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Show ( INDEPENDENT loading County 'Wcolsly IN POLITICS. Fair and Just to 11. No partiality shown to any parson or locality In A BUSINESS INVE8 Southern Salt Lake Southern Salt Loka County. MENT. Advertise In tho County Enterprise and reach the leading people In every part of Southern Salt Lake County. COUNTY VOL. I. NO. 16. SANDY, JULY 29, 1912. UTAH, $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Southern Salt Lake Salt Lake took us by the hand the BARLOW PUBLICLY BRAND-- MISLEADING STATEMENTS ED LIAR. other day and congratulated us CORRECTED. on having made hundreds of rotes Putllshcd every Wednesday by Jud&s Iscariot. for the bond proposition, lie said, UTAH STATE PUBLICITY CO., no taxpayer after reading your .. The people who attended the Seeded Benedict Arnold. W. IX 8. Harrington, Manager. debate of the bond question on paper would be foolish enough to 99 East Main St. vote against the bonding proposiFriday night were greatly disup-- i P. O. Box 177 Threatened Tar and Feathers. SANDY, UTAH tion. 1 am glad you took a stand pointed, as they had hoped to get Salt Lake Office, 17 Eagle Block. for it and gave the valuable assissome RELIABLE facts from those In the American Eagle which tance of your paper. to the proposed electric opposed Barlow is supposed to edit apSubscription Rates: but all they heard ;mwer plant, Oae year In advance $1.00 pears a maliciously, false reportjof of which it months 60 NEW WAGON FOR MURRAY. the meeting of the Commercial jvas statements,, many , LEO. SL 8 months ........... club Tuesday evening July fjTen! .40 i ru 1 month 16 Murray may purchase a com- which stated that the Coiumercja And the audience Vu knew these facts Single copies, 5 cents. bination hose, chemical and ladder club would have nothing to Jo .irid had renson to assume good whiiti of with the issuance bonds, wagon. One that cost $1,700 may that many oilier statements made MALICIOUS was LIE a Lake Entered as second class mail mat- he had in Salt 61 City and r' wm also niisrc- ter, April 17, 1912, at the post office Fire chief Con. Gallagher has was the garbled statement of the !dons. at Sandy, Utah, under the Act of been looking it over and is well proce?dingg which was written tb.j Jhie of the statements made was March 3, 1879. pleased with it. The wagon can further the interests of the PrjH. the effect that Murray City and t elec-bond on 1 the be purchased for $500. It carries gress company I He citizens of Murray were rc- tion. is the hose and feet of 1,000 just EDITORIAL FAKING. .At the opening of the mectiriiflivinB light and power cheaper ideal wagon for the Murray detber citiH where municipal held is be to the It hoped Friday evening to debate When au article appears in the partment. Were alreudy established eilitorial columns of a newspaper city will purchase it and add bond question, chairman Mcireiiry-jd.f- 'fl'ft'h well informed hoy made statement this rvefy concerning! it is presumed to be the sentiment greatly to the already efficient kilows to be false. Another was AinerM of memalicious the the A fire report good department.. of the editor of that paper, and Uie total gross income of the not copied or bought from some chanic should have the best tools can Eagle on the meeting of Iliej vrogress Co. from within the 1 ini- in order to do most efficient work Commercial club governors. other publication. The its of Murray for the year 1911 in part: editor of the American Eagle, and the investment spoken of will said .was only $11,000.00. Either the artfi denounce to desire I the Chief be wise for one a the city. (sometimes, Midvale Times, and statement is untrue or else some in cle the American is on alert the appearing always at all times, Progress Rag) is Gallagher inihe company employ is col- for improvements in his depart- Eagle of Friday, July 26, as being, j'Jie ignorant of that fact or tries to ment and deserves well of the peo- malicious, wilful, and false, witw6liuK n!onoy for H!lt a,11 1.0"'" impress his readers that he' is a intent to deceive, and miscoiutrtp and making no return, for it is brainy man ly stealing the ple. o the attitude of the Mnrray Cora-- i known that the company receives brain work of others. In the last mercial club. 1 had not expected rom Murray City $2,232.00. From CANDIDATES CARDS. isMic of the sheet he is supposed such action from a member ofotir the Mill Co. $600.00 and that their to edit, appears a double column 1:3,1)00 light connections within Our columns arc open for the own board and have no langua article under the caption, A the limits if only charged at city for to sue! in candidates of announcements express my contempt Sensible Talk To Merchants. llie minimum rate of $1.00 per man. To After the elections. a fall meeting'Dafct the coming The article is an able address on month W'ouhl bring a revenue of reach the people the candidates low was publicly branded, as' from of the advertising viewpoint 600.00, making a total of ,$ir, the retail merchant' by David must select a paper that is popular second Judas Iscariot, who W 8,432.00 to say nothing of ENhis kiss Savior with a and with them. The COUNTY trayed Oransky, a well known merchant TERPRISE 1ms the sold to Murray citizens who cirpower who Benedict Arnold" a was ext largest and advertiser of Atlantic, Iowa, and is read from cover to ecuted as a traitor to his country; laid more than $1.00 per month. culation him was delivered a at jmd by Mof-fa- lt cover advertising and all. If a It was suggested to decorate liim If the statement made by Ir. meeting of the editorial associa-tioiNis is time for then it true, Council Bluffs. A very ap- typographical error occurs they with a coat of tar and feather!, some of the stockholders level law minority cjtfc but can sec So tell ns about it. headed, abiding you propriate article for the mer- liow zens present, prevented any sue to ask for an accounting and learn closely the paper is read.' chants rending but all bosh to the where the money went, if it was action on the part of justly indi readers who wants nan's, or other turned over to the company. not nant citizens. Members of thA suitable reading, ns they are not COBBLE STONES AND elub have written a letter demand' Regarding the statement made by interested in why a merchant ; BOQUETS. .y.'IVl the expulsion of Barlow front Mr, Moffatt that the Sandy ditch COUNTY ENTERPRISE. -- . al so-call- ed ' . at , .should advcrtitfw-JX'U'low- ... gives this article editorial position and it is so veiled that the reader. be lieves it the sentiment of the brainy editor. This is a specimen of the editorial ability which he has for years displayed in his unreliable misleading sheet.. The . m 5W16 If.ommercial club. th'to wajt while 1 shaN print shore 1 CSers JeweLur and Vli scribers in which they' may write just what they think of our paper We good, bad, or indifferent. shall expect every letter to be signed by the writer, who must be readers of a country newspaper a subscriber. We shall. not publook for news and interesting edi- lish the names, but we want to torials on the topics of the hour of know' from whom the letter comes, their city or town, and a genuine thats all. honest, boost for their home town, and every inhabitant thereof. The Your advice to your Midvale merchant looks to Bee excluded readers to patronize tlie merfrom the pages of his home paper chants of other towns may act as all Mail Order advertising and the a boomerang and keep the Midadvertising of merchants in large vale merchants from advertising Cities who try to compete with in youb paper Murray subscrib them for the trade that rightfully er. helongs to them. Only a dishonest faker will incessantly prate about Your slap at the would-b- e boostpatronizing home industry and ers of Midvale was a wrell deserved at the same time for greedy gain one, and if Sandy merchants profaccept the advertising of Mail it by it, they deserve all the busiOrder houses and firms in large ness can get out of it for cities whose wares are identically their they in advertising enterprise the same as offered by the mer- their wares in all parts of the chant in his own town or county. county through your excellent If you cant help being a faker, and Midvale popular paper. be an honest faker. subscriber. ENEMY Of PEOPLE. for the Keep up your towns of Southern Salt Lake The Murray Eagle since it becounty and for those merchants come solely the property and un- who are enterprising enough to der the control of the Angel bid for tlie trade of this part of has been the enemy of the com- the county and keep the trade mon people and for years has been from going to Salt Lake City. You run in the interests of one man are doing good work for this sec- . who paid his hireling to do his tion of the county. A Murray-itebidding, and hold the paper as a whip over anyone who dared thwart the purposes of its greedy You are doing good work for boss. Anything they may say on Murray and will soon help to rid the bond proposition or any other us of the barnacles that have proposition where they have a to us for years. The Prochance to get their big spoon in clung One of gress sheet is doomed. the Rap can safely be set down the People. ax not for the benefit of the people. Dont be bum foozled boost by their arguments or buzzing noise. A LIE NAILED. The only members of the Board of Governors of the Commercial elub who are opposed to the houd The COUNTY ENTERPRISE issue is Barlow, the hireling of the is independent in politics, and Progress company, and will work for the interests of the Smith. The malicious people all the time, he they demo- lying statement of lackey Bar-locrats, prohibitionists, republicans, to the contrary notwithsocialists or any other shade of standing. We have the honor to politics. have espoused the cause of the Patronize the peoples paper the Give people on the bond proposition COUNTY ENTERPRISE. nnd tomorrow morning you will your printing jobs to them.' Adfind that we are on the winning vertise in the paper that reaches side. A prominent party man of the people. INDEPENDENT POLITICS. second feel of water and that the two Despain ditches were awarded nearly of a second foot making a total of two, second feet, that would have to be deducted from the lowest water stage recorded, second feet) (five and was entirely misleading, as Mr. Moffatt failed to state that the one and Look out for Hot Air, D. B. Barlow and his sneaky deputy, The COUNTY ENTERPRISE is the popular paper in Murray and our subscription list is going up by leaps and bounds. one-ha- lf one-ha- lf six-tent- h ditches were entitled to amount of water during the gation season, and that the water stage was in December that irri- low and January when no irrigating was being done. Mr. offal t also made the statehat the lower ditches were selling and would continue to sell, water to the upper ditches and wiiuld have the right, to sell all water away from the proposed power plant. When Mr. Moffatt as an atinrmy knows that water cannot lie diverted from the main ehamiel when in conflict with any vested rights, as was evidenced when Salt Lake had to pay the Progress eompauy ami K Hudson about $:r.!tKHMHI for taking a small part of that water from their Coffer Mill plant near K Hudment M I son's Mill. o A CHAIN IS NO STRONGER THAN ITS WEAKEST LINK. The above is the caption of another article from the pen of the Progress eompanys publicity man (Barlow nor Felt never had brains enough to concoct such a tissue of lies and misrepresentations, although they are willing enough to take the responsibility, FOR COIN paid them to do the dirty work the boss assigns them) and copies ol the Progress eompanys paper containing the articlv have been freely seat en d. around town. What Taxpayer, knowing the writer to lie a paid employe of the Progress company, will heed a word of the garbled article? The very faet of the Progress company being so anxious to control your vote against the bond proposition should convince you to vote, Yes on the proposition. Vote For Bonds, Yes. I o NOT AN EDITORIAL WRITER. Barlownever yet wrote an edi- - tW'Iari'Ylir'ftiyWtiot compel The many things he tried topush off as his editorials were ready print editorials which lie buys from tlie ready print publishers for $l.r() a page. The articles now running in the American Eaglu ami which Barlow claims are from his brainy brain are handed in to him by the boss Angel with instructions to print them. Bar-lodoes it, Barlow would stand on his head if the boss bid him for does not the boss pay him $125 per to net ns his eatspaw? It is to laugh! to hear him assume for editorials he never wrote, wjien everybody in the w Vote for BONDS, YES THE CITIZENS OF MURRAY AND SUR- ROUNDING OWN THEIR COUNTRY OWN LIGHTING MUST AND POWER SYSTEM. EVERY TAX PAYER NOW FACE8 AN INCREASE OF OUR PRESENT HIGH TAX OF 13 MILLS ON THE DOLLAR TO PAY FOR INCREASED LIGHT AND WATER UNLESS WE OWN OUR POWER WITH OUR OWN POWER WE CAN PAY FOR ALL OUR LIGHTS AND WATER, GET THE CITY LIGHTS AND POWER FREE, AND CUT EVERY MAN'S LIGHT BILL IN HALF. DO YOU WANT TO PAY ABOUT HALF WHAT YOU NOW PAY FOR LIGHT AND POWER Vote for Bonds, Yes FCR INCREASED LIGHT AND WATER 8UPPLY FOR MURRAY, VOTE BONDS, YES. FOR LOWER TAXE8, VOTE BONDS, YES. FOR INCREASED PROSPERITY AND GROWTH FOR MURRAY VOTE "BONDS, YES. FOR MORE FACTORIES AND WORK IN MURRAY VOTE BONDS, YES." DO YOU WANT LIGHTS ON YOUR STREET? VOTE BONDS, YES." uu-dien- knows of his ignorance, DEMAND EXPULSION OF TRAITOR. Members of Commercial club The elub he said, met three days ago and dteided the lime before the election was too sl.oit to make a thorough investigation in the matter. The club lucre! ore will be ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL and each member will decide for himself. MURRAY. Stephen T. Bateman, twenty-tw- o year old, sou of Mrs. Mary Bateman of LovemlahUs Corner, died at L. 1). S. hospital late Friday afternoon of the injuries received at Lagoon Wednesday, when a crossbeam knocked 'him from a ear on the scenic railway says the The condition of Bateman became critical about 3 oclock Friday afternoon. Attendants conveyed a message to Mrs. Bateman. Catching a ear she rushed to the hospital, but when she entered the nurse met her and broke the news that her son was dead. When Bateman received his injury he was in a ear with three of liis companions. So quickly was Bateman snapped from the car that his furhead struck a crossbeam. Those in charge of the scenic railway believe lie attempted to stand up while the car was speeding down the last lap of the trestle. Ilerald-Kcpubliea- u. Besides his mother, Mr. Bateman is survived by the following brothers and sisters : Royal Bateman of Bingham, Charles Bateman of Idaho Falls, Ethel Bateman of LovemlahUs Corner. Mrs. Clara Maistrom of Lovendnhls Corner, Mrs. Stella Maync of Alpine, Maim Margaret Bateman of Alberta, Canada, and Joseph, Theodore and David Bateman of Iiovendahls Corner. The body of Mr. Bateman was removed from the hospital to the mortuary of Undertaker C. 11. Batiks of Murray. Funeral ser-v- 1 were lm!iL.aL2, fUcJoek.Suu ilay afternoon at llie'U.Jlj'fili ip Murray Fourth ward. Geogre A. Iluseher mayor of nominated for presiwas Murray dential elector at the Socialist convention in Salt Lake. Mrs. Olive McHugh wife of Dr. McHugh was nominated for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at the Socialist convention in Salt Lake. . t Murray E. King editor of in- low lJarltfw. in So-eial- ist of dignant at the malicious false report made by Barlow in the American Eagle of July 26 have written a letter to the board of governors demanding his resignation from the board of governors and expulsion from the Commercial club. They feel justly indignant that one of their members should sell himself for money to parlies opposed to the best interests of tho eitizens of Murray and intend to rid the elub of sueh membciship by making an example of this fel- the Worker was nominated for congressman on the ticket. Inter-Mounta- Win. Cannegeiter city treasurer Murray was nominated for State Treasurer at the Socialist convention in Salt Lake. I)r. A. A. Bird is one of the enthusiastic advocates for bonding the city for the light and power plant. Do not vote for the Progress company at the election tomorrow but vole Yes for bonds. The Progress company are spending money by the peek to defeat the bond proposition and you and that is proof positive that for your own interest that you VOTE FOB BONDS, YES! Mrs. Frank Graves and her children were visiting with Mrs. The large audience ot the Mur- H. Graves oil 16th South last Friray opera house on Friday night day. were disappointed at the result oE the meeting as the Progress A grand ball will be given at adherents failed to proie Trocadero Hall oil Saturday Aug. anything that would show the 3 by the Murray City Volunteer bond issue detriment ill to llic in- fire department for the benefit of terests of the city. No vote was the racing team who will go to taken or decision given. Eureka next month to compete J. W. McHenry wax chairman for prizes at the Firemens tournaand professor Gates engineering ment. Tickets 50 cents a couple. expert answered questions P. J. Everybody should attend nnd give Sanders look the affirmative and the boys a boost. Attorney 1). YV. .Moffat the negative. Mr. .McHenry took occasion Down with the Fakers and before the meeting opened to de- blood suckers. nounce Barlow of the Eagle for The way to put this extortionthe malieiously false account of ate corporation out of business is the meeting of the governors of to withdraw your patronage from the Cummereinl elub held on Tues- anything they are selling. He expressed liis day evening. We do all kinds of printing at man who would a for contempt his own rates and guarantee for reasonable wilfully private gain, lie and distort the facts. our work. Give us a trial. BOND ISSUE DEBATE. om-pan- y vs v |