Show LOOK AT CHILDS CHILD S TONGUE IF SICK CROSS FEVERISH HURRY REMOVE POI SONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH LIVER BOWELS GIVE california SYRUP OF FIGS AT BILIOUS OR oil constipated T look at al 1 th the tongue mother I 1 if coated it Is a sure sign that your little ones stomach liver and bowels needs a gentle thorough cleansing at once when peevish cross listless pale sleep eat or act naturally or or Is feverish stomach sour breath bad has stomach ache sore throat diarrhoea full of cold give a teaspoonful of california syrup of F figs iasi rind and la in a f few ew hours all the foul constipated waste undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping and you have a well playful child again you coax sick children to take this harmless fruit laxative they love its delicious taste and it always makes them feel sp splendid bendid ask your druggy S t for a bottle of california syrup offles of figs 11 which has directions for babies children of af all ages and for grownups grown gron ups plain plainly lyon on the bottle beware of counter counterfeits felts sold here to be sure you geathe get the genuine ask to io see that itis it Is mode made by the california F fig ag syrup company refuse any other kind with contempt adv if you need Heed i a medicine you should have the best nave have you ever stopped to reason why it is ia that so many products that are extensively ten advertised all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten the reason is plain the article did not fulfill the promises promise 0 the manufacturer this opp is more mor e particularly to a medicine A medicinal I 1 preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself as like an endless chain system the remedy Y is ia recommended by those who have been benefited to those who are in need of it A prominent druggist says take for e example dr dilmers Kil mera mers swamp root a preparation I 1 have sold for many yeara and never hesitate to recommend tor for in in almost every case it shows excellent results as aa ninny many of my customers testify no other kidney remedy has so BO large a sale Accor according diLg to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have 11 used d the preparation the hie success of dr ai Ki litters liners swamp root is due to the fact to so many people claim that it fulfills almost every wish in overcoming kidney liver and bladder ailments corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric ac acia ij wb which i e b c causes a u s e s rheumatism Y you ou r may n a y r receive e e e i ve a sample bottle of sw swamp root by parcels post address addrena dr am kilmer co Dingli binghamton amton N Y and enclose ten cents also mention this paper large laree and medium size bottles tor for sale at nil all drug stores adv super sensitiveness Is the child of egotism however unwilling the offspring may be to acknowledge the parent TO ALL WOMEN WHO ARE ILL this woman recommends lydia E Pink hams vegetable t compound her personal experience mclean neb I 1 want to recommend lyla lydia EL Pink hams bams vegetable Vege tabla compound to all women who suffer from any functional disturbance as it has done me more good good than all the tha doctors actors medicine since taking it I 1 have a fine healthy baby pirl irl and have lauve gained balne ff in health and strength th my husband I 1 and I 1 both ana praise your medicine to all women mrs JOHM joain R no 1 mclean nebraska Ws this famous root ani and herb remedy lydia E Pin Pink khama hams vegetable Vege tabla compound has been r restoring esi oring women of america amel to health for more than forty ye years s and it will well pay any woman who iff suffers from displacements in fl animation ulceration irregularities backache headaches nervousness or the tha blues to give this successful remedy a trial fr for special in regard to your ailment wr writs I 1 is lydia E R Pin kharn couric medicine net co 0 lynn lymn mass blass the re result sult if its long experience bat ia at you y our service ger vica |