swanson wanson entertained at a a. luncheon and cards Friday for Mrs Mrs- n i. X J. J Stones Guests were Mrs J J. J S. S Powell Mrs Irs J. J W V. V Adams Mrs Frank Tank Rile Riley Mrs Jack Kinney Mrs Lee Riley Mrs T. T J. J Morgan Mrs Mra Thomas Wilson Vilson lIson Mrs Art Mrs Ir I. I L. L P. P Madeen Madsen Iad n. n Mrs Ralph Hatton and Mrs 2 M. M 01 O Mr Ir and Mrs Ills Harry Harr Harris of or Too lo arc ire week-end week guests of or Mr Ir and Mrs T. T C. C Jones Mrs S. S K Jones was hostess at dinner Wednesday in honor of or Mrs I A. A IL H. Dahla Dahia of or Lo Logan an and Mrs J. J H. H Saxman of oC Salt Lake I Mrs J. J C. C Bergman returned Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- urda from Crom a a. three weeks' weeks visit at Provo Mrs Justin Pia Play entertained t y scOn guests at dinner Sunday Sunda for tor her father Wilson lIson of or Pro Provo Yo Mr 1 and Mrs Ir Charley Chancy Ross Hoss of or Butte Dutte I have lave returned to their homo home after acter a weeks week's visit with Ith Mr Ir Ross floss mother I Mrs George Georgo Hampton Mrs 1 L. L 1 1 Madsen was the weekend week week- end guest at Lako Lake Point with Mrs Minnie Mitchell Miss 1 Helen Helt n of or Pueblo Colo Cob and andUss Miss Laura Carlson Carison of or Salt Lake L AP spent nt the end wools with Ith Miss lisle Elsie Munson Mr and Mrs rs Thomas Thoma Barrett of or American n Fork Mr rr and Mrs Peter Hanson lanson Mrs Sadie Christensen and andUss Miss of Lehl LIChI hl were I last ast w week ek guests with Mr ir ant and Mrs J. J IL Jr Davis Mrs Irs George Georgo Watts served erd er d dinner Sunday in honor of or Mr r. r and lOd Mrs E. E P. P Scoville lIle and and Mr and Mrs Robert ONeil O'Neil of or Salt S Lake Lako Mr and Mrs Irs Herbert Ho Hogan n of or Salt Lako Lake were guests the th first of or the week with Mrs George Georgo Watts atts Mrs 12 E. B. B Nelson ant and Miss Sarah entertained tho the Satur Saturday a Bridge e club Saturday in Salt Lake Guests sla were Mrs T. T H. H Maher Mrs rt A. A C. C End Ensign Ensign En En- sign d n Mrs frs A A- H. H Richards Mrs H. H Talbot Miss Charlotte Ball Dan and Miss Elnoro Harris of or Garfield Mrs tr A A. K E. Wells Yells Mrs A A. T T. Blatch Mrs rs M. M Carpnter Carpenter Car Car- penter Mrs A. A G. G Gorham Corham Mrs C. C McMahon Mc- Mc Mahon ahon Mrs s. rs II 11 Atkinson Mrs rs Frank Cameron Camern Mrs rs X N. McIntosh and Mss Miss Molly lolly Netz Neta of or Salt Lako Iko o I Ophir I 0 0 I The TIie The Fortnight Dancing club held Its regular meeting Saturday night at tho the I. I O. O O. O I F. F hall Mr and Mrs E. E M. M Dave Mr Ir and Mrs M Perry Gillett GUlett arm U Mr and Mrs Walter Blun- Blun deH were ere the th hont hort and antI hostess Mr lr Ir und and Mrs Walter Johnson entertained enter enter- tamed at t dinner Thursday evening evenin in honor of or Miss IRS Adams Those present were Horace Dell Hillary Frank Fairy Adams Clara Adams and Mrs Sidney Cook Mr II and md Mm Mrs George A. A Fox motored I to Provo PrO and hl to visit relatives and friends returning Sunda Sunday I I Mr an and mc Mrs Glen Daniels return returned I Ito to Ophir Thursday after spending spending- their honeymoon at nt Pelican Point Supt I K M. M Reid Mrs I II B. O. O Thompson Thomp Thomp- I son and Miss MIBS were Ophir visitors visitors visit visit- ors Tuesday 1 o 0 0 I Mount Pleasant I o 0 Oi Mount Pleasant May Ma S Tho S. The juniors of or tho North High h school en entertained on on- tho the seniors and faculty members mem mem- hors bers at a a. delightful banquet ant and party parly art Tuesday evening Friday evening tho the Junior high h gave vc a a. party arly for rOI tho close chose of or the school year ear A program games ames and lunch luncheon on wro enjoyed d. d i Mrs Irs IlsIo Sedwell of or Nephi was R II aMount Mount Pleasant Plc visitor during th the early part of or the thc week tho the guests of or her parents par and other relatives MI Miss s funds Childs of or the Match Wasatch academy R I entertained d for that school debating I team and their partners Saturday even even- ing Inh Mrs r Dora Dorf Nielsen Is la hero from Salt gait I ILal Lal Lake c to spend the summer with her grandmother Mrs rs W W. W. W Brandon Tho Homo Home Culture club met Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wen s- s day afternoon at the home homo of or Mrs O. O Joy Barney Harney Tho The social ocial hour was spent and a a. talk was given b by Mrs rs J. J W Wj Cherry on The High HIs Cost of or Living and Tho The Hindu Woman Luncheon was servo served to fifteen members Mrs J J. J W. W McGann McCann entertained at an Informal luncheon Tuesday afternoon Those present were Mrs 0 O. F. F Wall Va II Mrs Irs O. O Joy Toy Mrs C. C I L. L Johns Mrs Phillips and Mrs II C. C A delightful luncheon was wan served and an enjoyable afternoon spent Mrs J. J W. W McGann and I Leland land McGann Mcann Mc Mc- Ic- Ic Gann ann were dinner su guests of or Miss Doke Monday afternoon The Twentieth Century club met on Thursday afternoon at tho the home of or Mrs M. M A. A Winters Mrs rs John K Madsen has eon been a a. Salt LIt Lake Lakei visitor i the past pat week r Miss Mad go Allred Alired of or Sauna was a a. aMount aMount Mount Pleasant visitor the first part rt of or tho week Miss Nolle r-otlo entertained her Wasatch pupils at nt tho the Rainbow fishery Tuc Tuesday da at a n picnic party Miss Alta AHa Stanfield returned to Helper Help Help- er cr Tuesday after a a. pleasant visit here Mrs Walter ratter of or visited vis vl- is with sith her parents Mr tr and Mrs rs F. F E. E Carlston part of the week Mrs Earl of or Payson Is IR visiting visiting visit visit- ing inS with her parents Mr 1 and Mrs Irs Oscar Oscar Oscar Os Os- car Andersen Mr tr and Mr Mrs rR Charles Starkweather departed for or California Wednesday day to tomake snake make their homo borne there Mrs Charles Rambo is visiting relatives relatives rela rela- tives in Salt Lake Mrs Irs Elva Bl Do Camp Is a a. Salt Lake vi visitor s i to r. r I Miss Stella entertained on Wednesday for eighteen of or her girl sirl and boy friends at her home Mrs A. A A O. O Madsen entertained Friday Friday Fri FrI- da day evening in honor of or her husbands husband's fiftieth birthday at an elaborate dinner dinner dinner din din- ner part party It Il was wn also a farewell party part for Cor her daughter Miss II Alpha Madsen who has s departed for tor a a. mission to California Tho The brothers and sisters of or Mr tr Madsen Madson pr presented him with a beautiful gold old watch and chain A most enjoyable time was vas had Those present wore Mrs Mads Madsen Mrs Ida Fechser Mrs Sophia Ra mussen Mr III and Mrs Hyrum Madsen Mr and Mrs Irs Amasa Scovil Mr and Mrs Irs William Wil U Ham liam L. L Madsen Miss Reva Sea Scovil Miss Inn Ina Scovil and Mr lr and utI Mrs Hans Mad Mad- sen Hen Mr and Mrs Will m Cheney Mr and Mrs Irs Ell Eli A A. A Day Jr and Mr fr ant and Mrs Merlin Madsen of or Fairview Mrs Irs William L. L Mad Madsen en entertained for Cor Miss Alpha Madsen and her little Sunday Sunda school class at a handkerchief shower on the evening of or April 28 8 Mr and Mrs Mra A A. O. O Madsen accompanied accompanied their daughter Alpha to Salt Lako Sunday Sunda o Q QI I Park City I 1 Ip p o 0 Park City May Ia S. S S.- S. S. Mrs rs Harold opened nor ner home for the members of or the Athenaeum Monday af af- af Mrs Ies Robinson vice 10 president president president dent was In Sn the chair Tho The program consisted of oC a book bool rt Red Eve ve written by Mrs Irs C. C W W. Binkerd Mrs W. W R. R Jefford entertained d the tho mem members of ot tho thu Ladles Ladies Aid of or the Community church at It her home borne Friday afternoon Tho Woman Womans' nu of or the American Amer Amer- lean ican Legion Lelon entertained at cards Monday Mon Ion Ionta ta day even evening at t t Miners Miners' Uh union 10 n hall ball Mrs Ir C C. C L. L Carlson Carison entertained at a l In 6 o'clock dinner Sunday Sunda evening compliment to Mrs rs George Gt Peterson of or Gunnison Circle No t fi ro composed c cf of Catholic ladles ladies gave r a n. cart card party Wednesday evening at tho the N New w Park lark hotel Prizes wore were aw Mrs J. J E. E and Mrs A. A P. P Ridge Mrs 0 O. A. A entertained the members of or h her r card club Thursday evening The Tho guests and aurl members in invited invited In in- were Mr tr and Mrs Mi W. W D. D Sulton Sutton Sutton Sut Sut- ton Mayor and Mrs E. E W. W Robinson Mr Ir and ond Mrs C C. It Verran Mrs 1 Marie Hethke Miss Ann C Miss Gertru Gertrude Gertrudo Ger Ger- tru trude trudo c Miss otis Lyndan er or Claudo Claude Hooper V V. J J. ubin and l L' L I J. J McLaughlin Mr Ir and Mrs W. W W. W Evans Mr tr and Mrs Frank Kane ano Mr and Mrs A A. A P. P JUdge Ridge Mr and Mrs W. W A A. Haddon Dr and Mrs L. L C. C Snow Mr h. h and Mrs fr 1 Mark lark Snow Mr and Mrs J J. J E. E Venter llIter and antI Mr and Mrs Ir Glen Tho rho candidates of oC the Girls Girls' Friendly club were entertained at the homo home of oC Virginia Saturday after noon Mrs Jn George Georgo Peterson of Gunnison h has fl returned to her hor homo home after a l very ory pleasant visit Isit in tim tho Park Tark a A. guest o of ofner ner bel cousin Mrs Victor Carlson Carison MI Miss s Joyce To Townsend entertained tho the I members of or the Junior Girls Girls' J Friendly c cub at her homo home Wednesday esda evenIng even even- ing info Mrs E. E J. J UC's wa was hostess at nt cards Saturday Satu afternoon when club members ers and friends dJ were entertained Mr 11 and Mrs Tom Torn Morris Morrs entertained 4 the U m of or tho the JolI Jolly Dozen club au and coo co o other friends very crY pleasantly pleasant pleasant- ly h Wednesday e evening Cards nr 3 wore were played and aud prizes awarded The guests I and members present were Mr r and Mrs rs William O-Keefe O Mr Ir and arid Mrs L. L D. D Hartwell Miss Leona |