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Show COUNTY ENTERPRISE W. D. 8. Horrliigtos, Managluf Editor. - SANDY, - - - If Venice bullda subway m black eye. tola will get FALL OF RAIN FLOODS WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND MUCH DAMAGE RESULTS. HEAVY They used to say Jhat football was an awfully rough game before politics got to bo so unladylike. Man In Baltimore demands a divorce because his wile is deaf and dumb. Casting pearls, as It were. Many Homes Surrounded by Water, Three People Being Swept Away and Drowned While Watching the Swollen Streams. California man committed suicide Pa. A heavy, steady Pittsburgh, because he was deserted by his wife. caused considerable damage rainfall Excessive Joy often causes Insanity. throughout the country districts of western Pennsylvania on Sunday. AlAccording to many millionaires, any man can become rich. But after look though no damage resulted in this city, adjoining borougha Buffered. InIng at some of them, who wants toT dustrial plants were flooded, while A foreign prince says that American many homes located along creeks In the girls are the prettiest in the world, were surrounded by water. was live stock country sections and most of the: . -- dmlt It graciously. drowned and crops ruined. At A New Torker is building a (8.000 Pa., HeBter Young, 17 years dog house at Lenox, Mass. Possibly old, fell Into Charter creek and was afraid of some one kickin' his houn drowned in sight of many persona who were watching the swollen aroun1. streams. Louis Forsythe, aged 7, was They have had Incubators In Egypt drowned In a run at Ruffsdaie, near Jlnoe the dawn of history. Tush! Greenburg, Pa., and Lando de Tolo, They never used the vacuum for a aged 10, was swept away while watchdogs fleas, anyway. ing the raging waters of Connell run at Cbnnellsvlile, Pa. A Kansas fanner advertises for a In the Turtle creek valley the wa"good milker who will not swear at ter spread over the lowlands, driving the cows." Explanations from tbe genfamilies to top floors. many tle milkmaid are now In order. ERB TO BUY MOFFAT ROAD. We are told that coal gas first was nsed as an Uluminant 100 years ago, Denver Paper Outlines Planned Reorbut natural gas has been used as an ganization of Company. argument since politics began. Denver. The Evening Post says: An Oklahoma dentist says kissing Is Aa a result of conferences that have a national crime that ought to be been In progress since Monday evenstopped by law. Are there not enough ing, the MofTat road, which will open a new empire in western Colorado and laws that are dead letters nowf eastern Utah, will soon pass into the Milwaukee doctors say that kiss- control of Newman Erb, head of the ing Is a blot on the state. It Is at least Hawley system of railroads, and hia frequently a blot on a freshly damask- associates. These men, who have ac-- ' ed cheek or a newly Incarnadined lip. cess to tbe money markets of the east, from which David II. MofTat and hU Twenty-fiv- e million dollars' worth successors were barred, will place the of cutlery slI kitchen utensils belongs property in a high state of efficiency to the shah of Persia, yet he never and as soon aa possible, its exbegin, has home-madstrawberry shortcake. tension to Salt Lake. fili! e Constipation Vanishes Forever f a 1 laipo-Mb- K- The eyes of all European diplomats first-clas- s tunities. Nine Oregon girls who went to New Tork for the purpose or looking over that city report that they were unable to see anything there which was beautiful. Btlll. we think they may have been prejudiced. The view down the bay Is pretty fair. k A are turned with deep concern upon tho omporor of Austria, for It has Japan Is alleged to have no swear become evident of lato that his Ilfs This may explain Its failure Is nearing its snd. There is considerwords. baseball team, able doubt of tho ability of tho Archto produce a which cannot be expected to flourish duke Ferdinand, ths heir apparent, to without language to hurl at the um- hold together ths provinces and races that go to make up the dual monpire. mod- Regained vl acru-satio- The young man named Wright who cleared thirteen feet In a pole vault Is not related to the Wrights of aeroplane fame, but he Is considerable aviator, all wrlght all wright These I Templeton A traveler tells us that a laborer In Egypt can live on 8 cents a day, but there is reason to believe that said laborer does not eat porterhouse steak any oftener than once a day. proceedings. ADVOCATE GREAT MEDICINE One of the unconscious Jokes of fate Is shown In the fact that a Belgian stamp has been withdrawn from circulation because tbe face of the king upon It has a squint ern products, it seems, cannot be relied on to always rise to their oppor- AN RECORD OF A There Is no limit to the amount of punishment tbe human stomach can stand. For Instance, there Is the man who goes camping In summer and cooks his own grub. ing half a ton of dynnmite. with no BEAVEftFINDS I A great deal of attention Is being Court Leaves It to Voters. given these days to mothers dubs. Topeka, Kan. Whether Roosevelt Tet the time was when the slipper or Taft electors shall go seemed to snswer the purpose very on the presidential ballot in the NovemRepublican well. ber election must be left to the voters and not taken Into the courts, acFrench pr'ice deny the rumor that to the decision of the supreme the Mona Lisa has been found, but In cording court on Monday in the mandamus of thst dire catastrophe, the spite world .Is able to sit r.i and take nour- suit brought by the Rooeve'tt adherents to compel county clerka to place ishment. tbe name of Roosevelt electors on the ballot for primary election of AugProfesor Metcbnlkoff has found ust 6. some microbes In dogs that he thinks will prolong the lives of men. But Borah Appeals to Taft. who wants to gain more days by the Senator Borah has Washington. dog route? appealed to the president to release A frankfurter, a glass of lemonade the injunction against the Salt Lake company, which and a ball game proved fatal to a Jer- & Idaho- Railroad delayed construction of that railroad sey City boy. Strennuous combinations are apt to prove fatal these ex- across the Minidoka irrigation project because she company secured acting days. right of way from the se! tiers inJudge in Pittsburg advocates a law stead of from the government. prohibiting the soused Individual from High Flyer Goes Wrong. riding on a street car. A better plan a'ouid be to make him pay an extra Philadelphia. William A. Hutson, rare for his load. president of the Society of Aeronautic Engineers, was arrested Wednesdaj If baseball players should announce evening on the charge of using the that they will defy the umpire's de- malls to defraud In conducting a cisions before they commenced the school of aviation. game, how many scores would they win by that method? EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH An automobile running wild in New Tork bumped into a wagon contain- PASSES n, e The proposition to card catalogue every public school child In the country and keep tab on Its record merely shows how easy It Is for the statistical nlnd to figure out Jobs for itself. aiE CHAR6ED THE WOOL UTAH. s the gon Missouri claims to be the bannei strawberry state of e union. subsequent An Ominous Assurance. think," said the young statesman, "that some of my speeches will be reBritish Rancher of Opinion the Little WITH ACCEPTING BRIBES called with Interest In years to come. Animal Is Much Abused, and They will," replied Senator SorGives Hia Reasons. HILL ghum, units you are exceptionally There haa been a lot of garbled lucky." Eight Aldermen and Secretary of Destuff written in regard to tbe poor troit Council Conspired to Obtain Desirable Spot. humble beaver, says a correspondent From Mother Johnny, you have been at Railroad. Money He Is the most cussed animal of any PROGRESSIVES JOIN WITH THE tbe top shelf again. In existence In British Columbia toDEMOCRATS AND PUT THROUGH Johnny Yea, mother, that's where day. THE LA FOLLETTE MEASURE. you always have the clerka pull things-dowDetroit. Eight aldermen and the lie shuts up water in creeks, overfrom. flows meadows, eats of apple trees if secretary of tlie common council committees were placed under arrest Friyon get them too close to his wanderiTo remove nicotine from the day afternoon on charges of accept- The Resulting Tariff Situation Is Ex- ngs, and, In fact, to hear the com- disinfect the mouth and purify teeth,, the a and to bribes accept ing conspiracy a. That Which Followed Adop- plaints about him, you folks on the breath after smoking, Faxtine actly bribe for their votes and influence in outside would think he should be ex- boon to all. At druggists, 25c a box tion of Woolen Tariff in tha Spethe passage of a measure affecting terminated. But nof so; he Is mans or sent postpaid on receipt of price by cial Session of Hit. best friend In regard to the water Tbe Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mas- scity property recently transferred to the Wabash railroad. . question. Two classes of people worry about At least six other arrests of aldetfc, Now, I am an admirer of the beavWashington. Ten Insurgent Repub- er; he haa not a lasy hair on his body. money those who have too little and. men are expected and it la alleged much. that 83,700 passed hands in sunn of licans overthrew the regular Repub- He works unceasingly to ahut up what those who have too from 100 to 8100. The bribery was licans in the session of the senate you have torn out; not only for hia Mia. Winslow Boothia Syrup for Children consummated and the arests accom- late Thursday and Joined with tbe part, but for tbe rancher that wanta teething, softens tha gums, reduces tnBssian-tioallays pain, cores wind colie. Be a bottle. plished under the personal supervision Democrats in passing the La Follette the water. Aa fast as you can open woolen tariff revision bill as a substi- their dams every morning all the sumof Detective William J. Burnt. Dont count on your excuses before tute for the Democratic measure mer through, they will close them WRITES CONFESSION OF FAITH." framed by the house of representa- again at night. But put In a good they are hatched. tives. The La Folette bill was adopted dam and flume box with gate, and your Colonel Roosevelt Putting Mntshlng by a vote of 47 to 20 lesa than two trouble la over In a great measure. Touches on Document to Be PreThey will once In a while abut up hours after the Republican leaders had sented at Chicago. achieved what they beliqved waa a vic- the box, but not often. Hang up a of bright tin on a spring hole bo Oyater Hay, N. Y. The confession tory, when a compromise substitute piece In the water, and of faith of Colonel Roosevelt la now submitted by Senator Penrose was the tin will awash much at tbe will be bothered not you In committee of tbe whole. down in black and white, the finishing passed box. If the ranchers left all Now, Tbe back to amended bill the goes been touches having made Friday. these cuts open, which they all do, When he baa completed the recital house of representatives and tbe reyour water would all run off In the of his doctrines in Chicago on ths sulting tariff situation la exactly that winters thaws. So that Is where the Doctors Could Not Help Mrs. which a followed tbe adoption of night of August 5, he probably will be beaver cornea to their relief. He shuts called eocialiatlc or anarchistic and woolen tariff In the special aeasion ol them up himself. And then he gets But 1911. The La Follette bill la the same blamed for may be both, ho said Friday. doing It Health through Lydia E. he insisted that the measures he advo-rate- aa passed then by the senate, with a A beaver la awful shy when be raw 80 wool an cent and duty of per must come. Pinkh&ms Compound. first sees man. He certainly puts out "They are a corrective to socialism average duty of 55 per cent on manu- for a bole In the bank. But you show and an antidote to anarchy, he de- factured goods. The house bill Is the up evenings for about a week or ten same as then passed by the house, clared. I am very glad Hooper, Nebraska. days and Just walk around and pile a Two of tlie more striking measures with the raw wool duty of 20 per cent. few sticks across their path where to tell how Lydia E.Pinkhams Vegetable favored by Colonel Roosevelt are the Out of these two measures the confer they are bauling down cotton w'ood or Compound has helped me. For five years fixing by law of minimum wage scales ence committee last year evolved a willows to the lake or pond and they I suffered from female troubles so I was for women workers and a guarantee by compromise which President Taft v will come and smell of the stick and scarcely able to do my work. I took doclaw to workmen employed in what he toed because the tariff board bad not get the scent of your hands and your tors medicines and used local treatments but waa not helped. I had such awful calla the continuous Industries," lilnr completed lta woolen Investigation. A tracks. shifts and conference committee will again take steel mills, of eight-hou- r Then they will quit that place and bearing down pains and my back waa so up the two bills and attempt to frame go make another. Well, you do the weak I could hardly walk and could not one day'a rest in every seven. a substitute to send to the president same at that place and bo on two or ride. I often had to ait up nights to sleep McNAMARA IS OBDURATE. three nlghta and they will get your and my friends thought I could not live OROZCO STILL SUPREME. (cent so that they know It means no long. At my request my husband got Warden Denies Attempt to Secure harm to them. They will pull all your me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkhama VegReport That Leader Haa Been Deposed sticks out of the road and keep right etable Compound and I commenced to Further Confession From 8eems to be Without Foundation, on at work. Now their fear of man la take it By the time I had taken the Dynamiter. Mexico. all past; they take no more notice of seventh bottle my health had returned General Paacual Juarez, San Francisco. That James B. Mo would and I began doing my washing and waa a Xauiara, serving a life sentence in San Orozco, rebel commander, la still In your being around than they well woman. At one time for three weeks cow. a or of hone to no effort Juarez, apparently making Quentin penitentiary for murder comI did all the work for eighteen boarders The beaver la one of the easiest of mitted in the dynamiting of the Lot leave, although it was expected that with no signs of my old trouble returnHe Angeles Times building, is held in be would depart with hia rebel com- the larger animals to domesticate. have taken your medicine d of most any kind of roots, but ing. Many on Thursday, following a confer mand to In effort an corflnement what did for me. I would solitary after seeing the wild roots, he likes the big not take $1000 and itbe where I was. You make him confess further details ol ence with hia leaders. From all outenormous to root that grows have to use my name if that conspiracy, was charged Friday ward appearances, Orozco is still suroots are ten to fifteen it willmyaidpermission Mrs. Susie Temto Warden John E. Hoyle by a dele preme head of the rebellion, notwithanyone. three to four Inches in suis be he to that Nebraska. standing reports laboi of Hooper, gallon nationally prominent cross and grow pleton, perseded. Some of the rebel commands ThePinkham record isaprouJ and peer-le- u leaders. UUU v togetAe-- J are, regular mat which have been operating soutbwee, one. It is a record of constant vicTOPU t Warden lloyle pronounced the .Theni ts the absurd nad ridiculous, toNI of Chihuahua are being brought ponJ V arrot1I tory over the obstinate ills of woman ills grt that deal out despair. the committee that McNamara was to Casas Grahdea, either to help ChiT.el the of future rebel tlfy was It is an established re capital in tiio solitary because he r thatJmus-culn! and biNqmsift". oi fact that Lydia E. calcitrant and would not promise to liuahua state or to move west from pp tall and Pinkhama Vegetamend hiB wavs, and assured hie there Into Sonora. Fur hands. little or tbplr forepaws, ble Compound has reguests that their visit would neithet THREE SCORE LIVES LOST. News. stored health to thouMcNamara's shorten nor lengthen sands of such sufferTorrential Rains Take Heavy Toll present punishment. Fifty ThousandlChiid Gardeners. ing women. Why Pennsylvania Coal Mines. indusdont you try it if you Aa a result of k state-widPublisher Sentenced to Jail. Pittsburg, Pa. Conditions through- trial contest In Oregon there are now needsuch a medicine? Denver. F. G. Honflls, part owner out the flood area are becoming nor- 50,000 children busy gardening. It la was found of a Denver newspaper, mal. Twenty-fou- r victims of the flood thought that of the 125,000 school of court Kviiiny of contempt guilty been have accounted for. The deaths children of the state at least 75,000 afternoon in proceedings growing out! ther wpponed to have will exhibit at their county fairs or of suita for libel filed by William .iof man3; i occurred in coal now flooded, at the state fair at Salem In the mines V. Evans and former Mayor Robert and will to it take days bring in an autumn something they have raiacd Speer, and aggregating more tnan or made. The superintendent of CARTERS LITTLE accurate list. fatality to Donfila waa sentenced defipublic Instruction and public spirited LIVER FILLS never what been 'From haa learned, sixty days in the county Jail and fiaed for this fail. Purely vegetacitizens are responsible more nite , details being than absent, one-half the costi 85,000, in addition to act surely Sub- ble child of wholesale farming. plan In score lost three lives their persons of the trial. but gently on to awarded are to be stantial prises torrential rains. It haa been Imposthe liver. sible to line up the list of deaths, aa those who have Leen most successful Stop after Miners Loyal to Moyer. In raising garden stuff, chickens and moat are Isolated. dinner places Cripple Creek. Colo. After selecting pigs, or in making some useful artiHancock, Mich., as the next meeting Flood Sufferers Appeal for Aid. cle. To aid the little ones the agri- indigestion," place, the twentieth annual convencultural college has issued 50.000 bul- improve the complexion, brighten the eye Xev. apthe Reno, to, Responses tion of the Western Federation of Min-erpeals for aid for (he sufferers from tbe letins containing directions for plant- SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE adjourned at Victor late Friday. cloudburst and flood at Seven Troughs ing and growing seeds. The scheme Genuine must bear Signature Hancock won over Denver by the close and Mazuuia are coming in liberally Is an excellent one. so different from 116. to 117 convention vote of The facto Father Enright, who haa the ex- the murderous child labor of the voted its confidence in President Moyof fresh air, includes It tory. plenty The confidence of the public. er and In hia unrestricted control of plicit noble work of the priest and those who healthful exercise, pleasant mental federation matters. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. are assisting him la receiving univer- exercise, and blessed contract with her beauty and life. There In thliRvc of rumaarib iwIpi pFrinent, itll naiin sal endorsement. Sanitary conditions nature, Relief for Flood Sufferers. mnni-k(H- i by tbemlentlfleOiri bivmfiirLaiMl bap- is here the early lesson of obedience HHpik bnii lmW"l mam giant airnlffB mini no inonns Reno, Xev. Relief work for tne vic- at Mazuma are now well in band. to the royal law of labor. Christian KiwtMBofiuiin. taut laijKArfantdiMnvflriraamong in medii'ln ! thatuf tims of a cloudburst of evera days Those victims who were taken to the Herald. Thwviiuin, which ban bera awd with grralBUrerwi in Frrnrb Huftplfaln ami that It in worth j ihMatltnilon ago is progressing more satisfactorily. Lovelocks hospital have a good chance of tlmw? who aiitfnr front kidney, bladrifr, Mrrou dhwasmi'ChmnlQ wrakni. nUwikhkin eruption. A large corps of trained nurses from to recover. Ae.'ilMiwf nodnitiit. In fact ITMraividmt About the Spare Room, rl4 I In hue afir rwud awon! KmiMaliM, that Reno and other Nevada cities has been Governor Richards is Dead. THCRAPIUN la dfulliNd hi ray. Into obllv inn nil How often the best and sunniest Ukim uurwionnhk minnli vim I wrrr formerly tbn sent to tbe stricken mine towns. IllAustralia. Willtma A. bedroom In a small house is set aside Mild Miani Melbourne, ul moiliml mm. It of round ness there is said to be aw murh the Richards, fornur Miflrrrr nil w Hhnultf likMo Irll thru governor of Wyom- for the rare visitor, while the chib la ihwto trll hnrt amria. but thoe who would liku fco result of cyanide infected water as ing, who was a member of a land seek- dren are know mnn almnl this rrnmily lluit- baa rtFdrird an cramped for space, or its lunnv w msifht almoy auy. imruiMilon ruraa, Injuries received in the disaster. Mend aildnKMi ers party, died suddenly Thursday of master, the bread-winne- r, has some should nrrUipr fur FKKK honk bt lir. Irieni Md. I o,, flaicmtork Hoad. Ilainiwtrad, lAdklon. Kng. a rut droid f.r i irriMii'lYi Richdisease. Alford his dark as William heart sanctum, special cupboard ht her Vliw Paes Excise Tax Measure. S w mwh KtuhnI y THERA PI ON No. 1, No. J in to write If he attempts was elected governor of Wyoming nr No. la what ihy rrquirtaml havabrun areklng the ards diningand pro- In hi vain during a lit of 111117. uifiilng. Ill health Washington. Democrats room he must bundle away his paper 1S94, serving until January 1, and I'nlMbi'ini. lluniiHitn KiHild hr drngwkra or in the senate urn I gressives united aga-a .,rk. is whenever table for of waa tbe the He n:rj i ., Vj JlMkaiuD required appointed commissioner Friday night, and by a vote of 86 to land office in 1907. He held meal, and the wear and tear to hi general lk. passed the Democratic excise lax that office until 1907. His home was temper for every man finds It ag ekwa Ili. KfitnwTfHt bill, extending the present tax on cor- at No Wood. Wyo. to be "hurtled" often gravating niiMJUl, Indivtbe of business ckaap. to tsiti porations. makes him gey 111 to live with. Hut saaatB. Mad Gunman is Captured. iduals, private firms and copartnerfor the ''fetish of that rclrioiu used iartalfQaatapllloi own win pot bo deNew ' York. Frank Muraro. ships. spare room be would find home far lo1"": ..ini hoine-ilkin polim circulars recently inscribed affrri liutnntwd more hia would wife and Platform Gave Way. Bold bydeblwr dued aa "Dago who is wanted reap a sure reward for tho arut I brwjd 101 Wheeling. W. Va. Many person r.n a charge of murder in connection of the which makes her BABOU SOMEKS, IN IMblk An., Brwklja, potty pride 2uu Masons when were Injured and with the killing of Herman Rosen- Ihiiik more of what will say their families, seated on a wooden thal, gambler, was brought to police than of her husbands people comfort. i ifti tn a ill ravine l.j mi covering lieadituaiters inly Thursday nlglil by at Wheel . front or an ojun air He is one of In fhs department Privations of Exploring Party. River Valle r d to were acn1 liniivril Kjim' i, wn mil 4 from in ,1 ing to TtKii declared by the police the Great werc'lmliirod A. no main ii'av ltf inniiI in Main? Kalin privations by of tlie stniu-tur- have lieeu in tbe murder rar on the by tlie eol'ai-f-iJkih; 01 taiaii( lire j n v II. Savage I.nndor during some por- frlMll) pr Tlin id a g?NH i:iryriilli night of the shooting. tions of Ms eighteen innuMix' journey UlT'.p. CHAO. O. BUrtKET, Ownor, Declares Thaw Insane. across South America and buck. Ha Raise In Freight Rates. Roberts, Idaho V.'h'-I Iff L Rio In March ! says: Y. Harry K. N. Wliito Plains, Sun Francisco. The announcement last I took to year enough previsions Thaw, in the eyes of the law, still is of a sweeping advance in transcontiHJJPEESV 1ist for a year, hut owing in was tags insane and must mnaiti in the asy- nental freight rates, in some Instance on the of men nnd Ihcss my part los. lum where he was placed on February amounting to as much as 100 per rent, to ... nyl li&V. VT 2 to - Youthful Colon; 1, lOt'S, t; the court's de- was made Thursday at the general of- eventually gave out, and toward tbe Vvrnia hair falling. end of ol tho that rart expedition cision. fices of tbe Southern Pad tic and Santa tli rough the unexplored portion of BraFe. . Man zil we remained for sixteen days with-ou- t HOWARD E. BURTON Suicides. Theatrical A8gftvEF"IG : a morsel of anything to eat. Hap- Slii-r- , prlii-sEugenics Congress Opened. New York The body of h man liniii, Kilvor, i: i.N'i Me: Zim: nr l.ipm-r- , (I. Mu fioa-lliiIn the East river under the oud full pri.-- Iim London. The business session of pily there was plenty of water, Int rnrrlnpi-- imI n unliin wmk ruhrlieS. I emit liOitnuoM Maiumol Hunk. llrooklyn bridge, by seamen from the the first International Eugenics con- there was no game, no fruit, no fish Cul, Uolen-iit- . umpire Brooklyn navy yard, Friday night was gress opened Thursday. Four hundred and no Inhabitants, and neither my rtlKrtkr - e!lln identified later ns that of Abraham Jelegates from twelve countries and men nor myself had aufilcient rood la AflFTlTR nil fur new rul-kHw. Hri-rituu unil Kiiniplicover a six pence." kn'4 I). Harris, a theatrical man. 1,000 stu fonts filled the hall uim. kMwia k.l Bvl 9U, Hut Munuun CITY OFFICIALS Southern Salt Lake archy. Johnson Accepts Invitation. Sacramento, Cal. Governor Hiram W. Johnson announced on Monday that be would accept the invitation of the Illinois progressives and make campaign speeches in that state next month. Gomez Released on Bond. San Antonio. Emilio Vusqurx Gomez was released on (10 OuO temporary bond here on Monday when he appeared to answer a federal charge if conspiracy to violate tbe neutrality laws.- - e, sac-rifl- ! ilen-civs- Idaho Roberts, Snaks 1 i In, ''. K- h NrUi-lo- in, |